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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. I'm no expert on DNA testing, but I would think that the DNA samples collected at the crime scene should indicate whether the perpetrator(s) were male of female. If the samples are too contaminated to determine sex, then they are probably useless from the outset.

    I am quite confident the DNA from the semen samples would give a good indication of gender.

    Yes, the easiest thing to do with DNA is determine gender. ......


    Yeap, especially if the DNA is collected from sperma .... cheesy.gif

  2. But... police said a thai would never commit such crime?


    Sorry mate, you're twisting words.

    No one said Thais would never commit such a crime.

    What was said is: "can't BELIEVE a Thai would commit such a horrible crime"

    attachicon.gifcan't believe.jpg

    "On arriving the day after the murders, the senior police officer on the island assured us the culprit could not have been a Thai person." wai2.gifwai.gif

    "No Thai could possibly commit such a crime, he said, forgetting the equally ghastly murder of Welsh tourist Katherine Horton in 2006, by, it turned out, two Thai fishermen."


    One senior officer told the BBC he did not believe a Thai person could have committed such a crime.





    and an other 20 links from the BKKPost to ThaiVisa

    Same, I never believed I ever would have a motorbike accident - but I did.

    I never believed my son would pass A levels - but he did

    and I never believed I would spend most of my life in Thailand - but I am.

    Once upon a time I believed in Santa Claus, I believed in Easter Bunnies and ghosts under my bed but .....

    • Like 2
  3. I hope I'm not being racist, but the more evidence we hear, the more this speaks "gang" to me, meaning Thai gang.

    How many Thai gangs can there be on such a small island?

    How many non-Thai gangs? Oh yeh, we can all guess that one, so ......

    What is required is the willingness to believe this could be Thais, followed by a willingness not to be bribed, if it's proven or has been proven that these are members of one of the island's "Big" families. My guess is people are being sheltered. However, others, including other "Bigs" might become less than happy, willing to reveal, if it's felt that the island's tourism is finished. I'm not sure that's true, but it's certainly the message that should be put out. Totally finished, finished to the degree that will affect the "Bigs", as well as the "smalls". The only worry is that scapegoats will be found by either the Police or "Community", to clear the thing up. Truthfully, how cleared it will ever be in the terms that Thai tourism will be effected (which is all that Thailand really cares about) is a moot point. On overall tourism, there will probably be little effect. On "hedonistic" island tourism, there may be a little more. For Koh Tao, whilst, truthfully, it won't be finished, things won't be too good, at least for a time.

    Fully agree with you but the ban on Parties should be extended to Koh Phangan as

    well. Those parties are a billion baht business for the the people here and not having

    that income would be devastating.

    Although we do rely entirely on tourism and would suffer badly, at least for a while,

    a stop to the parties sure would make locals clean up the Islands a bit from trash,

    I feel a warning shot would make some people think twice how to control themselves

    and their community,

    We might eventually even get "real" tourists again, people who come to relax and enjoy

    the beauty of this islands and not just people rushing from one party ghetto to the next

    getting ripped off wherever they go.

    • Like 1
  4. Unlikely a Ladyboy would want to rape a Brit girl. ......


    Please can you elaborate on your assumption.

    Why is it unlikely it could have been a Ladyboy?

    If you live here in Thailand, you should know they can be more vicious and violent than

    many men would be.

    Seams to me your assumption is as good (or bad) as the police's assumption it couldn't

    be Thai people commiting such a crime.

    The only certainty:

    - Thai officials are making a mess of it again and again.

    - It was not the usual "suicide"

    - It wasn't me as I was not in Koh Tao at the time

  5. "...Two of Miller's British friends [...] and several Myanmar migrant workers..." ??? So I have to understand that Thai Police don't even take under consideration possibility that this crime has been done by some Thai citizen criminal ??? coffee1.gif facepalm.gif

    Thais may well have been ruled out. This is from the day after:

    "One senior officer told the BBC he did not believe a Thai person could have committed such a crime."



  6. ......

    Just as I do not blame my ancestors for the genocide they commited against Aboriginal Australians in the past, I do not blame the current military for the actions the military undertook in the 1960s and 1970s.


    Not quite sure what you're saying as it doesn't make much sense to me.

    " I do not blame my ancestors for the genocide they commited against Aboriginal Australians in the past ..."

    Does that mean you approve of your ancestors genocide against Aboriginal Australians?

    Who do you blame for past atrocities if not the ancestors?

    Sure you can't blame our present or future generation as you say,

    " I do not blame the current military for the actions the military undertook in the 1960s and 1970s."

    unless of course, they still approve of past atrocities and try to silence the ones who still remember.

    • Like 2
  7. Thai Junta chief calls into question the victims conduct? I'd like to know what his reasoning is for that statement. Maybe he means that two tourists from good backgrounds should not be enjoying themselves when on holiday. Maybe its time for them to bring in a curfew that explicitly bans tourists from being out after dark. At least they would still be alive in that scenario, but St. Ives would seem to be a better bet for a holiday. At least you could pretty much guarantee you'd be going home after your holiday and not to a morgue.

    I myself and many others would have expected more of Prayuth. This statements conveys a tremendous amount of ignorance, and arrogance. He should think twice, before talking on his feet, if this is all he has got to offer.

    I also have expected he fly immediately to Koh tau and catch the guys;

    I did not expect that you blame him on interpretations of what he not said !

    Look at his talk in thai !! before you blame !!

    So, what did he say in Thai?

    Enlighten us!

    • Like 2
  8. It's a different culture that you aren't expected to understand.

    In my state I'm allowed to carry a gun into any school from preschool through uni, and I'm not a teacher or employee. The punk kids who've done school shootings don't qualify to carry guns. They are breaking the law just by possessing.

    The countless teachers who carry guns do so to protect themselves and students from some nutter school shooter. To the best of my knowledge, no school shooting has been attempted in the presence of teachers who had guns.

    If I was going to have a happy dream, it would be me standing on a street in London when some punk decides he's going to behead a soldier or an elderly woman, or to just happen to be in a school when some punk decides he's going to shoot the place up.

    With freedom comes risk, but a different kind of risk than an unarmed population is taking.

    Freedom isn't free, and some things are worth dying for, to paraphrase a couple of sayings.

    But you wouldn't understand that.

    The "culture" is not different - it is based on the immigrants from UK and Europe who populated those lands and displaced the natives. UK and Europe have largely learned how to keep order through education and social standards -- it's not perfect, but it works and any guns n the streets are in the hands of military or police only - or they are illegal. This makes life a lot less stressful smile.png

    The culture and the people are entirely different. You should be able to see that with no help from me.

    Those who ventured across the ocean at a time when sailing wasn't safe to a new land that wasn't safe, and began to forge themselves new lives of freedom were nothing like those who stayed behind.

    The King of England at the time was a tyrant. Those who came to America did so to escape him. But he followed and took power over the new colonies. When they'd had enough they rose up and kicked his ass all the way back to England. Those who stayed in England continued to take his abuse.

    The colonists rose up with their own guns and fought off the Redcoats of England and WE haven't forgotten that someday we may again have to fight for our freedom.

    America was born in blood, lived in blood, and it hasn't been all that long. Those still in Europe have had it too soft for too long and they don't even seem to see the danger as their traitorous government gives up their borders and even some PC laws to extremists. They don't see the danger that's increasingly surrounding them and will eat their children up because they don't have the guts to do anything about it.

    Mark my words.

    The King of England at the time was a tyrant. Those who came to America did so to escape him ...

    And became tyrants themselves.

    (Sounds justt like the US or Israel today coffee1.gif )

    ... someday we may again have to fight for our freedom.

    Someday? The USA has never stopped fighting for what ever whistling.gif

    Those still in Europe have had it too soft for too long...

    Well, at least they didn't kill of all the different natives diversities, cultures and languages in Europe sad.png .

    They don't see the danger that's increasingly surrounding them and will eat their children up ...

    On this one I fully agree with you, it's about time somebody would tell those backward Europeans how

    they are slowly encircled by Mc Donalds, KFC CNN and NBC. How their identity, diversity, culture and

    language are threatened. How they are increasingly surrounded by American imposed laws and treats

    [either you're with us or you're against us] sick.gif

    Now, if all those settlers wanted, is freedom, why the heck don't they stay on that continent and enjoy

    their freedom? Why do those highly educated Americans not realized, that if they would not interfere

    in other nations sovereignty, there would be no need to worry? But then ......

    ..... there would be no need to carry a weapon either facepalm.gif

    Americans just like to carry weapons - like most bullies do - and so will find reasons to justify it.coffee1.gif

    Just hope this "freedom" and "security" never makes me so s**t scared that I have to carry a weapon

    in my pants where ever i go. I would hate shooting myself in my banana smile.png

    • Like 1
  9. The first, in Nam Phong district of Khon Kaen province is now producing 10-15 million cubic feet per day compared to the 100 million cubic feet per day previously.

    So they produce now less then 15% of what they produced before?

    No wonder our electricity is s**t.

    Or, is it just bad reporting?

  10. ...... ultimately protects US and European national security. ....

    I don't believe it protects our national security but more our national interests.

    I'm pretty sure, if our western nations wouldn't have meddled in other countries

    sovereign issues, we would not need to worry about our national security but

    probably, we would need to worry about our economies.

    If one considers that the top 10 weapons industries in the US alone, directly

    employs more than 1 million people, where would our economies go without

    conflicts and wars?

    You have gas for your ride....?............coffee1.gif

    Naaa, I walk thumbsup.gif

    But seriously, no oil in Afghanistan, Somalia or Yemen but plenty of potential arms buyers.

    Just lucky we can produce our own beer. and don't need to relay on African countries for that drunk.gif


    Did I say lucky? Maybe if we would be unlucky enough to have to relay on African countries for

    beer, our weapons industries would do even better.

  11. ...... ultimately protects US and European national security. ....

    I don't believe it protects our national security but more our national interests.

    I'm pretty sure, if our western nations wouldn't have meddled in other countries

    sovereign issues, we would not need to worry about our national security but

    probably, we would need to worry about our economies.

    If one considers that the top 10 weapons industries in the US alone, directly

    employs more than 1 million people, where would our economies go without

    conflicts and wars?

  12. No government really cares about the people.
    Be it white, black, jews, sunny, shiites or who ever else but,
    good for our global weapons industries and their share holders.

    It's all in our western economic interest.

    Although 100% fictional, the movie "Harodim" might have some truth in it.

  13. ....... . The punk kids who've done school shootings don't qualify to carry guns. They are breaking the law just by possessing.

    You might be badly wrong on that assumption.

    Of the 147 mass shootings in the USA since 1982, 3/4 of the killers carried

    a weapon legally!!!

    Only about 1!! in 2 million school aged children between the age of 5 and 19

    will die due to homicide at school each year in the United States.

    As Barack Obama stated on the 10th of June, there have been an average of

    1 shooting incident on school grounds per week since the Columbine shooting.

    What he doesn't mention is that most of them are accidental discharges of

    firearms,suicide attempts or teachers shooting themselves in their legs whilst

    having a shit.

    On average, of all the homicides and suicides of school aged children, less

    than 1% die from homicides AND suicides at school, school events or on

    the way to and from school.

    So, you justify teachers carrying a weapon at school because there is a 0.0002%

    chance of an incident at school?

    Now let me put that in a different perspective. Out of, let's say, 2 million tourists

    that visit Thailand each year, there must be at least 1 or 2 crocks between them.

    Should Thailand now ban tourists all together to protect their population from bad


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