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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. He did not have a bad idea, but bad way to put it across. Read again, the idea was to have the info on the microchip. This means it is only accessible for relevant government agencies.

    It is NOT a bad way to keep the statistics and know what your people are earning, even more so in a country where hardly anyone pays tax or has any office to register their skills or be licenced

    You must be pretty naive thinking only Government Agencies can read the Chips on your card or Passport.

    For 18US$ or 650THB freely available on eBay

    attachicon.gifdownload (3).jpg

    I have such an ID Card reader, but guess what, I have to enter my PIN code to read my own ID Card.

    Cracking Pin Codes is as easy as 1-2-3

    26.83% of all passwords could be guessed by attempting just 20 combinations of four-digit numbers

  2. He did not have a bad idea, but bad way to put it across. Read again, the idea was to have the info on the microchip. This means it is only accessible for relevant government agencies.

    It is NOT a bad way to keep the statistics and know what your people are earning, even more so in a country where hardly anyone pays tax or has any office to register their skills or be licenced

    So why not just a 666 on the foreheads of his wealth followers. This way, tax and treat poorly the rest. Good idea, wake up.

    Sparky , wealthy are the only ones paying any tax, the rest ? The rest can also work and contribute to the country not only be parasites and consume.

    Having this data can also help to fight with corruption as when one states he earns 25000 per month and works for government office, it might be easier to catch them when they go to buy 5 million baht car or have 100 million in the bank account .

    To make you sleep better , in your home country you have a tax number where government knows what you earn, banks also know what you earn. They also know rough number of electricians in the country as one must be licensed.

    In Thailand ni such system exists, and it's not a bad idea to have .

    Clearly some are not intelligent enough to understand that, but it does not make it a bad idea.

    In the case of PM, he failed to pass on the message in correct way

    Off course, a obscure clear clarification will be issued later cheesy.gif

    Yeap, many countries in the western world do have tax numbers but it's not printed on our Passports or ID cards.

    But as soon anything is on a chip, it's accessible to anyone who has 18$ to spend on a card reader.

    My employer, although he does know my tax number, has still no access to the tax office to how much I earn.

    I might have several employers and not one might know of the other.

    My Bank doesn't know either how much my income is as we do have more than just one bank in Europe.

    They might know how many electricians are roughly in a country but not every electrician is on the same

    wage package.

    Yeap, your right, some are clearly not intelligent enough to understand how bad of an idea that is. giggle.gif

  3. In Europe we have a so called citizen idd number which is given to you by the government / tax department.

    They know your income and occupation. , and you pay tax according to that.

    The idea was not completely stupid , but never reachable in Thailand because the whole tax administration departments is still in the middle ages.

    Only 30% Thai's actually pay tax in Thailand , the rest of the tax is paid by the not welcome ones that are working here.(foreigners )

    In Europe?

    What country is that? cheesy.gif

    We got those IDD cards here in the country of Asia too.


  4. He did not have a bad idea, but bad way to put it across. Read again, the idea was to have the info on the microchip. This means it is only accessible for relevant government agencies.

    It is NOT a bad way to keep the statistics and know what your people are earning, even more so in a country where hardly anyone pays tax or has any office to register their skills or be licenced

    You must be pretty naive thinking only Government Agencies can read the Chips on your card or Passport.

    For 18US$ or 650THB freely available on eBay


  5. Sure TAT must have learned from Kittiratt Na-Ranong who said:
    "Noble lies are OK if they cause good feelings. The goal is to create
    confidence which in turn benefits the countries economy as a whole"

    Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they learned from Goebbels:
    "propaganda means repetition and more repetition"
    "if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth"
    'the bigger the lie, more people will believe it"

  6. He is right and whether he becomes President or not, at some point in the future the world will wake up to the fact we our in a world war with a radical, spiteful and jealous religion.

    Can you name one atrocity in the recent times not committed by Muslims?

    The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

    The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

    The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim





    Next you will tell us, Christmas was introduced by Muslims in order

    to terrorise millions of Christians parents around the world cheesy.gif

  7. He is right and whether he becomes President or not, at some point in the future the world will wake up to the fact we our in a world war with a radical, spiteful and jealous religion.

    Can you name one atrocity in the recent times not committed by Muslims?

    The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

    The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

    The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

    The underwear Bomber was a Muslim

    The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

    The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

    The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

    The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

    The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims

    The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

    The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

    The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

    The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

    The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

    The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

    The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

    The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

    The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

    The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

    The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

    The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

    The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims

    The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

    The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

    The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

    Research is always good but at least, if you would have researched a little more objective and less selective, you would have found that in the US alone, there has been at least eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States by Christian Catholic Jihadis.
    Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof were not Muslims. Although Gudrun Ensslin's father was a vicar, I would not blame Christianity or Christian indoctrination for their crimes in the same way as you do by pointing out, that those bombers you mention where Muslims. Half of those attacks were committed out of political reasons, not religious reasons.
    You must have completely forgotten or ignored Hitler atrocities in the name of religion. (In his book, he claimed to be Luciferian and wanted to destroy God's people). In the beginning of Hitler's road to power, he behaved in just the same way as Mickey Mouse Trump does. Funny enough, half a century later, half of his supporters claim innocence as they "didn't know" or had 'no choice".
    What's about genocide in Rwanda where One priest burned down his own church to kill hundreds of Tutsi's who had taken sanctuary there. Not 100 of years ago but in 2001. Where Nuns even supplied the gasoline to burn their victims.
    What's about the American Baptist, Paul Lewis, who sterilized more than 20,000 Akha Hill Tribe women in Burma’s Eastern Shan State alone. This was done secretly, and blood was stolen from these women for resale, taken during the sterilization procedure. More than 3,000 of the women died.
    The list could go on and on and on ...
    At least if you research stuff, try to inform yourself rather than just filtering out what is to your benefit.
    BTW, the Olympic team attack was done by Palestinians, Christian and Muslim Palestinians. So are many of the atrocities you mention rather policicaly then religeously motivated.
  8. Good onya Trump,,,,Get a petition going over the Whole World and you will see that there are Billions of people backing up Trump,For all the countries.

    I have not seen any credible statistic supporting your claim but fairly sure, at least 25%

    of the world population around world not supporting this nutter.

    Well there is at least half a million people who do not want to see Trump in the UK.

  9. Did the snake still get the chicken?

    I very much hope that if this guy cares for the Python,

    that's not the cage he keeps it in all the time. To me it

    looks well too small for such a huge snake, Although

    they usually are pretty docile, they still need at least

    2.5m x 1.5m of floor space and easy access to water.

    The Burmese Python is a very beautiful snake and I can

    see why so many people keep them as pets but I prefer

    to see them in their natural habitat and not in solitary



    Yes the Burmese python has beautiful markings......a few months ago I found a baby in my garden.....I took pity on it and threw it over the wall into the field

    When my wife got home I told her about it......she went berserk...reminding me that we have had three cats go missing in the past year.....and that pythons can lay up to 90 eggs....

    Slapped wrist for me

    Hope she didn't bite you facepalm.gif

    Try getting some rats or chickens, then the python might leave your cats alone facepalm.gif

    Not sure about your wife though smile.png

  10. So what about westerners residing here whose English turns to rat sh!t after a while? What's the ruddy big deal?

    I have met people in the UK and after about a minute have said to them, "I see you have spent a while in Thailand..." Big fuss over nothing.

    Exactly what my son complains about me. He bought

    me a whole bunch of Mr. Men books and said:

    "Dad, I think it's time you read some English books again" facepalm.gif

  11. Did the snake still get the chicken?

    I very much hope that if this guy cares for the Python,
    that's not the cage he keeps it in all the time. To me it
    looks well too small for such a huge snake, Although

    they usually are pretty docile, they still need at least

    2.5m x 1.5m of floor space and easy access to water.

    The Burmese Python is a very beautiful snake and I can
    see why so many people keep them as pets but I prefer
    to see them in their natural habitat and not in solitary

  12. why German?

    I was stopped by 3 university students this morning, and asked in very broken English if I could answer some questions about tourism.

    They consulted their pre-written questions, but were unable to get the questions out. I tried to help them, even read out some of the questions for them, but it was hopeless.

    Let's hope they've only just started learning English, which at university age is way too late in my opinion.

    Although my son was born and raised in the UK and spoke perfect English when he started primary school, by the time he left college, I could only understand half of his slang. sad.png

    Then he went and studied five years in Australia and now, I have no clue what he's talking about. crazy.gif

    Best chance of communicating with him now, is in German. thumbsup.gif

  13. I do not advocate a sterile, law abiding KP. I ask only that people hiring motorcycles to young tourists should place the safety concerns of said tourists ahead of their desire to earn money...

    Do you hand a child scissors and watch them run off?

    Do you let someone touch something hot as they should 'know better'?

    Do you not warn tourists about swimming in a jelly infested sea?

    At some point the owner of the bike makes the decision whether the person in front of them can ride or not. I have seen renters giggling at riders wobbling all over the road with their feet dragging on the ground. They do not care as they have the pp and money, if the bike gets damaged it's just more profit as the replacement parts are always 1000% mark up...

    Well, when I was a kid, every 'real boy' had a Swiss army knife in their pockets and no one considered stabbing each other.

    Today, even a plastic fork is considered a weapon and confiscated.

    When I was in my teens, I could go down to Boots and buy three packs of Lemsip without a problem.

    Today, I can't get more than one pack per day (if I pay by card) as I could commit suicide.

    Yes, we do warn people about the dangers of the sea and how not to ruin our corals but please don't ask me to make sure, they can swim or have had swimming lessons.

    Yes we do warn our customers verbally and with big posters about the dangers of the roads in Thailand, as does every embassy and travel guide (eg. Lonely Planet in English, German, French or any other language they are published). We even offer transfers to the parties at discounted rates (a lot cheaper than the hospital bill) for our customers but if they still want to go by bike, should we lock them up? If people and not only young people, don't want to listen to the embassies, travel guides or your advice, you want to hit it in to them?

    Despite of all the warnings, there is not a single party where someone hasn't had mobile phone, money or credit card stolen, missing their keys or passport, had an accident with the bike or burned themselves with the fire, got in trouble with the locals or police, lost their shoes, some even their virginities. Again, I have posters up and warn people to be safe, keep legal and have fun but most just hear the "have fun" bit and ignore the rest.

    I know, blaming the victim is not nice but sometimes they only get what they were asking for through ignorance and negligence. So the solution to the problem, blame everyone but themselves? Maybe give a minder to every tourist?

    In the end effect, everyone is responsible for their own action.

    Now to think rental places rent out their bikes because they make a 1000% mark up is just wrong. Sure there are some but most (you're right, not all) but most places I had my bikes repaired, although not always professionally, are not making 1000% mark up, not even 100% and rather have their bikes back in one piece than spend time, and effort (effort is not a Thai passion) to repair their bikes or argue with tourists and police (confrontation is not really a Thai thing either).

  14. A friend of mine was one of the first on the scene, a terrible accident and not the first in that incredibly dangerous spot. The girls were both from Poland and the last I heard the passenger was in a coma in a Suratthani hospital.

    This was a particularly gruesome accident and my friend was understandably shaken by what he saw. Such needless waste of lives.

    Something needs to be done to prevent young people with no riding experience from hiring motorcycles on KP. If I were the parents of these girls I would consider taking legal action against the shop... sad.png

    First of all, my condolences to the family for the tragic loss of their daughter and a speedy recovery to the girl in hospital. crying.gif

    Although I partly agree with you, just imagine everyone on the roads on KPG would have a motorbike licence (or car license as such), wear helmets and seatbelts, drive without alcohol or drugs in their blood or without mobile phones in their hands. The roads would be empty, the schools would be empty, no one at the waterfalls, restaurants and bars empty at night, hardly anyone shopping at Tesco, Macro or Big C and 90% of the motorbike rental places (legal or illegal ones) would be out of business. Cool, would be just like 40 years back in time although from what I remember, the owner of the first Jeep here on the island didn't have a licence either but, there was no real road, absolute no traffic and no one died on the road.

    Now instead of expecting ordinary people to respect the law, how would it be for the executive powers to start respecting the law, as a good example for the rest of us. Instead of blaming or making rental shops responsible for law enforcement or check if customers respect the law, how would it be for law enforcement people to do their jobs properly? Maybe the department for the maintenance of our immaculate roads could be held responsible for many of the accidents that happen here on the island even by law abiding people. Maybe even the victims of such accidents could be blamed? No one forced them to rent scooters illegally - well maybe they are, if one considers that two can see the whole island for a day for 150 THB by scooter or several 100's THB hopping on and of songthaews.

    I'm sure, if there would be reasonably priced transport alternatives on the island, like a regular government bus, I know many tourists, many families would rather use that facility than hire a scooter or pedal the hills with a bicycle to get around the island. Sadly that's not the case and so, accidents will happen all the time. Although there are no real statistics available for accidents here on the island (I wonder why), I'm fairly confident, it's probably not more than on every other place in Thailand, probably even less, considering how many thousand people visit the island every year and rent scooters.

  15. Weren't these 'immediate improvements' ordered months ago? What happened to the last 'immediate improvements'??? Looks like nothing is being done immediately and nobody is doing any checking to see if anything is being done--immediately or otherwise. Repeat cycle in another few months.


    They are still clarifying what "improvements" means.

    Once that's sorted, which might take a very long time,

    they will only need an other 42 years to clarify what "immediate" means.

  16. Give the PM some credit for acknowledging that problems do exist instead of reading other previous reports that just ignore the report from the FAA. Let's give it a chance and see if corrective actions take place before criticizing his directive. The PM has been engaged more and in the company of world leaders on several occasion now. It appears that he has begun to understand things differently then he may have before. He wants to grow Thailand and understands that the lack of safety will have an adverse affect on Thailand and its economy.

    How many chances does he need for you to see?

    and today:
    PM Prayut orders immediate improvements of aviation industry

    still not enough for you to see?? You must be blind or at least, blinded.

    It appears that he has begun to understand things differently then he may have before.

    cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif


  17. He asked all to stop and let relevant agencies to resolve the problems

    Now make your mind up Prayut.

    Do you want all to stop or do you want to resolve the problems?

    “Today’s announcement follows ongoing discussions with the government of Thailand which concluded on October 28,“ the statement added

    That's a pretty nice way of saying:

    “Today’s announcement follows ongoing dismissals and obscure clarifications by the government of Thailand which concluded on October 28 as no one understood "wha da fk“ they were saying.

    I think Mickey Mouse should invoke article 555 and invite those pesky people from the FAA, HRW, EU, etc for a little attitude adjustment.

    Pretty sure that wouldn't change anything but at least, we would have something to laugh in the morning.

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