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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Where dose it all ends? you have those tens of thousands who migrated or tried to migrate to Australia

    over the last 10 years, you have the hundred of thousands north African who swarm over Italy

    and countries near by, and now this Rohinga problems that are really the responsibilities of the

    Burmese government,

    if the world will leave the gates open, all of Africa and many third world countries will want to migrate

    to a rich, first world countries.. where dose it stop or end???

    You have tens of thousands, even millions who migrated or tried to migrate to Australia,

    America, Africa and Asia over the last 600 years in order to colonialize and exploit those

    "inferior" countries, stealing their resources and enslaving people for our benefit.

    Where does it stop? Where does it end? Ask the Red Indians, the Aboriginals, the

    black Africans or all other minorities who have been swallowed up by the so caring

    Christian "First World".

    Ohhh, sorry, suppose many of those minorities can't answer your question, as with our

    help and blessing, many of them have been eliminated already.

  2. Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

    then why dont they go to a muslim islamic country ( malaysia ) and not a buddist country, all you liberalist fools are aware that wherever muslims go they spread only hatred and try to impliment their laws and ways on other cultures , when they have the majority we will all be done. these people started the trouble in burma and created the trouble for themselves , good on the burmese bhuddist people for not tolerating it ( wish we were same in europe ) .

    Biggest nonsense I read so far from someone who obviously hasn't much idea of history.

    The Rohingas where in Rakinen state well before the Burmese invaded and colonialised

    them nearly a 1000 years ago and Burmese Buddhists settled there.

    Suppose, first the colonial powers went to all the countries who were "inferior" to them,

    Christianize and civilize them in order to steal their resources, then send the whole country

    back in to the middle ages, making everyone believe, it has nothing to do with us.

  3. Thailand Post, the organization known for folding, breaking, throwing and totally losing mail.

    Exactly who`s expert opinion is this?

    I receive a parcel worth 2000 euros from Europe every month since 10 years, and never had any problems...

    I love Thai post office, they are very very good and their tracking system is the best i know.

    Their tracking system is the best you know?gigglem.gif , how many others do you know or use?

    You receive 2000 euro packages every month for 10 years? i would call bs on thatcoffee1.gif

    Tracking system in real time....


    Yeap, got same same, out for delivery and carded on the 05/03/2015 !!!

    Been down in Tongsala every week since but no, no parcels for me

    and today, I took my four tracking printouts with me and ohhh surprise,

    they were there, all four parcels waiting since over 2 months on the

    bottom of a pile.

    Out for delivery? BS

    Carded? BS

    No have? BS

    It's all there in the post office, just no one really knows in which corner.

  4. I had same problem as old passport was only 3 years old but full. Immigration guy at desk had to refer to his boss but no problem on entering, just asked me to go to local immigration office to have visas transfered to new passport.

    Immigration does not transfer visas. If you have a valid visa you have to use both passports until it expires.

    Immigration will do a stamp with info about the visa you used for entry. They will then transfer the your extension of stay stamp and a re-entry permit if you have one.

    You can not have two valid Passports from the same nationality at the same time.

    It's just not possible.

    US citizens can legally possess two passports. Yes, you can have the normal 10-year passport plus a second, limited validity passport, normally valid for 1 or 2 years. Commonly referred to as "Duplicate Passports",second passports offer the ability to travel internationally while processing a visa in the US or to visit countries who do not allow entry to passport holders with stamps from enemy countries.

    Although often called Duplicate US Passports, a second passport is not a duplicate passport. The second passport will have its own dates of issue and expiration and their own passport numbers. This is a critical difference between a second passport and a duplicate. In order to get a second passport, the applicant must prove that they are in possession of their standard 10-year passport and that they truly need the second passport. The US State Department prefers to limit the number of duplicate passports, so your reasons must be honest and valid - otherwise the second passport may not be issued.

    By having a second passport, a traveler can travel outside of the US while leaving the second passport in the US for visa processing. smile.png

    There are some exceptions but they are not the norm.

    DO NOT get caught with them both outside of your country as it will cause major problems.

  5. I had same problem as old passport was only 3 years old but full. Immigration guy at desk had to refer to his boss but no problem on entering, just asked me to go to local immigration office to have visas transfered to new passport.

    Immigration does not transfer visas. If you have a valid visa you have to use both passports until it expires.

    Immigration will do a stamp with info about the visa you used for entry. They will then transfer the your extension of stay stamp and a re-entry permit if you have one.

    You can not have two valid Passports from the same nationality at the same time.

    It's just not possible.

  6. When you get your new Passport, the old one will be annulled, by either clipping a corner
    or punch a hole in your old Passport.

    Make sure, your Embassy doesn't punch holes on any pages where you still have any
    valid visas from any country on them. As long those pages have not been clipped or
    punched holes in them, those pages are still valid in conjunction with your new Passport.

    I got 20 years old Passport where I still have two pages with a valid visa for the USA and

    permanent residence permit for the UK on it and together with my new Passport, (the 3rd
    since then) they are still valid.

    (It's not possible to have to valid Passports from the same country at the same time.)

    Good luck

  7. I just bought a Panasonic KX-PRX150. Its the only 2 in 1 Android
    Phone on the market, eg, Mobile Phone and DECT phone in one.

    Best mobile phone I ever had. Has 3G, DECT, WIFI and Bluetooth

    As long I'm at home, I use it as house telephone and when I'm out,
    it's a mobile phone.

    Instead of using it's own base station, I connected it up to my Fritz Box
    7490 router, which has a hard drive connected to it and so can access
    all my music, videos and documents wherever I am.

    Not cheap but not too expensive either. Only downfall, the internal
    memory is a bit small and even though there is additional memory
    installed, I can't run to many apps.

  8. This is alarming - those in Power have so little knowledge or understanding of history and how potentially damaging to society such policies may be.

    I think you might be wrong. coffee1.gif

    Those in power are not politicians but generals. I recon they know history

    more than everyone else and have learned how to get support, how to get

    power, how to stay in power and if anything fails, how to find asylum and

    still have their assets and power.

    I'm fairly sure, everyone "Up There" has a book shelve full of history books.

    Mein Kampf, The Green Book and the Red Book, Seas Of Blood, The

    Road To Power ....

    Mix them a bit together and you get: "The Black Book to Happiness"

    Alarming for sure but the majority of people have no clue about history

    and just do not hear the bells. sad.png

  9. Might I add a further question?

    Similar as above but 8 year old kid lives since 5 years with me.
    Although his mum doesn't live to far from us, she only sees him
    if there is any thing with the school, every 3 months or so, when
    I'm going out of the country or if there is an emergency.

    As the boy's mum got raped 9 years ago, the boy has never met
    and doesn't know his dad. He does have two "half" siblings but
    they are both over 20, live up in Chiang Rai and don't have any
    contact with the boy.

    I am in Thailand since decades, have my "own" business, got
    "Non-B" visa and work permit.

    As MARIO2008 suggested, his mum made a will that if she dies,
    she'd like me to be her son's legal guardian. Further more, she
    did write a paper for me, saying that I am taking care of her son

    (although I never needed it yet)

    Question: Is there any way I can take this boy to Malaysia or
    Laos when I go holiday?

    Any other suggestions in how to make this boy's future more

  10. At least a start in the right direction. Start cleaning, cleansing

    and polishing the house right from the bottom of the system,

    without clarifications but with results unsure.png.pagespeed.ce.E7Vo3qsmeCQhPTdy

    If one want's the whole country to improve, education is the first

    step to a better future. If they can eradicate corruption from the

    top down in the education system and improve education and

    qualification as well, I'm sure, slowly-slowly even Thailand will

    enter the 21st century. ermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HCxvlbix7X

    The basis of understanding what elections, voting, corruption,

    social system, morals, responsibilities is and how it affects us

    and the whole country is education. neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3fFPfVmwh

    Without it, nothing ever changes drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEEfKmimwR

  11. I always carry my work permit with me as supporting documentation of my Non B visa. It's small and fits in the same pouch as my passport.

    So you carry your passport everywhere? Crazy.

    I always carry identification with me, as we're supposed to do coffee1.gif

    Laminated Copy of Passport

    Laminated Copy of the latest "Non-B Visa" page

    Laminated Copy of WP Booklet

    A copy of my last TM card

    And yes, fits very nicely in one of those passport pouches,

    including Driving Licence wink.png

    Absolutely never had a problem smile.png .

  12. . . . . .

    Just a few weeks ago I posted in TV that it is just a matter of time before the insurgents will target tourist destinations.

    , , , ,

    Carefull with your predictions, Naaa! wink.png

    Officers summon Facebook user allegedly linked to Samui bombing

    BANGKOK, 12 April 2015 (NNT) – Security officers have exercised powers under Section 44 to summon the person whose Facebook post suggested that there would be a violent incident in Samui, Surat Thani. The island was rocked by a car bomb explosion on Saturday.

  13. I think we all have to keep slowing down a bit.

    1) Could be the Southern Insurgents

    2) Could you be the Red Shirts

    3) Could be a business conflict at least for the storage facilities that is owned by Suthep

    I put my money for the moment on 1) the Southern insurgency.


    How much baht? And will you pay by PayPal smile.png


    Just a few weeks ago I posted in TV that it is just a matter of time before the insurgents will target tourist destinations.

    Yeah, some people say that already since decades,

    others predict the end of the world since thousand of years coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  14. "B3,000 compensation each to cover the costs of food, clothes and accommodation."

    How generous - NOT. 3,000 baht is a joke.

    "The family of 12-year-old Shani Maril from Israel who died in the disaster will receive B100,000 and any passengers injured will receive B10,000 each."

    And the ferry company does not even know what insurance they have - speechless.

    Selective reading syndrome or did you just stop reading after point 2

    as in point 3 it clearly said:

    3.Tourist insurance for a company which is registered as a tour company - The family of Shani Maril will received B1m and those injured will receive B500,000 each.

    The Tourism and Sports Department will contribute B300,000 to a fund to assist the family of Shani Maril,

    • Like 1
  15. Brilliant idea, although I do have a bit of a concern about the minimum

    age of 30, maybe 21 or 25 would be more reasonable but, as it's already

    been suggested, a minimum of maybe 2 years accident free driving on

    "small" bikes at any age should be a requirement.

    Kids under 18 should only be permitted to drive bicycles, electric bikes

    or scooters up to 50cc. Sure would reduce accident rates dramatically.

    Recent European research showed that almost two thirds of the riders

    killed on roads outside towns where aged over 30 and were riding bikes

    over 500 cc.

    So even at 60 (for all of those reborn "Easy Riders" who can now afford

    "BIG bikes wink.png ) one should need to prove two years accident free driving

    on "small" bikes.

    Although foremost of all would be to reinforce existing laws without

    exception, otherwise it's just an other meaning less bit of toilet paper.

    So if a car hits me while I'm stopped at a light, then no big bike license for me for 2 years?

    If i've ridden a big bike for years accident free for years, then I need to ride a small bike for 2 more years to qualify...

    and somehow prove it.

    Congratulations on your brilliant idea.

    If a car hit's you from the back, I suppose it's not you who made

    the accident and you don't claim of your insurance. How else do

    you think, you could proof accident free driving?

    Even if you fall of your bike without claiming on your insurance,

    it's not considered an accident. Well, at least that's how many

    European countries handle it.

    Once this law would be in use and then you drive a Big bikes

    accident free for years without having a bike licence and then

    you get caught, you should get a hefty fine and your bike should

    be confiscated.

    If you mean having been a big bike rider for years without ever

    claiming on your insurance, then once this law would come in to

    effect, I recon one should be able to just "upgrade" the licence

    to "Big Bike Licence". Again, that's what several European countries

    did, when they changed the licences laws for bikes ages ago.

    So, don't congratulate me, send that congratulation to those

    European nations who used that system although I recon, you're

    about 25 yeas late for that coffee1.gif

  16. Brilliant idea, although I do have a bit of a concern about the minimum
    age of 30, maybe 21 or 25 would be more reasonable but, as it's already
    been suggested, a minimum of maybe 2 years accident free driving on
    "small" bikes at any age should be a requirement.

    Kids under 18 should only be permitted to drive bicycles, electric bikes
    or scooters up to 50cc. Sure would reduce accident rates dramatically.

    Recent European research showed that almost two thirds of the riders
    killed on roads outside towns where aged over 30 and were riding bikes
    over 500 cc.
    So even at 60 (for all of those reborn "Easy Riders" who can now afford

    "BIG bikes wink.png ) one should need to prove two years accident free driving
    on "small" bikes.

    Although foremost of all would be to reinforce existing laws without

    exception, otherwise it's just an other meaning less bit of toilet paper.

  17. I have never heard of a good Parasite so I wonder how they will clean this up in such a short time. What can this Parasite do to you, Kill you ,cause a rash. Well come on they are still letting people near this water. WHAT THE HELL !!!!!

    Your body is full of those "good parasites" but, they don't talk.

    That's probably why you didn't hear them wink.png

    In fact, you probably even eat some of those good parasites

    like , mushrooms, yeast in bread and beer, etc .... thumbsup.gif

  18. Tell them Prime Minister, I never doubted your brains.

    Your mouth is what I doubt sometimes.........but nobody is perfect in this world.

    Brains? HE HAS more than one?

    He should keep winking... if he has 2 eyes also.

    I believe there is another one eyed- gongle that could sack the chief of police also. Unfortunately, they are all as intelligent in being the same as the difference between a one-legged duck.

    Well, suppose unlike woman,

    most men do have two brains giggle.gif

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