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Everything posted by zyphodb

  1. No danger of that, one of Klaus Schwab's young global leaders isn't she? That's who's been pulling the strings for the last few years. Just the same as Macron and Trudeau in France and Canada... And the ex PM in Auz too...
  2. The Army is following orders on running the country provided by the big business owners and their ilk...
  3. My Pink Thai ID card starts with a 6. would be upgraded to 8 if I had permanent residence I think...
  4. Some of us buy online because we don't live in cities, the nearest shop to me is in Khon Khen, which is over 100 km away...
  5. The Taxi's just about anywhere outside Bangkok refuse to use their meters...
  6. You have gone native haven't you? You'll be calling us Buffaloes next...
  7. Yep, I think they might have really screwed it this time for the tourist industry that isn't in the China market. They won't properly realize though until China shuts down again and they have no tourists at all. One step forward with legalising weed, then three steps back with this...
  8. I think you added a zero, as far as I know the going rate is 20,000 not 200.000
  9. Which has never left us, but has been taking huge profit hits lately...
  10. The SSO in Chaiyaphum, would only do it through 3 of those banks that are quoted. The problem is TIT, each office is run as a fiefdom and make their own rules up...
  11. So you're saying that I should be able to claim back, in my case 6 years of contributions as well as carrying on paying monthly for my healthcare under section 39? they didn't tell me that lol
  12. I found out the section 39 info from here, ThaiVisa, then got on to the local SSO at the time while I was still Teaching. I went around the office on the same week that I finished and applied for it. Mine was further complicated by my home province being different from where I was working. As far as I understand it, if you go to section 39, you don't claim your SS payments back, you continue them at the rate of 430 something bahts every month, which gives you free meds and hospitals if you've paid in for, 3 years, I think. Up to a pension if you've paid in for 15 years or so...
  13. Having just gone through this process myself, I'd say that the SSO's are very unhelpful to foreigners trying to get on to section 39 SS, to the point where I wonder if it's actual policy to put us off getting on it. I seem to have finally got on it, but to get to the point of direct debits from my bank, took 5 months of me having to go to the office 50 kms away in person to pay the monthly payments before they got the DD together. I had to open a new acc with SCB because they'd only do DD's from certain banks (not Kasikorn), It took them 3 months to tell me this after I got quite angry about it in their office in the end. So you need to persevere, as I really don't think the various office staff like the idea of farangs being able to get it at all...
  14. Crocodile maybe? But surely someone would have noticed. Can't think of much else animalwise that would kill you in Koh Sok lake. Which leaves... another of those "unexplained" deaths which we're having so many of worldwide...
  15. IMO the one thing that they've done good with is legalising weed. Probably their last, desperate attempt to get re-elected, an appeal to the masses lol
  16. I don't think immigration will want to go chasing down visa agents when you consider what they get from them...
  17. "and another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust" is how it goes, I think...
  18. Unfortunately, what you've describe happens at virtually every state school in the country, The students being taught well comes a distant second to money making, and this is encouraged from the top down, as is cheating as far as I can see...
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