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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. I live by Mae Joe intersection, south of Mae Joe University. Thanaval Village.

    I will attempt to PM ya, but dealing with lousy dail up until my ADSL arrives, most likely sometime around when China puts a man on Mars... :o

    I think you live in the same village as me.. Just past Ruamchoke mkt, before the 'Jet' gas station? It's called Muubaan Tanawan.. I have a cheap garden guy who does a great job. His name is Pone, and his number is 089-701-9317

  2. Only a few k's are being paved bewtween Mae Kachan and the hotsprings. I was on this road last week with no problem. Speeds are pretty close to normal. No real delay.

    The drive through Phrao is good, but will add an hour to your trip. I went north that way, south back through Mae Kachan. I had also heard some bad things about the road, but after I had been on the bad part ofthat road, I felt that I shouldn't have gone through Phrao, but simply gone the normal way.

  3. If an Asian European (or Brit/Aussie/Merkin ... ) with a somewhat Thai appearance walked into a shop here and was addressed in Thai by one server, would a second, more observant server say to the other, "He's not Thai, he's farang" ? If not, what might they say ?

    Assuming that my current understanding is correct, that those with Asian faces are by definition not farang, wherever they might have been born or have lived their lives, an observer who could tell that the person was not Thai but did not know anything about him beyond that, might simply say to his or her colleague, 'He's not Thai.'

    That is my understanding also. Even if he spoke fluent Ozzie and lived in Australia from birth, he would not be considered a farang.

    He would be a farang to me.

  4. Im having problems with paypal trying to just verify my Thai address, theyre after any Utility bill with my name and home address on it, unfortunately, they cant accept non-english ones as they dont have interpreters, and the companies here arent going to give me a translated utility bill are they?


    UBC is a good bet to use because your name is in English

  5. I will be 58 next month and I am on a medical retirement. I recieve 2300usd every month and have a large amount of money saved in my annunity as well as property I have up for sale. Yes, I feel a connection with Chiang Mai and its temples. There are a few of us that go to Thailand for the beauty of the country and interact and respect Thai customs and for religious reasons. I drink once in a while like my cigars and like Thai food. I would like to move to Chiang Mai sometime in the near future. I want to know how much start up cost would be. I live very simple would like to rent a house or condo with air and pay my rent on a yearly bases, don't drive and would like to be close to town centre. I live alone and would be spending my time fishing going to temples, as for the bar sene I've been there done it and now its time to move on.

    I like your ideas, and the idea of paying rent yearly is a good idea for me, because I have lived here for 23 years and have a good idea of what I want to commit to. But it doesn't make good sense for you to pay yearly until you have already lived here awhile and have looked around plenty already... Month to month is the norm.

    Start up costs are not likely higher than B100,000 ($3500US) for the first couple of months... ?

  6. Is anyone NOT throwing water at this point ?

    I'll be doin my fair share tmw Sunday as well. Up around 10, futz around with email n the computer, breakfast, get psyched up, then hit the moat n John's place about 2pm. I always park a block or two outside the moat and walk in. More fun, and less hassle with traffic and getting sloshed while driving. Very curious to see how (un-)crowded it is.
    Last year cars could actually drive around the moat at a fair clip
    as turnout was low, so we'll see.

    Bullshit. I was one of those drivers. Stop n Go around the moat= 2 hrs.

    Ajarn, what got up your craw, buddy ? How about 'Really? That wasn't my experience, we must've been there on different days n times ?' Especially 'cause I was there with UG, McSpicy, and CrowBoy to name a few and that's exactly how it was. It ain't BS, and it isn't a misinterpretation; it's what really happened. We just experienced different things. You been really back forth with your nice remarks n harsh remarks recently. Best get yourself a cool drink n try to relax them nerves of yours.

    And then yesterday i saw plenty of cars making their way around quite fast as well. But then they sometimes ran traffic breaks for some reason or other and kept things at a complete standstill for a half hour or more. have no idea why. SO again, some will have had completely different experiences.

    When someone talks bullshit here, I often reply. My nerves are fine :o

  7. specially if your existing account is USA based

    Sorry to disagree. I have had a stateside account for 3 years that I have now made into a business account, linked to my stateside bank, A European Bank, their Bank cards and also to my Bank of Bangkok account for over one year without any difficulty whatsoever. They are totally aware of my being here instead of the states and it has caused no difficulty whatsoever.

    This will allow you to bring in any amount at a price of course, but, with efficiency, security and speed that cannot be said of Thai Banks when receiving a wire transfer.

    Not true in my experiences with Kasikorn Bank. :o

  8. 16,900 Baht installed

    good price!

    What about Haier air cons... from makro... 9000 baht for a 9000 btu...installed 5 year on compressor as well.. from China ... and over there its rated very good.

    Does Macro provide installation and home service? Doubtfull. I think these two items should be your guide, rather than simply prices. Some A/C's are crap, some are okay, some are great (in my experience). A 9,000 btu compressor will cool a average bedroom on most days, but not everyday.

    Wrong. Makro do provide service and guarantee for all it's eltrical items.

    Also the recommended sized airconditioner for a room 150x 160 is 9,000 BTU and it's adviseable not to put too big of a unit .

    I don't believe your(?) figures of 150x 160 feet. Definately not in Thailand...23 years of living here tells me that.. And it is cheaper to run a slightly bigger unit normally..

  9. Did they hose down the police? If not then the police may have not noticed them, may have decided to let them enjoy themselves,may have had an appointment, did not want to hassel any farang at that time of day, etc. Maybe the farang were dressed in skimpy outfits and thus would probably not be carrying large amounts of cash so they did not need a warning about muggers, pickpockets etc. I have not seen the BIB writting tickets in the middle of a water fight (hard to keep ink from running) Then again, they may have been on their way to a private party in a dry place. Only2 more days ?????

    This what I like living here. 'Flexible Laws' Nobody screams much, so little attention. Lots of screams, lots of attention. I think that is the way life should work, rather than thinking only about Laws.

  10. I bad-mouth the locals in my post? Really? You must be really thin-skinned - and on behalf of others, and not yourself, no less! So I guess I owe that group of 30 thais an apology for having an accident that was 100% my fault right in front of them - in your opinion? I could have run into them! I put their lives at risk! My God - I am a horrible person!!! Yes, I agree that me not slowing down was unwise - but was it racist or bigoted or "culturally insensitive" of me as well? That is pushing it A BIT far isn't it? Please don't come back and say 'but I never said that!' - no, not in those words, but that was the gist of your post...

    But you probably belong to the 'Love it or Leave it-brigade' - and jump down the throat of anyone who critisise ANYTHING about thais or Thailand, no matter how outrageous the matter being "bad-mouthed" is. If you find yourself starting to waver in your beliefs just close your eyes, stopper your ears, and repeat this mantra in your head: "Thailand and the thai people are 100% perfect in every way!" - for 15 to 20 minutes.

    BTW, I was wearing a helmet, but not with a faceguard - as was my wife -- and I was going on the extreme right-hand side of the road, in the fast-lane long enough away from the hooligans not to get hit - or so I thought... I have pulled this manouvre more than 50 times before, at least, and never got hit -- but this time the bastards RAN INTO the road far enough to be able to hit me. Entirely my fault, I guess, for pissing the hooligans off by trying to evade the "blessing" of 10 litres of freezing water with icecubes in the face.

    I do not mind getting hit when on a motorbike in a soy or other small roads - but on a 4-lane highway or larger where most traffic goes 80-90 kph I think it is outrageous that "perfect thai people" are allowed by the police to "bless" passing motorists. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REAL SONGKRAN - it is a perversion of a beautiful old thai tradition! Oh no, I did it again! I bad-mouthed drunk thai hooligans. I guess I should 'Leave it'?

    This forum sure has a lot of special people on it. I'm glad I'm not special.


    With hindsight I should have slowed down when I spotted this large group by the side of the freeway, but between downtown CM and my home 20 km outside CM there are A LOT of these groups throwing water by the side of the road - if I slow down every time I see one of these groups then it's going to take a long time driving home.n the face with filthy water.

    You said it: I should have slowed down! You bad mouth the locals, knowing precisely what is going on on, but continue on as normal at 60kph & get hit in the face. If you know so much, & the locals are throwing water so dangerously why continue at a dangerous speed?

    Typical Passive Aggresive behaviour by Locals who are newbies... You will learn , maybe, but I doubt it.

  11. Why do some of us insist on calling ourselves farangs? I, for one, I am neither French (farang-set) nor an infidel (ferenghi). Either version is an insult to me personally... not that I have any problems with the French, but I don't want to be bunched off with another nationality just because we look similar.

    I've started calling any Thais who calls me a 'farang', an Asians. They always come back with, Hey! I'm Thai! Um, hey, I'm American. I'd personally prefer to be called that big dorky white guy rather than a farang. :D:D

    You are quite correct.

    Actually they don't really like us all that much and when using the term "farang" it is very often in a derogatory manner.

    My preference is to be referred to as "caucasian"

    I will go with "asians" for the other lot. :o

    Feel free to feel insulted by 'Farang', but I'm here to tell you that it is nonsense. Farang is the common name for us, and when it is said by most anyone, it is just a name with no meaning what so ever, other than non-Asian. Think of the use of 'Asian'. Why would someone who liked Asians call them something else? It is used in the same form by both words.

    Reminds me of The Thai Visa member who said, "I will never say the word 'Kaw' (polite request) because I will never beg anything from anyone"... Believe me, Thais don't use it for that reason. That is him unwilling to believe anything else, other than what he 'knows'.

  12. Yes, "phoowey" to all the stupid Farangs who don't get it (either by failing to see that the ol' saying 'you definitely can't beat them, so join them' holds more true for Songkran than almost anything else, OR for joining in but losing all common sense in where (not) to throw (too much) water.

    I had two Farang-newbies with me in the truck yesterday, but we started with a 'safety & common sense' briefing. As a result, we all had a blast, and were very safe.

    Maybe in that scene you were safe, but in this scene you were acting very dangerously...

    I noticed the polite zones, indeed they're easy to spot.. But.. I have to wonder what the difference is with everywhere else.. Had an excellent battle at some of them with fun people in matching shirts trying to throw buckets from the moat at me, with me trying to stop them with short bursts of water from one of the better pump guns (hard to find now, and 600 baht) directly into their faces.. (Best way to pre-empt a bucket strike..

    So, my faith is restored, party on!!!

    :o Anyone who shoots people directly in the face with a pump gun is an idiot in my book.

  13. 16,900 Baht installed

    good price!

    What about Haier air cons... from makro... 9000 baht for a 9000 btu...installed 5 year on compressor as well.. from China ... and over there its rated very good.

    Does Macro provide installation and home service? Doubtfull. I think these two items should be your guide, rather than simply prices. Some A/C's are crap, some are okay, some are great (in my experience). A 9,000 btu compressor will cool a average bedroom on most days, but not everyday.

  14. Good morning.

    To me, Songkran is one of the most spiritual experiences ever. All the happy faces for hours and hours and no violence. It could never happen where I come from! :o

    You mean where they play 'war' using real guns?

  15. Is anyone NOT throwing water at this point ?

    I'll be doin my fair share tmw Sunday as well. Up around 10, futz around with email n the computer, breakfast, get psyched up, then hit the moat n John's place about 2pm. I always park a block or two outside the moat and walk in. More fun, and less hassle with traffic and getting sloshed while driving. Very curious to see how (un-)crowded it is.
    Last year cars could actually drive around the moat at a fair clip
    as turnout was low, so we'll see.

    Bullshit. I was one of those drivers. Stop n Go around the moat= 2 hrs.

  16. I noticed the polite zones, indeed they're easy to spot.. But.. I have to wonder what the difference is with everywhere else.. Had an excellent battle at some of them with fun people in matching shirts trying to throw buckets from the moat at me, with me trying to stop them with short bursts of water from one of the better pump guns (hard to find now, and 600 baht) directly into their faces.. (Best way to pre-empt a bucket strike.. :o

    So, my faith is restored, party on!!! :D

    Using a pump gun to shoot directly into ANYONES face makes you a BAD GUY in my book..

  17. Last years figures!!!

    The final tally for the Official Songkran Death Toll: 2007

    Deaths slightly down, but accidents and injuries increase

    The seven "dangerous days" of the Songkran holidays ended with 361 people killed and 4,805 injured in 4,274 road accidents.

    There were 77 more accidents and 79 more people were injured compared to last year, but there were 14 fewer fatalities.

    Khon Kaen topped the provincial fatalities list with 16 deaths, while Chiang Rai had the most accidents with 160 and the most injuries with 167.

    - The Nation

    But happily, these numbers are almost 50% less than a few years ago. :o

  18. Supposedly treated the water and also chlorinated it. :D

    yes, i also hope the piss from millions of rats that wander around the klongs are also treated for all you people sake. :o

    What do you think is thereason why they treat the water?

  19. I went on a tour of the moat and some outer areas. Around the moat, I get drenched about 6 times... on The Tapae bridge over the Ping, the authorities have a long piece of pvc that is on constantly, making sure everyone gets wet. Stretches about 50 feet long. Very light throughout Mueng Chiang Mai...

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