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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. Lazada don't set prices, they sre only the platform for multiple sellers.
  2. Wrong. A few years back a guy did some ironing (to help/relieve his wife)in a laundry shop in soi 6 Pattaya. Presumably grassed up, Immigration called and lectured him saying that if he continued his 'visa' would be cancelled.
  3. At Makro you used to be able to buy outside those hours. I don't know if that is still the case.
  4. Siamsburi's have a decent online ordering system, but I don't know about others - and there will be others; perhaps a Google of expat food deliveries will provide options.
  5. They will deliver anywhere A friend has a Siamsburi's delivery sent up to Khon Kaen.
  6. I am sure that you understand that the expat shops that do delivery will be cheaper than buying via Lazada. I am not knocking Lazada at all - I buy loads from them, but not staples like your order.
  7. Makro Foodmart Best Friendship Lotus'
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 189 seconds  
  9. I don't like the USA system. The UK process, for example, is much better; all the evidence to support the application is uploaded and the ECO has everything they need to make a decision. With the USA process the online submission is basically just static data collection - nothing to support financial adequacy or reasons to return - just about enough to establish a genuine reason to visit. It would appear that everything rests on the 'interview'. Having now spoken with the applicant she seemed to indicate that they didn't even look at her folder of supporting information. Whilst I find that incredible, if true, it is what she said. The arrogance of the system is highlighted by the published assumption that all applicants want to be 'immigrant' applicants and their application has to first prove that is not the case. If this lady was a British citizen, with EXACTLY the same financial situation and same ties to the UK, she would get an online visa the same day. But because she is Thai she has to go through this farcical subjective process - that is as close to modern day discrimination/racism that you can get. That is bull<deleted> - not from you but from the USA authorities. She is not single (that bit was bull<deleted> from you) but in a domestic relationship akin to marriage for 10 years. She is a 50+ year old Thai citizen who will never live anywhere but Thailand. If UKVI consider her suitable for the granting of a visa then that is more than good enough for the USA authorities. My friend will give it one more shot but I fear that the applicant will not have the confidence or skills to do well at the interview. To me that says more about the USA than the applicant.
  10. The jealousy and bitterness is never far below the surface. You think there are many working class socialists in American politics? 888Sport:- Donald Trump 4/6 Kamala Harris 13/10 Not bad for someone who is cattle trucked.
  11. You really do not understand. Having assets overseas and income from abroad does not weaken the evaluation of a flight risk. This applicant is an Isaan rice muncher who is fortunate to have a de-facto partner of financial standing who fully supports. Never been out the country until she met him and now has visited 4 countries. Owns land and property worth 5m+ Baht and can't wait to get back to rice fields after every trip away. If you suggest that someone with a job at a PTT gas station who is married to an abusive alcoholic Thai man, has 4 kids, 200k of debt with local money lenders, owns nothing BUT shows 120k Baht in a bank account, is a lesser risk of flight then you are delusional.
  12. It seems that being wealthy and not needing to work is no longer an advantage!! What a forked up world we livevin.
  13. Nonsense . She couldn't have stronger ties to Thailand - and if there were sufficient reasons to return to satisfy UKVI then it should be good enough for the Yanks As it happens she hates America (no justifiable reason) abd they are only going for a week for a relatives wedding anniversary in Las Vegas. She can't wait to get back to the fields of Isaan.
  14. See. it's crazy ..she doesn't need employment she is fully financially supported by her partner who is retired with a pension of £40k p a. plus £100j+ in the bank and property assets of £250k.
  15. A friend's partner got knocked back with her USA visa application - declined under section 214B on the grounds that she hadn't evidenced sufficient ties to Thailand. Absolute nonsense and the submitted paperwork showed:- She is a Thai citizen aged 55 and has an English de-facto partner of 10 years - she is a housewife. Her partner evidenced a 6 figure UK bank balance. She owns a house and land where she has lived for 30+ years. She has traveled international and was granted a UK visa earlier this year. The reason for the visit is a one week trip to join a family wedding anniversary in Las Vegas. There is absolutely no risk of flight and UKVI determined that "on the balance of probability the applicant would return to Thailand...." when granting the UK visa. Any advice should the applicant choose to reapply would be welcome.
  16. You started it with your second post on this thread when a poster simply pointed out that Lazada rules allow you to reject a 'paid for' order and claim a refund. I understood that, it appears that you didn't. On a personal note I have never had a problem with Lazada on 200+ orders - and I am happy with their terms of business. Also, I have never looked somewhere else for a cheaper price once I have ordered from somebody.......that's just me.
  17. Only 3 days late in getting the appropriate people involved.........T. I. T.
  18. Why are you do keen to report it,,,? If my missus transfers 20,000 Baht to me, do you expect me to report it? If my mate Geoff transfers 30k to me to repay the money I lent him last week to make up the purchase price for a new TV, do you want that reported as well. Get a grip! The Thai authorities can't handle genuine remittances, let alone transfers between individuals.
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