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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. You are full of cr4p.
  2. My sincerest apologies.......................I am obviously overdue a visit.
  3. Obviously sweepingly false..................but the haters will always hate.
  4. I think you mean "beautiful" rather than delicious - I doubt that you have tasted them.
  5. But not nearly as well.
  6. If you want real English Bangers 'n Mash you can't beat Nicky's just off Soi Bukhao. They have 3 types, Cumberland sausages, Lincolnshire Swirl and a large yorkshire pudding with everything inside Not wishing to be pedantic (because I agree 100% about Nicky's, never had a bad meal there)......but Nicky's is actually ON soi Buakhao opposite the double fronted massage shop whgere the girls wear orange.
  7. I had the same when I returned for a hernia op. My point (if indeed there was one) was regarding the 'legal' position with free NHS prescriptions.
  8. I don't disagree with what you are doing - I share your philosophy about having "paid in". Nevertheless, I just wanted to confirm that free NHS prescriptions would not normally be available to someone living in Thailand for 184+ days.
  9. Do you not have to be UK resident to receive free NHS prescriptions?
  10. Good job we don't take the same attitude to your visa related posts. Showing a bit of humility (and understanding of those who HAVE bothered to read/contribute to those 8 pages) by removing the above would do you no harm.
  11. I agree with you, I think that You Tuber (as helpful as he tries to be) is wrong. I have correspondence from DWP that suggests that on returning to Thailand the pension revert to the original frozen amount when you first went to Thailand.
  12. You still pay tax on any income derived in the UK....ie... state pension, interset, dividends, investment income - rent etc. I haven't lived in the UK for 18 years but I cannot claim non-residency because of directorships I hold. It will be an interesting 'tug-of-love' if the Thai authorities want me to be a Thailand tax resdent on account of the 184+ days I spend here.
  13. Just because you are taxed in the UK, on income derived from the UK, doesn't necessarily mean that you are a UK tax resident. Whether you are resident in the UK for tax purposes is determined by the Statutory Residence Test (in force since April 2013). At its most simple, if you spend 183 or more days in the UK during a tax year (6 April – 5 April) you will automatically be UK resident. If you have not been in the UK for 183 days, you will still be UK resident for a tax year if: You do not meet any of the automatic overseas tests; You meet one of the automatic UK tests or you meet the sufficient ties test. Automatic overseas tests The three main automatic overseas tests are as follows: You will be non-UK resident for the tax year if you were UK resident for one or more of the previous three tax years and you spend less than 16 days in the UK in the current year. You will be non-UK resident for the tax year if you were UK resident for none of the previous three tax years and spend less than 46 days in the UK in the current year. You will be non-UK resident for the tax year if you work full-time overseas in the tax year. If any of the above tests are satisfied, you will not be UK resident for that tax year. If they are not satisfied, the automatic UK tests and sufficient ties tests need to be considered. Automatic UK tests The three main automatic UK tests are as follows: As noted, you will be UK resident if you spend 183 or more days in the UK in the tax year. You will be UK resident if, for a prescribed part of the tax year, your only home is in the UK. You will be UK resident if you work full time in the UK in the tax year. If you meet none of the automatic overseas tests, and none of the automatic UK tests, then the sufficient ties test comes into play. Sufficient ties test There are five UK ties, these being as follows: Family tie – your spouse, cohabitee or minor child is UK resident in the tax year. Accommodation tie – you have a place to live in the UK available to you in the tax year. Work tie – you work for more than three hours a day for 40 days or more in the tax year. 90 day tie – you have spent more than 90 days in the UK in at least one of the previous two tax years. Country tie – you spend more days in the UK in a tax year than in any other country (but this only applies if you were UK resident in one of the previous three tax years). The ties have many accompanying tests and rules that need to be worked through carefully according to your individual circumstances each year. The number of ties that you meet, will determine the number of days you can spend in the UK in a tax year on a tiered basis before you become a UK resident. For the sufficient ties test, a distinction is drawn between “arrivers” (individuals who have not been UK resident in any of the previous three tax years) and “leavers” (who have been UK resident in one or more of the previous three tax years).
  14. ...hopefully before Immigration start to ask for the evidence as part of your extension application.....
  15. Most will take a more sensible 'watching brief' ....but I agree, there will be enough lemmings to startle the K Bank staff (who may not even be aware that these forms have been sent out).
  16. Certified isn't necessarily notarised. I won't be visiting a Notary Public with any forms that I complete.
  17. I was bashing the content - which was dumb. I don't know you so I can't comment on whether you are dumb or not.
  18. That would be a fairly dumb move...................do you think other banks will notfollow suit?
  19. Dear Valued Customer, We, KASIKORNBANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED, would like to express our sincere gratitude for entrusting us in providing you our products and/or services. As part of Thailand’s participation in the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (MCAA CRS), financial institutions are obligated to submit certain information to the Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance, in accordance with the Emergency Decree on Exchange of Information for Compliance with International Agreements on Taxation, B.E. 2566 (2023) and related regulations (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “CRS”). The CRS aims to combat tax evasion by individuals residing outside Thailand and to ensure compliance with international taxation standards. In light of these requirements, we kindly request your cooperation in completing the following steps: 1. complete and sign the attached forms, which include: 1.1 FATCA/CRS Individual Self-Certification, 1.2 IRS Form W-9 (if applicable), and 1.3 IRS Form W-8BEN (if applicable); 2. provide a certified true copy of your passport; and 3. return the completed forms and document(s) abovementioned to us by email at [email protected] no later than December 20, 2024. We sincerely appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have already completed these actions or your information has already been up-to-date, please kindly disregard this request. Should you have any questions or require clarification regarding the CRS or how it applies to your specific situation, please consult with your legal or tax advisor. You may also refer to the Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance, for further guidance. Please note that KASIKORNBANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED does not provide you any tax or legal advice, and we shall not be held liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, arising from your use of or reliance on any information provided by us related to CRS or taxation. If you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact K-Contact Center at Tel: 02-888-8888, ext. 876. Please be informed that, in accordance with our policy, none of your personal information shall be requested via telephone or SMS. Best regards, KASIKORNBANK PUBLI C COMPANY LIMITED
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 204 seconds  
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