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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. I drove along Beach Road in the right hand lane today. I only encountered two oncoming cars.
  2. Totally NOT irrelevant. The humour was lost on you then? Did you not see the red wiggly line under one of your words when you typed your post?
  3. ... another reason to use an agent 😉
  4. None of my partners have ever been my 'closest friend', 'soul mate' or any of that b0llox.
  5. You need to learn that the background is largely irrelevant; it is where/what you finish up as that counts.
  6. No. Those of us that are happy are the ones who do not waste their capital (and I have a lot..............).
  7. I don't own anything in Thailand. Renting is always the best advice.
  8. Daughter is visiting for a month and apart from an annual health check, at Jomtien hospital, she wants to have 2 small miles checked out. Any suggestions for Pattaya to Sattahip area - and does anyone know if Jomtien hospital offers such a service (nothing obvious on their website).
  9. I am surprised that no has berated the OP for his tardiness with the passport renewal. That should have been at the forefront of his mind since approval of the previous extension.
  10. Veteran is just a job title, it doesn't bring any additional entitlements. The people you describe are not entitled to any of that.
  11. "think" touched your balls ? Surely you would know. Your track record as a sleuth is appalling - don't give up your day job! 🙂
  12. If I believe my GP (and I do believe my GP) when I asked him about taking amlodipine and cialis, said that the two drugs worked in totally different ways - and did not conflict with each other. The Cialis sends blood to the penis, blood pressure tablets are a calcium channel blocker.
  13. As should gobby, classless, clots who feel the need make such comments.
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