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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Folks, you are untitled to your (xenophobic) opinions, but not your own facts.

    This obscene mess is via Foreigners.

    You can stuff that fact in your "Thai Bad, Foreigner Good" washing machine and let it run all day .. but the facts remain the same.

    It is always a moment of laughter to stop by and read these postings with the realization of what vile vitriol I would have to wade through if this was from a Thai event.

    Don't worry lads, you don't need to get your panties in a bunch, I only stopped by to see how this will eventually become the fault of Thai people and the Foreigners are helpless victims.

    Foreigners go to beach party ... trash the whole place ... Blame Thai People ... Typical Thai Visa.

    Speaking of trash ... please proceed with your postings, the day is young and I predict that by sundown, this forum will be in agreement that that mess on the beach, is the fault of Thai People.

    Typical Foreigners.

    Obviously, you haven't been too any Full Moon Party otherwise you would have said

    Foreigners AND Thais go to beach party ... trash the whole place ... Blame Farang People ... Typical Thai.

  2. It's about time to put an end to this free for all stupidity and disregards of human and Thai values

    that have going on for many years, plenty of complaints but no dose any thing about it...

    Allow this to continue but in a fenced area and a admission's fee to cover medical emergencies

    provided on site, paying for guards and for the massive clean up afterword, now days, surly

    a back packer can afford the 100 or so baht to cover those expenses as it is for safety and

    order for everybody...

    You just open a complete new can of worms by mentioning "Thai Values"

    Maybe we could have some clarification on what they are?

    Well, don't worry, even Thai Clarifications are of low value.

  3. Who in the right mind would even consider reading the Mirror?

    The headlines look like they would be written by a Thai or Filipino.
    The article reads like it has been written by a primary school kid.
    The picture is stolen.
    The whole story is just crap and badly researched.

    BTW - in 1985 there was no Full Moon Parties on Koh Phangan,
    in fact, there was no parties at all at that time.

  4. America is considered to have the oldest written constitution but only if one refines the criteria of "written constitution" and excludes Switzerland wink.png

    The US Constitution is printed on just 6 pages with the 5th page being the letter of transmittal. The 6th page contains the first ten amendments also known as "The Bill of Rights" (rights of the people).

    No federal, state or local entity can pass any law that runs contrary to that constitution. It has stood for so long because it is simple, gets right to the point, gives most rights to the people, and is very hard to amend.

    This is the opposite of what Thailand is trying to do. They are trying to control people and take away rights with a very detailed and lengthy document.


    If Americans had a specific "Bill of Rights" (rights of the people)

    where is "The Bill of Duties" (duties of the people)?

    Or are American citizens duty, like in many other "democracies", just to pay Taxes?

    I learned, in a real democracy, there is no right without duty. wink.png

  5. Trying to micro-manage a constitution, for 70 million people is doomed to failure, and further coups.

    I'm no constitutional scholar, but it would seem to me that a broad and basic set of laws, that are the backbone of what a country is all about, constitutes an, ummm, errr, constitution.

    Once again, I have no idea, but it would appear that most constitutions they have are a few thousand pages long and open to every sort of interpretation under the sun = coup after coup after coup.

    I don't understand...........

    Well, even the Indian Constitution, which is the longest one in the world, has only 395 articles and has been amended just over 100 times.

    The American Constitution, which is the worlds shortest one, has only seven articles and has been amended 28 times.

    America is considered to have the oldest written constitution but only if one refines the criteria of "written constitution" and excludes Switzerland wink.png

    In very simple terms, a constitution is just fundamental principles on how a state should governed, a set of basic rules on the rights and duties of the government, institutions and the people.

    Everything else are laws who can change or be added at any time by any government.

  6. Handy phrases for everyday use:

    It is a hub

    It takes time

    It is not not fair

    I was misquoted

    They are mistaken

    Please understand

    Please sympathize

    We are concerned

    We will crack down

    It is being looked into

    They do not understand

    The report is inconclusive

    That's not what was meant

    They are being transferred

    We will be making a sweep

    It is not the way we do things

    They will be punished severely

    We are proceeding with actions

    The situation is being looked into

    Rarely used phrases:

    I am sorry

    They are right

    We don't know

    I am responsible

    There is truth to that

    We made a mistake

    We used bad judgement

    What we did was not thought out

    The person in question has been fired

    Here is what we are doing to correct this

    The person in question has been charged

    The ring leaders have been arrested and are pending trial

    The person has been found guilty and will be serving will serving (x=number of) years in prison

    Sorry mate but you forgot those sentences with the word "Clarifying" in it.

  7. Maybe introduce maximum driving hours and minimum resting times in

    between, instead of relaying on Red Bull or M150?

    What about having all taxis, vans, buses and lorries fitted with Tachgraphs

    as they do in Europe to ensure the safety of ALL road users in Thailand?

    And most of all, what about enforcing existing laws in the first place?

    Eh tachgraphs never heard that before

    Well, obviously you're not European as they are mandatory since 1986 in all

    Coaches and Lorries (or should I say trucks) within the EU and EFTA wink.png

    But no worry if you haven't heard about them in the last 30 years,

    Google and Wikipedia can help.


  8. Decent enough op ed piece, of course this has been in the headlines all week, and here on Friday finally the Nations Spinmeisters respond. As the USA buys over 40 percent of Thailand shrimp (in certain years it has been nearer 60 per cent) this is not just a problem it is potentially a mega disaster.

    What does the troll squad like to belch about ... the USA is in a battle with China as Thailand’s hegemonic sugar daddy and the US is a fading power .... well kiddy’s not when it comes to consumption. American consumers are Thee Reigning World Champions, and not likely to lose that title anytime soon.

    Lose that market and you won’t need to shoot yourself in the foot, cause both legs are going to be amputated.

    They have to contend with both legal actions against the stores that buy their product and now consumer boycott, and a very nasty image of Thailand broadcast nationwide in TV, print and internet media. This in a country who’s population generally has a good perception of Thailand.

    Maybe a weekend protest at the Embassy and demand better press?

    No worries, they are so used to shoot themselves in both feet and don't limp.

    So even with both legs amputated, they will just hop along thinking they still win the marathon.

  9. "We should be happy that the security is very strict at the airports here, imagine if it was a terrorist."

    Are you saying there's never, at any time in history, has there been acts of terrorism (in Switzerland) committed by Caucasian Christian Swiss men?

    You must either be Naive or has Fox News implented their propaganda in Swiss-German?


    Well, from what I remember there was only 5 terrorist attacks committed by

    Caucasian Christian Swiss men.

    One was in 1492 by some Swiss Caucasian Swiss people called the CH group.

    Seams they started slaughtering government officials after they refused to

    bow to some emblems of the establishment. gigglem.gif

    Late 1970's there was two very dangerous Caucasian Christian terror groups,

    who kept the Swiss people in fear. ermm.gif

    The JLF group, consisting of 3 members with the huge support of around 10 people,

    terrorised the population by painting some walls with political slogans

    The other group, the Group Belier a militant terror group made the news in 1984 when

    they stole the Unspunnen Stone" and in 1986, when they destroyed the historical

    "Fountain of Justice" in Bern. facepalm.gif

    Early 1970 there was some Caucasian Christian Swiss terror activities in a Restaurant

    called the Lion in Nottiswill. During the reenactment of Willhelm Tell, several people got

    injured and had to attend hospital with alcohol overdoses. drunk.gif

    Lets not forget the massacre of 14 members of parliament in Zug by a deranged individual

    but im sure, that was not an act of terrorism. Americans would call that "everyday life" coffee1.gif

    Now there was some serious terror cases in 1955, 1969 and 1970 but none of them

    where caused by "Caucasian Christian Swiss Men" not even by other religeous Swiss Groups.

    The first one was some Romanian activists who killed the driver of the Romanian

    Embassy. Then in 1969 and 1970 there was two terrorist attacks on an ELAL flight and a

    Swissair Flight committed by Palestinian Militants. sad.png

    Now, as you're obviously not as naive as the rest of us, I'm sure you can quote many,

    more Terrorist activities by Caucasion Christian Swiss men. whistling.gif

    BTW - are you sure you don't confuse Switzerland with Sweden as soo many do.

    Let me give a hint should you not know how to differentiate. Switzerland is the place

    with the beautiful cows, Sweden the one with the beautiful girls crazy.gif

  10. Did he admit it was his ammunition?

    Or is the year old Philippine Scam getting a foot hold in Thailand?

    Rather odd how often this happen in the last few months here in

    Thailand, whilst before we never heard about, it apart from the

    scam in the Philippines.

    Yeah, "laglag bala". Another reason to avoid NAIA (as if anyone needed one....).

    Did this guy deny the ammo was his or claim it had been planted?

    As you see from my postings, that's exactly what's my point.

    Did this guy geny or admited it was his ammo?

    Did he say he bought it, where or why?

    Did he claim it was planted?

    As you might recognise on the sentencing and the question marks,

    I don't know.

    I wonder, I asked, I'm contemplating as there is no reference to it in

    that article.

    All it says, he doesn't have a licence to carry ammunition but

    sure, you might enlighten us or are you just posting, to exercise

    your fingers?

  11. While the overwhelming majority is talking about the horrible conditions , i would like to know, why is it that these practises are possible?

    Slave and child labor? and nobody from the effected countries ever rang a bell?

    Myanmar-Laos - Cambodia- Vietnam ??

    When ringing bells , don't forget to ring the National church bell of the victims nations as well.


    Because we buy that stuff as long it's cheap.

    If people would just think a little bit further than their own wallet,

    we would all buy from local markets, not in Supermarkets, not on-line.

    And if it's too expensive, well, we don't have to buy luxury food

    produced on the other side of the world.

  12. I always wonder how much effort, time and money is used to come up with denial, clarifications, law suites, more clarifications, more defamation court cases just to safe a face that's long lost? Be it in the private industry or government agencies.

    Sure, fixing the problems would be more cost effective and the image of all Thai could be restored?

  13. I as a Muslim support Trump, call me crazy. Islam needs to adjust to the 21st century. However this ban is not enforceable, there are millions of muslims carrying EU passports, and as far as I know in Europe you dont need to declare your faith. Government doesnt keep a record of their citizens religions, everythings is a guess. Im tired of all the people giving Islam a bad name. THe muslims in USA are good, they are nice people, but the ones in Europe are terrible and uncivilized.

    What a swiping statement. Looking at the track record of American Baptist Jihadis (Missionaries), should I come to the same conclusion?

    Christians in Europe are good and nice People, American Christians are terrible and uncivilized.

    I as a Muslim support Trump, call me crazy. Islam needs to adjust to the 21st century. However this ban is not enforceable, there are millions of muslims carrying EU passports, and as far as I know in Europe you dont need to declare your faith. Government doesnt keep a record of their citizens religions, everythings is a guess. Im tired of all the people giving Islam a bad name. THe muslims in USA are good, they are nice people, but the ones in Europe are terrible and uncivilized.

    Therein lies the irony. Most of the Muslims in the US are pretty well integrated, more so than their European counterparts. But rhetoric like the one espoused by Trump and his followers do not help the situation. It can only radicalize more moderate Muslims who are already in America.

    Well actually, I don't believe that Trump's rhetoric's can only radicalise moderate Muslims but sure,

    it does radicalised those crazy, brain dead Christian Americans.


    But seams to me, that's perfectly OK for Americans.

  14. Rubbish mate! The guy broke the law. Thailand is a real country with real laws. Traveling <deleted> with stupid shit in their suitcases, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

    Uncle Bob

    Waoo Uncle Bob,

    Might not be the best comment on this tread but for sure, the funniest one. clap2.gif

    You're not working for the comedy show, are you?

    Next you will tell us, they have real law enforcement too cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Keep up the good work, you might get a job in the circus thumbsup.gif

  15. Did he admit it was his ammunition?

    Or is the year old Philippine Scam getting a foot hold in Thailand?

    Rather odd how often this happen in the last few months here in

    Thailand, whilst before we never heard about, it apart from the

    scam in the Philippines.

    This answers your question...

    "When asked by police if he had a permit to carry the ammunition, Mr Andre said that he didn’t..."

    If it wasn't his ammunition it's very unlikely that that would have been his reply and if he was the subject of a scam he probably would be looking a bit more worried than he is in the photo.

    Well, he did answer to the question if he had a permit. Mr Andre said he didn't ....

    what's after the .... might be .... because I didn't have any ammunition when I packed my bag?

    Or how would a normal, innocent person answer that question?

    Yes, I do have a permit to carry ammunition which is not mine?

    I would be more interested in knowing what his answer was to the question.

    Where did you get the ammunition from.

    For what purpose did you get the ammunition.

    As for his look. Well you have your view, I have mine. To me he doesn't look like

    "Fck, I been caught, I miss my plane, huge fine, maybe prison". To me he looks more

    like, "This is a misunderstanding, nothing to worry it will sort itself out very quickly"

    But names, nationalities or looks don't really mean anything.

    Doesn't mean he's clever, doesn't mean hi's stupid. Could be one or the other.

  16. Maybe not dumb to bring it into Thailand - but dumb enough to take it out. He was leaving HKT, not arriving.

    From another source obviously.

    Not in the report of the OP.

    The report in the other English language newspaper says that he left for "Europe".

    Now the story makes sense.

    He is soo smart and bought the ammunition at Khao San.

    Cheaper than in Switzerland.

    Of course, a Swiss has a SIG Sauer at home biggrin.png

    Naa, doesn't make sense either as he probably could get them for free.

    Fairly easy to only load 10 bullets instead of 12 when you have your

    obligatory or voluntary shooting days. (Sorry, missed the target twice)

    We used to that when I was 14.

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