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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Of course they are ready to teach Engelish. cheesy.gif

    Might not be the Engelish the rest of the world sapeaks but I'm sure,
    Thais will understand each and after the centel of world eco-no-mics
    shifts to Thailand, it will even become the hub of Engelish language

    I see huge potentials for the Thai economy, could even patent and
    copyright Thai Engelish and evelyone who writes or sapeaks it, will
    need to pay royalty fees. Clarifications will cost extra.

    The future is blight, the future is Thai clap2.gif

  2. Is this really what happened or a joke ?

    It happened, though quite awhile ago now.

    Reading up on the whole "72 virgins" and women bit. Months, years even, of material out there about it. It's something that has been debated almost since the invention of Islam and like many matters, in all religions, is subject to interpretation and re-interpretation every generation or so by various scholars. Some believe that a woman's only reward will be to be reunited with her husband and children. Others think her rewards will be to be beautiful, happy and never dissatisfied with her husband (and be virginal in perpetuity). Still others have decided that female suicide bombers will be reborn as the "fairest" of the 72 virgins given to male bombers (seems the woman gets the short end of the stick every time this issue is interpreted and re-interpreted - by men of course).

    One Afghani female suicide bomber allegedly decided not to go through with it at the last minute because supposedly she didn't want to have to deal with 72 male virgins in heaven. That's the only reference I could find to women getting male virgins and I suspect she was told that by her male relatives and religious leaders who thought that a woman would be just as excited over the prospect of 72 virgins as a man would be.

    "Although Muhammad was heard promising that “round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls,” Muslim scholars are emphatic that the pretty virgin boys in Paradise are not there for the women.’"

    No surprise there I'm sure. However, as with any religion, people will believe almost anything they are told, especially if it comes from someone they think is knowledgeable on the subject such as a religious leader espousing the rewards one could expect for dying.

    I mean it's no less incredulous than most other things they believe without question so why not ?

    Just wondering what kind of propaganda scholar would translate from the

    traditional Arabic something like:" ... if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them ...."

    Sounds to me more like British Bible crap language than proper Arabic translation.

    But yes, your right, people will believe almost everything they're told or read on the internet ...

  3. So are there any drinks sold at 7/11 that are 'healthy' and do not contain sugar, carbohydrates etc.

    All I see are sweetened drinks.

    Any specific drinks/brands to look out for?

    Yes sir, it's called water and is even cheaper then the sweet drinks. Also you can buy orange juice on the street but the price is up to the length of your nose.

    Up to 60% of the human body is water.

    The brain and heart are composed of 73% water.

    The lungs are about 83% water.

    Maybe our deputy health minister drinks too much of that stuff.

    With so much of water in her brain, I suppose she has no capacity

    to add 13 + 10 + 9 wink.png

    BTW - People drown in water facepalm.gif

  4. Twenty-six teaspoons or about 104 grams of sugar is four times more than the

    recommended amount of 6 spoonfuls per day.

    According to the survey, most Thais get their sugar from beverages such as

    soft drinks (9 teaspoons per serving),

    green tea (13 teaspoons),

    coffee (10 teaspoons),

    said Dr. Sutha Jiaramaneechotechai, deputy director of the Health Department

    The usual Thai nonsense by the so highly qualified professionals.

    Not very bright heads, are they? crazy.gif

    Not quite sure why they mention that 26 teaspoons are about 4 times more

    than the recommended amount of 6 spoonful per day? sick.gif

    Maybe 32 is an unlucky number cheesy.gif


  5. I have "Non B" visa and WP. Last month I had to go for a quick border run.

    Due to bad weather, I overstayed by 8 hours.

    Crossing from Sadao in to Malaysia, I paid 500 THB which was expected

    but I was told by the fat man in charge, I could not return on the same day,

    otherwise he'll shoot me, pointing at his pistol. smile.png

    why do you have to do a Visarun when you actually have a WP ?

    Sorry, haven't seen your posting as I was just a few days in Malaysia.

    I live fairly close to the border and quite like a couple of days out of the country.

    A good excuse to be away from home for a couple of days, plus a bit less paperwork

    and instead of waiting in the q at immigration, I have a nice cool beer whilst my new

    visa is processed wink.png


    If I get extension of stay, I wouldn't move at all anymore wink.png

  6. Australia has taken millions of migrants over the years, the country has been built on immigration, but they have also learned by the mistakes of others, and that is muslim migrants are trouble. They don't assimilate and they are happy to bite the hand that feeds them. Fact. As the refugees in question are already in this neck of the woods, Indonesia, Malaysia or Brunei seem more suitable to their religious persuasion.

    Well to be precise, Australians immigrants outnumber the native population by around 83%

    and no, they have not taken in those immigrants, they invaded.

    There was around 700'000 Aboriginals before those 24'000'000 immigrants arrived. Today

    those Natives have been diminished to just under 100'000 people and don't have much of

    as say in between all those Immigrants.

    Now considering Australia has given shelter to around 23'500 refugees, that makes around

    1 refugee per 1026 Non-Native Australians or 1 refugee per 4 Aboriginals - which is still less

    than Jordan, where there is 1 refugee per 3 Jordanian natives.

    Now compare the tiddly tinny nation of Switzerland. About 180 times smaller in size and has

    less than a third of Australia's non-native natives. They are host to more than double as many

    refugees than Australia is. There is around 1 refugee per 150 inhabitants.

    Now if you compare refugees by capita, even if you count Australia, UK, USA and France

    together, they are still a long way away from Sweden's generosity towards refugees.

    I recon, first of all, you should learn the definition of migrants, immigrants, refugees and expats. whistling.gif

    It is fair to say a statistically small number of Muslims in Australia do cause problems, but even the Oz government has accepted it has failed with it's integration / resettlement programs that led to marginalisation, resentment and so on, especially with second generation Muslim heritage Australians.

    The estimated number of resettled refugees you provided is wrong, the numbers are far greater. Currently places made available, subject to assessment for suitability, around 20k p.a. Fairly detailed info on Australia's refugee / humanitarian policies & intake numbers over the years are below.


    I am of the opinion that Abbott's 'turn back the boats' slogan being applied to the Myanmar Rohingya refugees is ignorant and cruel.

    SIMPLE1 - You and the link you provided are talking about resettlement of refugees not immediate shelter for refugees as I mentioned. Although my numbers are not entirely up to date, I think what I quoted is from 2010, but if you want to find out how well Australia does in accepting refugees, not resettling refugees, maybe data.worldbank.org or un.org are better places to start a bit of research.

    I am not too keen on quoting Wikipedia but they do have a pretty good chart with refugee statistics and I don't mean resettled refugees but people with immediate need for shelter.


  7. Strange really, those countries who colonialised half the world or

    exterminated most of the natives of their new homeland, are the

    ones with the least compassion towards refugees.

    Many people here mention, Muslim countries should do more to

    take in refugees. They obviously haven't researched anything as

    Pakistan, Jordan, Turkey, Syria and Iran alone have given refuge to

    more than 8'200'000 refugees out of a total of 10'500'000 refugees


    Whilst the USA, UK, Australia, France, are the ones moaning the

    most about refugees are not even taking 5% of the refugees those

    5 Muslim countries are taking.

    I'm fairly sure, if one would go and ask the real Australians or

    Americans, they probably rather have boat loads of refugees

    from Myanmar and Africa than colonialists from Europe stealing

    their homeland.

    Australia has taken millions of migrants over the years, the country has been built on immigration, but they have also learned by the mistakes of others, and that is muslim migrants are trouble. They don't assimilate and they are happy to bite the hand that feeds them. Fact. As the refugees in question are already in this neck of the woods, Indonesia, Malaysia or Brunei seem more suitable to their religious persuasion.

    Well to be precise, Australians immigrants outnumber the native population by around 83%

    and no, they have not taken in those immigrants, they invaded.

    There was around 700'000 Aboriginals before those 24'000'000 immigrants arrived. Today

    those Natives have been diminished to just under 100'000 people and don't have much of

    as say in between all those Immigrants.

    Now considering Australia has given shelter to around 23'500 refugees, that makes around

    1 refugee per 1026 Non-Native Australians or 1 refugee per 4 Aboriginals - which is still less

    than Jordan, where there is 1 refugee per 3 Jordanian natives.

    Now compare the tiddly tinny nation of Switzerland. About 180 times smaller in size and has

    less than a third of Australia's non-native natives. They are host to more than double as many

    refugees than Australia is. There is around 1 refugee per 150 inhabitants.

    Now if you compare refugees by capita, even if you count Australia, UK, USA and France

    together, they are still a long way away from Sweden's generosity towards refugees.

    I recon, first of all, you should learn the definition of migrants, immigrants, refugees and expats. whistling.gif

  8. Strange really, those countries who colonialised half the world or

    exterminated most of the natives of their new homeland, are the

    ones with the least compassion towards refugees.

    Many people here mention, Muslim countries should do more to

    take in refugees. They obviously haven't researched anything as

    Pakistan, Jordan, Turkey, Syria and Iran alone have given refuge to

    more than 8'200'000 refugees out of a total of 10'500'000 refugees


    Whilst the USA, UK, Australia, France, are the ones moaning the

    most about refugees are not even taking 5% of the refugees those

    5 Muslim countries are taking.

    I'm fairly sure, if one would go and ask the real Australians or

    Americans, they probably rather have boat loads of refugees

    from Myanmar and Africa than colonialists from Europe stealing

    their homeland.

    Many of those countries do, indeed, allow large numbers of people to remain in their countries. Most do not have any plan to resettle them and some are housed in refugee camps with restricted movement.

    But accusing many of those countries of being unhelpful is wrong.

    Unlike immigrants, many refugees would rather stay at home without

    worries. Sure many of them might not be rich in our western terms

    but are by no means beggars.

    Most refugees never imagined that tomorrow, their lives will be turned

    upside down and they have to hide and run.

    Refugees are not fleeing due to economics but due to fear of persecution,

    mostly due to politics. Many of the million refugees did have a home, jobs

    and families. Some were doctors, teachers, politicians, students, some just

    farmers and children but never the less, they all suffer persecution for

    whatever reason. Many refugees left their entire properties and livelihood

    behind. Lost family and friends or got separated from them.

    Most of them, do not want to be resettled, they just need temporary shelter.

    A safe heaven where they can maintain their human dignity and don't need

    to fear atrocities. They do not care if they have to live in camps with restricted

    movement and will happily go back to their homes once the problems in their

    homeland have been solved. Most are eager to get back home as quick as

    possible, find lost relatives and try to start a new life in their own home again,

    without being persecuted.

    Some places, the time until refugees could go back home was only months

    for others it has become decades. The average time refugees are uprooted

    is around 17 years.

    Most Yugoslavian refugees have returned either to Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo,

    Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia or Serbia within less than 2 years after

    the conflict ended.

    On the other side, most Tibetan refugees of the first generation have died

    by now somewhere in exile, whilst their children have settled and started a

    new life outside their homeland.

    Sure, there are millions of refugees who will eventually need to be resettled

    as the political (not economical) situation doesn't change but first, they need
    shelter. Everything else can be sorted out later.
    Before we even think of having resettling programs in place, we need to

    useour political and economical powers to bring changes in those places,

    although sanctions might harm our own economies a bit and we wouldn't

    want that.

  9. Well the criteria for refugee status you mention certainly include the Rohingya and some groups in Bangladesh

    I totally agree with you. But it seems that these boats include those who are neither Rohingya refugees, nor Bangladeshi refugees, but Bangladeshi economic migrants.

    I don't envy the organisation who has to sort out genuine refugees from economic migrants,

    Sure there might be some black sheep in between the genuine refugees

    as much as there are foreign criminals in between all the tourists arriving

    in Thailand.

    Should Thailand now refuse entry to all foreigners because of those few


  10. Strange really, those countries who colonialised half the world or
    exterminated most of the natives of their new homeland, are the
    ones with the least compassion towards refugees.

    Many people here mention, Muslim countries should do more to
    take in refugees. They obviously haven't researched anything as
    Pakistan, Jordan, Turkey, Syria and Iran alone have given refuge to
    more than 8'200'000 refugees out of a total of 10'500'000 refugees


    Whilst the USA, UK, Australia, France, are the ones moaning the
    most about refugees are not even taking 5% of the refugees those
    5 Muslim countries are taking.

    I'm fairly sure, if one would go and ask the real Australians or
    Americans, they probably rather have boat loads of refugees
    from Myanmar and Africa than colonialists from Europe stealing
    their homeland.

  11. According to UNHCR, almost half of the worlds refugees are children.

    Here is one of them. One of those gold-diggers, one of those sinners.


    She travelled on a boat to steal our prosperity. She wanted to cause unrest in our society.
    Because that’s what they do, those refugees, they cause misery and destruction.

    Look at her. She was probably planning to carry out a terrorist attack. Many people from
    those countries are Muslim, you know, so the danger is real.

    This is about people. Not numbers. People. Real people! Young people, young children even.
    People with dreams, hopes and aspirations. With fears. And with the simple desire to pursue

    And she is not the only one.


    A few hours earlier she was probably hugging her mother. Her mother would have said that all

    would be fine. Don’t worry, darling. A better life is waiting for you on the other side. The world
    will be a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race. There are people out there
    who care and who share. The world is not just about wars, violence and terror. No! There are
    some countries where people are rather lucky and happy, and they certainly wouldn't mind
    sharing a bit of that luck and happiness with us!

    Look at her. In her pink dress. Perhaps her favorite dress. Maybe the one she would wear on
    her first day to school.


    Unfortunately, her mother was wrong. Apparently, nobody really cares.

    Shame on everyone who want's to send them back where they came from ...

    Sorry we are doing so little. Sorry we are so late. Sorry we don't have time for you. We are terribly
    ashamed. Sorry for our stupid politicians, sorry for our infantile and petty narrow-minded fat bellied
    population who don’t even have the smallest decency, to leave behind their shameful xenophobic
    thoughts. Even not just for a minute to make the right decisions.

    (Souces, from UNHCR, Google, Tom Vandenbosh, Kris Klomp and me)

  12. Muhammad Jaber, a 27-year-old Rohingya, was another migrant who was puzzled when confronted with the idea of going to live in a country thousands of miles away that he knew nothing about.

    However, he concluded: "If it is a Muslim country and they accept us as their citizens, why not?"

    Wow ... Beggars can be choosers I see ... Typical muslim behaviour, let him rot ...

    Beggars? You call refugees beggars?

    Pretty derogate and insulting considering the Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein,

    Lords Saatchi and Saatchi, Sigmund Freud, Jacky Chan, Bob Marley,

    Freddy Mercury and many more from all corners of the world where all

    refugees too!

    The beggar Madeleine Korbel Albright even became the first female Secretary

    of State in the US.

    Just wonder what do you consider yourself?

  13. Military coups not only need logistics planning but also political planning. For example:

    What civilians can be trusted to become part of the new, coup installed government?

    What businesses will back the coup without crippling national strikes?

    What nations will support the security of the coup in case of "resistence?"

    What current government officials are willing to serve a military government?

    What political solutions worked in previous coups in governing the nation?

    What new political solutions are needed in governing the nation?

    What military officers are capable and trusted to govern the coup and the Thai people?

    The military needs more than a Coup for Dummies Guidebook. But with 11 previous coups the military has a lot of experience!

    Paryut says he's not a politician. UNTRUE

    He is the ultimate politician - one who holds all political power.

    As Frank Zappa once said:

    "Politics is the Entertainment Division of the Military"

    Prayut is clearly not a politician, he lacks the skills,

    but a Military man who likes entertainment. giggle.gif

    (Soldier with gambling addiction?)

  14. A small reminder to people !

    I seem to recall that it was the (Muslim) Rohingyas belief in their absolute "right" to abuse ( rape) Buddhist ladies which was the root cause of the "problems "

    "Reap what you sow" is a truism that "Muslims" should learn ...............................

    If you want to remind, remind a bit further, not just the tip of your nose.

    Yes, three criminals raped a woman, sadly happen all over the world on a daily base.

    Some say they were state sponsored, some say they were illegal Bengal immigrants

    whilst others point it specifically to the Rohingya. Whatever, still just three ordinary

    criminals and they did get caught and sentenced to death (although one committed

    "suicide" in prison)

    "Reap what you sow" is a truism that "Muslims" should learn ..........

    So you justify mob rule and genocide on an entire ethical minority by the actions of

    three common criminals who were detained, tried and sentenced to death?

    "The Buddhist monk grabbed a young Muslim girl and put a knife to her neck.

    "If you follow us, I'll kill her," the monk taunted police, according to a witness, as a Buddhist mob

    armed with machetes and swords chased nearly 100 Muslims in this city in central Myanmar.

    It was Thursday, March 21. Within hours, up to 25 Muslims had been killed. The Buddhist mob dragged

    their bloodied bodies up a hill in a neighborhood called Mingalarzay Yone and set the corpses on fire.

    Some were found butchered in a reedy swamp. A Reuters cameraman saw the charred remains of

    two children, aged 10 or younger. ...................."

  15. Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

    Why it ain't thailands problem I would be ashamed of thailand accepted them

    These people are criminals with no paper work

    The only place they can go is jail

    IF other countries think Thailand are wrong then let them have them.

    These people have no ID they could be anyone

    No passports no nothing

    Ain't there fault. England is weak and would accept them and mess up my old country

    Yet why cannot I get thai citizenship I paid taxes here for years I have ID

    These people are no good and shall mess up the country send them home , jail or let them savive in the ocean

    You worry about messing up "Your" old country?

    Shouldn't you be back there protecting "your" old country then?

    But no worries, England messed up more countries than anyone else could do,

    including their own, or why would you be an economic migrant, living outside

    of your "Own" country? Sure not out of humanitarian compassion. Rats are

    usualy the first to leave a sinking boat.

    As a Thai, I would worry more about the 800'000 or so British tourists "letting

    the pig out" and destroying the culture and way's of life here in Thailand than

    the 89'000 refugees living here in camps along the Thai / Myanmar borders.

    (There are an other 500'000 stateless people living in Thailand. Although

    America and Australia where happy to give them asylum, they can't leave as

    none of the past Thai governments recognized them as refugees.They are here

    but they do not exist. Not for Thailand, not for Laos and not for Myanmar)

    Now I hope you take your own rant serious and are hurrying back as fast as

    you can, to protect "your own country" from "those criminals" sick.gif

  16. If we are going to open the borders to these migrants we should be fair and consistent and open our borders to all.

    The Visa and Visas for other countries sections of this forum are full of posts by people who are trying to follow the rules and do things in a legal manner. If the migrants are allowed to move freely from one country to another with a minimum of fuss, paperwork and cost, so should everyone else.

    A friend of mine recently got a long term US visa for her Thai husband. Now, he was educated in the US, getting both his BS and MS there, and has worked as an engineer for the Thai government for about 10 years. Despite this background it took them almost a year and endless fuss and bother to get him his visa. It would probably have been easier and quicker to put him on a boat and cast him adrift a few miles offshore.

    Refugees are not migrants, immigrants, ex-pats or tourists.

    How could you even compare?

    Most of the refugees would probably be pretty happy to stay in their homes if they could.

  17. Sanctions need to be reimposed...

    Well, whilst sanctions by EU countries, the USA etc were previously in place, most Asian nations (eg China, Singapore, Thailand) openly ignored these sanctions and invested in (and exploited) Myanmar.

    Sanctions are not the answer - they will not force a generation of Myanmar Buddhists who has been taught to hate and discriminate against Muslims to suddenly open their hearts to them.

    Sanctions and boycotts do work but they take their time, something we do not have in the West. (Time is money)

    Sanctions in place are lifted by our western governments as we worry, someone else will have a bigger market share then we have and not because situations have improved. Selling Coke and Burgers is more important than a few persecuted, displaced people who have nothing. (They can't afford Burgers or Coke anyway whilst the Generals there spend a fortune on western "toys")

    Conflicts in other countries are a huge factor for our wealth and it's sure not our intention to stop any of those lucrative businesses. So of course, we fuel this phobia of all the different minorities, be it race, religion, ethnicity. We use them as scapegoats, chastise them and start generalizing to bring fear in to those so highly educated Mr. & Mrs Average.

    Suppose that's what the majority of western people are happy with. As long it's not in my backyard, as long Football, Burgers and Coke fuel our collective amnesia, it's not our problem.

  18. Finally, a chance for the "We have the solution for everything holier than thou mighty Farang!!" ... to walk the walk!

    May I kindly inquire why I am not seeing a single suggestion that they are picked up and transported to ... your country of origin?

    Oh my, it must be such a luxury to be far outside the range of the tiny boats out on that wide ocean.

    It must be so easy to just "call and raise" .. when no one will ever ask to see YOUR cards.

    Funny though, get one of you in a pub, and ask about the immigrants in your countries, and you wanna "Nuke em' all"

    I do not endorse what is happening. i am not in favor of women and children suffering this way. I do not know the solution.

    Oh, wait .. I DO know the solution.

    Send the American, British and Australian navies to find, rescue and send these people to the USA, UK and Oz.

    What's that? Not a good idea?

    Fine by me. Do they want to go there?

    Why not China? Russia? Iran? Or Syria?

    Actually, Syria is host to over 1'200'000 refugees, which amounts to 1 refugee per 17 natives.

    Whilst France (1 in 310), the UK (1 in 319), USA (1 in 706), Australia (1 in 1026), or Spain (1 in 1086)

    together, offer sanctuary to just over 680'000 refugees.

    Considering, most suffering for ordinary people, have arisen after the old (and modern) colonial powers

    stirred the shit for their own economical and political gains, we are not taking half as much responsibilities

    as we should do. Contrary, we shift the blame to others and just as with the Rohingya, they get chastised

    and blamed for what ever problems we have.

    Off course it's easy for all those fat bellied, well feed ignorants to blame others. As long our economy

    isn't threatened, as long there is cold beer in the fridge and the shrimps on the bbq, we're fine. Not

    our problem.

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