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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Seams to me the whiter than white people want to dictate the rest
    of the world what is racist or not. White supremacy or guilt trip for
    the colonialists abuse and exploits they did/do around the world?


    Seams to me, people of colour have less of a problem with racism
    then the White

    If it would go after the politically so correct British, all dolls should
    probably be blue, although that might be racism towards the Smurfs
    or our resident racism expert, Farang Bluespunk.

    BTW - my kid likes both dolls. So Bluespank, maybe try to explain to
    my kid, why it's wrong to love a black doll but OK to love a white one?

    Racism in in the eyes of the beholder.

    (Well, at last this time we wont get an innuendo of copy and paste
    reply's from Bluespunk, as he does ignore people calling him farang)

  2. Well from what I know, 2 of the Russians have been arrested and will

    be able to go back to their hut awaiting trial once they paid their bail

    which I recon will be around 40'000 to 60'000 THB each.

    Court date will probably be in about 7 to 8 weeks time, just so they would

    overstay their visa. Fairly common.

    As for the fine, well it's a bit of a gamble but I recon 3 months suspended

    for 1 year prison and 5'000 to 10'000 THB fine reduced by 50% it they

    admit to their crime. Probably not even a stamp in their passport unless

    off course, immigration and labor department get involved too.

    Suppose the outcome of the trial depends entirely on the attitude of those

    two Russians arrested)

    The other six Russians had their details taken and have been released

    without charge.

    As for "Supermarket Bag full of drugs", you're kidding? cheesy.gif

    304 grams of compressed marijuana is about as much as 3 to 5 cigarette

    packets, hardly "supermarket bags' full. Unless you take those real tinny

    bags but even they will not even be half full.

    304 grams is 10 oz , just how big are your cigarette packets ?

    Yeap, 304 grams are just around 10 oz, not 10 kg wink.png

    Now don't tell anyone how big your **** is,

    as you might confused inches with cm too facepalm.gif


  3. I am in an Amsterdam coffee shop, and this is news here, nobody's heard of Indonesia in here.

    Anyway if they cannot find Indonesia on a world map, them Coffee drinkers sure understand Turkish coffee , your fortune is in the bottom of the coffee cup.

    Finish the coffee and read your fortune.

    Holland has been a colonial power in Indonesia for nearly 150 years and

    Dutch kids do learn that at school since generations. There are around

    400'000 Indonesians living in Holland and you recon, nobody heard of


    Must be a coffee shop full of Americans with snow white faces being served

    coffee and cakes by an Indonesian girl cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  4. What the hell ! only recently i saw a Thai guy selling bongs at a walking street market !

    Thais do not require work permits.

    And the Thais probably don't have 304 grams of marijuana sitting next to them while they are selling it.

    If you read the full article no one was arrested for the bongs but 2 have been charged for possession of a class 5 drug.

    So for those keeping track at home...

    Making bongs - OK

    Selling bongs online - Not enough to get you arrested

    Having a supermarket bag full of drugs and posting photos online of you sleeping on drugs - Now you are in trouble.

    Well from what I know, 2 of the Russians have been arrested and will

    be able to go back to their hut awaiting trial once they paid their bail

    which I recon will be around 40'000 to 60'000 THB each.

    Court date will probably be in about 7 to 8 weeks time, just so they would

    overstay their visa. Fairly common.

    As for the fine, well it's a bit of a gamble but I recon 3 months suspended

    for 1 year prison and 5'000 to 10'000 THB fine reduced by 50% it they

    admit to their crime. Probably not even a stamp in their passport unless

    off course, immigration and labor department get involved too.

    Suppose the outcome of the trial depends entirely on the attitude of those

    two Russians arrested)

    The other six Russians had their details taken and have been released

    without charge.

    As for "Supermarket Bag full of drugs", you're kidding? cheesy.gif

    304 grams of compressed marijuana is about as much as 3 to 5 cigarette

    packets, hardly "supermarket bags' full. Unless you take those real tinny

    bags but even they will not even be half full.

  5. Always funny to see how white people argue with other white people
    what and what's not racist towards a black person and most likely,
    never even met or talked to anyone from Africa.

    Any black people here on the forum enlighten us what HE thinks it's
    racist towards HIM?

    One of my friends, yes a black guy, calls me "White Boy" and we call
    him "Blacky". Not he not me ever felt we were in any way racist towards
    each other.

    I find it more racist if people on this forum keep pointing out again and
    again that this or that name doesn't sound very British or not very French
    or whatever.

  6. They been warned several times when they put their ad on facebook but chose to ignore it, like so many of the yoga teachers, dj's, babysitters, people subletting their properties or renting out their motorbikes and cars.

    Although it's not illegal to sell occasionally some of your personal belongings (even if it's an unused bong), it is illegal to sell services or items for profit without the required permits.

    So, Sum Nam Na, Naaa?





    BTW - Smoking bong is not illegal, just what some people smoke with it, is wink.png

  7. Maybe some of the Brits could explain to the many non Bits in this forum,

    why is "Colored People" offensive in the UK whilst "People of Colour" is not? coffee1.gif

    After they finished, they can try to explain the same to the Thai people please cheesy.gif

    Who said the second term you mention isn't offensive?


    For the same reason that "Disabled people" is not cool, but "person with a disability" is OK in the UK

  8. AFAIK the f-16 is the world's only plane whose maximum engine thrust exceeds its weight (which varies of course) so it can theoretically fly straight up like a rocket. But even one of those can stall out.

    They still fly the Lightning at air shows I think. Watched exactly that in awe when I was a kid.

    I understand the English Electric P1 Lightning could go through the sound barrier in straight up vertical flight.

    Unless Orient Thai flies their customers in F-16 or the "English Electric P1"

    I can not see any relevance to this thread.

    Can you enlighten me? Clarification?

  9. I wonder how many innocent Africans got caught up in this net?

    I think you mean innocent people as the bib went after black people regardless of nationality, creed or innocence.

    They had one and only one criteria for judging innocence or guilt and that was colour.

    All I read was they cracked down on colored people,

    I have not read anywhere they were judged yet.

    Do you know something we don't? coffee1.gif

  10. It takes me 30 minutes to clean my bathroom, not 6 months.

    I will not start on the level of cleanliness, but may I mention the SRT has a wee bit more than one toilet and restroom to take care off?

    Mind you, with the SRT apart from a 'one time' cleaning, a plan on 'regular' cleaning might be a good idea as well.

    But sure, they have more than one cleaner ?

    Well, maybe I'm wrong, maybe there is just one and he/she

    was in an inactive post since he/she started employment. coffee1.gif

  11. I really do not know what you people have for a problem with Nigerians.

    I have a real good friend working for the Central Bank of Nigeria. Although

    I never met him personally, he promised to send me 15.5 million dollars.

    Well, I'm a very kind hearten person and have written him back with the plight

    of those poor fellow country men of his and I'm sure, he will be more then
    willing to help every single one of them if only they send him their bank details.

  12. So I would guess that before they left the bar together he would have paid the bar fine and they entered into a contract of sorts. This is probably after she had been flirty and arousing him for an hour or so. The guy may have thought the bar fine was all he had to pay and when he refused to pay again the girl may have become pissed off. Cry rape to avoid the assault charges. Not saying this is what happened before everyone jumps on me.

    He waited until closing time, I assume to avoid paying the bar fine...

    Did not get to his place before being pushed onto some wasteland, if she did not want sex there she has every right to refuse, this is not about a woman who who cries rape when not paid, this was a woman who changed her mind, and said NO, she had every right too and he assaulted her, she hit back.

    "this is not about a woman who who cries rape when not paid, this was a woman who changed her mind, and said NO, she had every right too and he assaulted her, she hit back."

    Do you know her? coffee1.gif

  13. I heard the medical marijuana in the states are 4x stronger than 20-years ago.....

    The demographic getting addicted the fastest......kids 12-years old

    the brain stops growing around age 26

    I know, I know....i'm the ONLY one in the world against smoking pot.....

    yell at me all you want, you will forget about it in the morning....

    No wonder half of the Americans in Amsterdam can't handle a smoke,

    if the THC content in the US is only 4 times stronger than 20 yeas ago. coffee1.gif

  14. I recon Thailand's Civil Aviation Department is a bit like the TV forum.

    Whilst everyone is questioning air safety, our resident forum expert
    members are arguing on 7 of 9 pages if it's possible to stall a plane
    in flight.

    Suppose same with Thailand's Civil Aviation Department, whilst one
    country after the other is shutting down Thailand's international routes,
    those experts are probably discussing who to sue for defamation instead
    of discussing the real issue.

    Always right to the point -Thaistyle

  15. Orient Thai aka 1-2-Go allowed to fly internationally after it crashed domestically and wind up. Perhaps international customers are less likely to recall the accident and locally, they have short memories.

    Although Thailand's Civil Aviation Departement revoked Orient Thai/One2Go's

    AOC between July and December 2008 they still flew to Hongkong. A complet

    disregard for it's passengers and crews safety. Any punishment for their action?


    What has changed since?

    Nothing, nada, rien de tout.

    So I do hope the international Airsafety Bords will revoke ALL permits for

    air carriers based in Thailand and as safety standards on the ground is just

    as miserable as in the air, I hope foreign Airlines will start flying to KL or

    Singapore instead of any of the Thai airport.

    • Like 1
  16. "I will use Article 44 constructively and I won't use it to create more conflict."


    ¨Anyone in conflict with me will be removed¨

    Phornphet said Thailand's image in the eyes of the international community would be improved after martial law was lifted.


    He also expects the new order to boost unity and help the country achieve reconciliation under the NCPO's reform roadmap.

    Can anyone in the NCPO read a roadmap?

    Just found a copy of NCPO's road map coffee1.gif


  17. That would be terrifying. Glad they were able to put it down safely.

    Refreshing to see a pilot working hard to save passengers, crew and aircraft...rather than locking the door and nose diving it into a mountain or ocean.

    What an incredibly crass and insensitive comment - even by TV standards! You say 'refreshing to see a pilot working hard to save passengers' as if that is unusual, and now suddenly the norm is for pilots to take passengers to their deaths. You sir are a prize prat.

    you sure infer alot, don't you? Most things that are nice, do not make the news. This year...we had a few missing aircraft. Sometimes the news gets all wrapped around pilot error..and fails to recognize the the good pilots.

    My statement rightfully congratulates the pilot that was able to land the airplane safely, and being relieved that it was not another report of pilot error. I stand by my statement, although you are reading way too far into it....

    Obviously I was referring to the media coverage during the past year...not making a derogatory statement towards all pilot. Lets just say "Refreshing to read a good story with a happy ending"....that should make you less jittery.

    Perhaps you had a bad day?

    A few missing aircrafts this year? I'm only aware of the missing

    Malaysian Airplane but that was last year.

    So maybe enlighten me what other aircrafts have gone missing?

    Considering the safety, maintenance and training records of Orient Thai,

    and how Orient Thai's management handles safety issues, I would suggest,

    it was by pure luck, this incident didn't end up with fatalities

    Snippets of a letter of an ex-pilot of Orient Thai:

    "To the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department,

    the Korean Civil Aeronautical Board &

    Thailand Department of Civil Aviation

    Addressed to the Examiners of Airmen I write to you on the principle that someone, somewhere has to stop the irregularities and illegalities that the airline mentioned below works under and how dangerous they are to aviation. Orient Thai Airlines is a company which has no control, no maintenance principles and the lowest standards I have ever seen.

    The first shock came in the simulator where crews were putting flaps out at 290 kts (not one of the crew members picked it up) so it was pointed out to them and at that time the Captain pulled the speedbrake handle, everyone again forgot that, they made the approach with flaps out speed brake deployed, proceeded to go-around and crashed. No checklists such as “Engine Fire Checklist” was ever called for. The Captain just says “get the book out”. This story goes on and on and when arriving back in the classroom, the Captain who was doing his renewal said “It is so nice to renew your rating” and the Check captain gave them all a pass. The Check captain was called into the office by Graham Smith and Xan Sutherland and told this was unacceptable..............."

    Well there are many, many more of such findings and what have the

    Thai Governments (past and present) done?

    Nada, denial, and defamation lawsuits but nothing to improve safety.

    I would say after 10 years of not complying to international regulations,

    all Thai carriers should be banned from international airspace.

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