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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. .....at an unfavourable exchange rate.
  2. It could be you! 🙂
  3. Still cheaper to use WISE for those couple of occasions. As your transfers are likely to be relatively large the difference in the exchange rate will make quite a difference.
  4. Since when has Thaksin and "the law" been in harmony? He makes his own rules.
  5. .... and bullets - if the last war on drugs is anything to go by.
  6. 98% of my transfers take under 10 seconds. I transfer funds from my main UK bank account into my WISE account - and then remit money to Thailand from there.
  7. It was a 0.1% dip.............let's keep things in perspective. Admittedly a small growth figure was expected, but these are fine margins. No argument about Starmer being a nob.
  8. That wouldn't happen........and we both know it. 😉 It is a non-issue. (I used to attach my baggage receipt to the boarding pass stub - just to make sure that I didn't throw it away before getting through baggage reclaim). Viva la mobile application.
  9. My you have woken up in a judgemental mood! I fully understand your comment - it is just irrelevant. Anyone could indeed choose not to board (as Hannah Waddingham did in the final programme in Ted Lasso) - but then you would not arrive in another country. The electronic records are key and the e-gate system is working - on my return (after exiting via e-gates a week earlier) my IO was unconcerned about any lack of exit stamp - does that surprise you? There is also eviddence that these electronic records are accessible by the Department of Work and Pensions - a friend (who had not advised DWP that he was returning to Thailand) had his pension payment chopped back immediately after his return).
  10. It is pretty good evidence to me - and probably why Immigration at Swampy often ask to see at arrival. I now show the boarding pass on the app when I present my passsport.
  11. I tried an edible before a recent flight and i am sure it helped in me getting more sleep than normal.
  12. Don't focus on the fee but look at the net Baht you receive. WISE fees appear high but the headline rate is so much better than the banks that you are always better off using WISE.
  13. That comment appears unjustifiably judgemental.
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 177 seconds  
  15. Yep....presumably....that is why I sailed through
  16. Plus the price of stress - and queing, there is always queing at Jomtien ...........however well we think that we know the requirements, the ability of immigration to throw in a curved ball at any point is well documented. That plus the feeling that immigration sometimes give you the impression that you are sh!t on their shoes - just not worth it.
  17. Yet you care enough to make a comment...................let it slide, he is entitled to his opinion.
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