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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. If you are using tap water, it is chlorinated

    Of course, I didn't think of that. Although I don't know how much protection it would give, especially over time. Fish and mosquito larvae have no problem living in it.

    The chlorine only lasts a couple of days before it dissipates, so it won't give protection after that unless you refill the water, or add chlorine tabs. My dog and cats seem to like to drink my chlorinated swimmimng pool, so I don't see a problem for your dogs.

  2. Let me start by saying that one should be wary of unsupported recommendations for services as well as unsupported "warnings" about retail establishments or services. But, both, over the long haul, could be useful.

    Unfortunately, the current pinned thread got off to a very bad start, and it has gotten worse. It has an editor who may or may not be the best one for the job. The impulse the editor had was his own rotten personal experience with a service. The "debate" topic on whether or not there should even be bad references got off to so bad a start that the topic had to be closed! I reopen the discusison. I hope people will be thoughtful in responding, and there will not be the garbage that trashed the first discussion.

    I have been mystified why there can't be reasonable entries made about rip-off places or people as well as kudos for good people. Some examples:

    Take the recommendation about dentists, opthamologists, or cardiologists. WHile not inclusive, I am sure, there is consistency. Or bad news. Siam TV was berated by an OP, but many other TV people negated his criticism. SO, it can work both ways if enough people contribute.

    But I do not think it wise that there should be a pinned thread with one editor. There is something fundamentally wrong with that arrangement, and the current posts are to me proof of that beyond a doubt.

    I agree 100% There should be some balance. Currently, there isn't any at all...

  3. I will look into that and keep you informed, but I think there is no social security tax in Thailand simple because there are also no benefits or allowances.

    Educate yourself is a good idea. In fact, there is Social Security in Thailand. One of the benefits is free medical care...I know because I have used it before, and I have been an employer and paid it to the government.


    The objective of the fund is to support employees who suffer from accident, illness, disability or death, not related to work. As of 2004 all Thai Companies must register for Social Welfare tax on all employees including the foreigners who hold work permit. failure will mean loss of work permit & or fine.You must pay 5% tax on employees wages each month & 5% government fee. eg Say you earn 10,000 baht a month =5% twice. Then you have one employee on say 6000 baht & then 2 others on 5000 baht again taxed at 6% = 1560 baht to pay each month.Social Security Fund. Employers, employees and the government must contribute an equal monthly sum to the Social Security Fund at the rate of 5% on employment income. The maximum wage for computing the contribution is Bht15,000 per month. Employer and employee contributions must be remitted to the Fund by the employer within 15 days of the following month.

  4. In my humble opinion, you are incorrect. They are legal and the amount of income is too low to pay taxes. So there is no need to report this to revenue.

    In fact, you may be correct, as I said, 'maybe' :o

    But I still think that you must pay a social security tax on them to be legal..

  5. For the record, I gave my staff the opportunity to resign (which they did) and I paid them 2 weeks extra. If I had terminated them, I would have had to pay the 3 months salary by law and I was not prepared to reward thier actions. They were able to leave with "face" intact back to Lampang

    It has been a few years, but as I recall, someone must work for at least 9 months before they can get 1 month? extra, for being laid-off, without cause. Any cause to fire someone means they don't get ANY extra money from you. Also, unless you are paying tax on her to the government, she is not a 'legal employee'. Like I said, it has been a few years, but that is the way it used to be here, as I recall

  6. Great idea; am sure it will be a success.

    Some restaurants do already deliver but I guess they are happy for you to take care of it. It looks convenient for the customer, too, as sometimes ordering by phone can be torturous, esp. when it comes to giving directions. With your system we only need give directions once.

    Agree that more everyday Thai food would be good.

    I didn't see the delivery charges stated on the website. May have missed them but if not, why not state them clearly ?

    What will the MiniMart sell ? Groceries and fresh produce would be great. If you can get the basic inventory from the big supermarkets online we'd all be absolutely delighted, I am certain !!

    I think you have to place an order to see the information. I agree though, the delivery charges should be listed on each page. Another note, it is 11:00am, but the website is not open for business...

  7. Ajarn - I really do not understand why you have it in for me so much and keep attacking me. Please let me know what I have done to deserve this vendetta?

    Keep attacking you?? What are you talking about? This is the first time I've said anything against you, and I feel your paranoia about this is silly. There is no vendetta, obviously.

    I shall reply by PM or Email.

    Don't bother yourself...


    Okay,, I will not keep this in the private domain. As per your wishes stated here, I shall reply in public in this thread.


  8. Ajarn - I really do not understand why you have it in for me so much and keep attacking me. Please let me know what I have done to deserve this vendetta?

    Keep attacking you?? What are you talking about? This is the first time I've said anything against you, and I feel your paranoia about this is silly. There is no vendetta, obviously.

  9. I am now going to edit the thread to remove not strictly relevant posts and will pin at the top of the forum.

    Please take note of out recommendation threads in the sub forum. HERE. All recommendations made here have been moved into THIS THREAD in that sub forum.


    ***WARNING***COCKPIT Tyre service - Hang Dong Road

    I have wanted to post a thread like this for some years - an experience today brought home the necessity and has made me take the plunge.

    Please add other businesses or tradesmen below.

    Bypass COCKPIT Tyre service center on the Hang Dong road. (For youse from the other side of the pond, a tyre is the Brit for a tire, which to us implies knackered!) Cockpit is iust South of Tesco Lotus and on the opposite side of the road, it is opposite the Honda dealership, by the Shell station.

    I have had the severe misfortune to enter their premises twice in the last ten years. On both occasions they have tried to cheat me and on today's occasion I was physically assaulted by the owner and three staff members.

    First time my wife went in having had a flat on a drive from Khon Kaen. She simply asked them to repair the tyre. They tried to persuade her she needed to change all five tyres on the car. The car was brand new with new tyres and had driven under 1,000 kms from new. I had to go to the shop to sort out the problem and we took our business elsewhere.

    Today I had a blowout on a loaded trailer and had to go there somewhat urgently. I asked them to check tyre size while the trailer was on the road in front of the shop. They said they had the right size and went ahead and changed the tyre. After they finished, one side of the trailer was 2 inches higher than the other. They had installed completely the wrong size of tyre and admitted then that they did not have the correct size.

    This led to a difference of opinion. They refused to accept any responsibility and demanded I either pay in full or they would remove the tyre and I would have to leave on a bare rim. An unacceptable choice. I suggested they either get the correct size or allow me to leave and have the tyre replaced elsewhere, returning the wrong one to them. They refused both options and it ended up with the owner and three of his staff assaulting me.

    Anyway, cutting a long story short, I eventually left the premises with their wrong tyre on my trailer and without paying.

    300 metres down the road, another tyre on my car exploded with considerable force. They had pumped far too much air into it. If I had been driving at speed it could have caused a severe accident.

    Tomorrow morning I am off to make a full report to the police.

    Since that incident, one of the policemen to whom I spoke told me that both he and his wife had been cheated by this company - and a close friend who came for dinner last night told how, after a quote had been made and accepted and the work done replacing all tyres on their car, Cockpit increased the price on the final invoice by over 2,500 Baht. - When he refused to pay the gouged invoice, they removed the new tyres, replacing with the old ones and tried to charge him 300 Baht per wheel for the work they had done.

    Avoid COCKPIT. There are other, far better tyre service places close by.

    P1P, I think you are lucky that you were not arrested for theft after stealing his tire. You could of simply been left as you were in the beginning, but that wasn't okay. You both wanted to profit, and this time you won. :o

    And I think the 'assault' is B.S. Maybe you can explain it truthfully, but I don't think you will..

  10. I think McGriffith, who can be more thrifty with his baht than a legendary Scotsman, only complained that he was charged 400 baht for a thorough exam, diagnosis, and advice from a highly qualified surgeon at Ram. Heck, I usually pay 350 baht for the same at Sripat-Maharaj. I thought most specialty surgeons at Ram charged more like 800 for a visit.

    I thought that 200 baht was the standard fee to see any doctor, 400 baht if you're a patient there. Anyway, it has always been the price I've paid at Ram..

  11. I have found a good doc at CM Ram 1, and I have been going once a month. No problems with anyone at all. Everything goes as I expect it. I have always felt that your hospital experience depends largely on your doctor.

  12. Why worry? I would take the anti-rabies shots. I had to take them a few years ago, after getting bitten by a soi dog. No sweat at all. A few jabs over a period.. can't remember how long, but not too long

  13. thanks guys, really helpfull. I also wounder about my drivinglicences?

    I have a new european (international) driverlicence, + a International, which is like a book, (valid only for 3 years, expired right now, but doubt they can read flamish?) and a Norwegian, which is valid for 100 years!!

    Would that do?


    That will be fine. In some places they will only ask you for a passport as your driving licence you need to carry with you whilst driving.

    I only have a UK licence and have had no probem in 9 years.

    I have only had an Oregon License, expired in 1984, and it has worked fine for me. A few months ago, I hit an oily patch in a turn, causing my truck to crash. My insurance company paid for everything, including my hospital and the cost to fix my truck. Some insurance companies are better than others. :o

  14. :D One of our friends has been working with a group in town that is modifying wheelchairs to

    better fit the size of the Thais using them (the imported wheelchair seats are generally too large

    for Thai people). We had a office chair with a wheel broken and decided to see if the seat half of

    the chair could be used on the wheelchair. To make a long story shorter, they now refer to the

    wheelchair with that seat as the "Mercedes Chair". If you have a broken or unused office type

    chair it would be very much appreciated by the people using these chairs. PM me

    and will arrange to pick it up. Thanks- JOHN

    I have a wheelchair, but I'm not quite ready to give it up. :o

  15. In Chiang Mai - Jim Browne

    Mobile: 084-611-7638

    Home: 053-863-045

    I can vouch for Jim and the top notch service he provides.

    He truly is a computer wizard. :o

    Had Jim do some work on my compter. He charges like 400 baht per hour, for me, it was 800 baht- Nothing accomplished. I found Jim Brown to be a total waste of time and money

    and what were you doing for 2 hours while jim browne was busy on your computer? i would have been there with him finding out if the problem can be tackled or not rather than pay him the 800 baht and bitch about it later.

    I did my job, he did his, and his job wasn't satisfactory.

    Take the rest of your attitude and please shove it...

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