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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. . . . . . I hope to see Chiang Mai go back to what it was like in 1986, when I first showed up. It was a nicer town then.

    As others have commented already, it will certainly not go back to what it was in 1986. On the bright side, however, it is no doubt much nicer now than it will be in another twenty years. So, time to enjoy! :o

    I agree with that. Now is for sure better than in 20 years. :D

  2. Why should I care about the business success of Joe Blow or if airlines are coming here. I could care less, but I hope to see Chiang Mai go back to what it was like in 1986, when I first showed up. It was a nicer town then.

    same way i would like to see las vegas go back to what it was in 1986?? move on buddy..

    No not the same way as Las Vegas. Chiang Mai is not similar. Move on buddy...

  3. Why should I care about the business success of Joe Blow or if airlines are coming here. I could care less, but I hope to see Chiang Mai go back to what it was like in 1986, when I first showed up. It was a nicer town then.

  4. Many years ago, the Thai government had the weather in 7 year cycles, and it naturally was wetter some years... It's been a long time since I've thought about it, but I recall thinking to myself over the years that it made sense...

  5. You might also consider Vietnam, although I doubt if you can drive there.

    IMHO, there is a lot more to see there - you could easily spend a month or two - it is very safe and because it has its own economy and doesn't have to import everything from somwewhere else, it is probably the cheapest overall. :o

    If you go to Laos, I think you can enter Vietnam from eastern Laos

  6. I thought this was pretty nice for 130,000 baht but nowhere to put it (or cash to buy it!)...


    No offence Greenside, but 130,000 baht seems a bit over the top for a simple teak gazebo. IMO they are nice but not for that much money. There are a lot of these type of structures for sale on the inland road from Rayong to Bangkok (nowhere near CNX). I never stopped to asked the price so maybe I am behind the times.

    Agree with BB and CMS!

    The smaller ones (that can be transported by a pickup), are sold for 25 - 30.000 baht in Ubon, and I can't see any reason why this should cost 130.000 baht. :o

    People pay it, that's why. I've known some rich Thais to pay up to 450,000 baht for one or two. They also make good gifts, if you like to give gifts... Among the ones that I've seen in the last few years, 130,000 baht seems normal for that style. The quality varies a lot, so watch out... I'd like to have one if it wasn't made from teak. Plenty of other woods are suitable.

  7. My input again

    Also the annual Flood in behind schedule.


    Floods behind schedule, I think mother nature has a way of catching up and surprising us from time to time, so im sure the heavy rains will come.

    Are we forgetting that the rain started in APRIL this year rather than late May? Maybe the rain will stop early? :o

    Rain is normal and usually starts the end of April. May is almost always shown as the wettest month, as I recall.

    And there is no schedule for flooding here, because it is rare.

  8. Went there on the weekend.

    The furniture looked very much like that of last year. Most of it more on the frumpy side, if you want my honest opinion. The designs are just not very innovative. Also, the (seemingly popular) local orange stain doesn't do much to enhance the look of teak in my view. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the trees. But thankfully tastes differ and many pieces found buyers nevertheless.

    To be fair, there were some nice pieces. I also liked the coffee tables that Pornsak mentioned. Unfortunately most of the nice pieces were already sold. Prices differed dramatically. Some of the items were rather cheap whereas others were even above the typical Ban Tawai retail pricing.

    Cheers, CMX

    They continually bring in new stuff until the last day. So, the good stuff that is gone will probably be back. I noticed a lot more of the Salas for sale, along with some new, non-prison related stuff today.

  9. I think we can safely assume that discharging any firearm in the air for celebratory purposes, whether it be at a perfect 90 degree angle to the earth's surface, or any lesser degree- can be possibly fatal to anyone.

    Bang Fai rockets....well, I won't touch that topic with a ten foot black powder-propelled pole....

    Be safe out there, folks....

    I don't think we can safely assume anything of the sort...

  10. A couple of my favorite bikes include this one with square wheels....square_wheels.jpg

    And this one 4250_63.jpg..

    A weird Bicycle that can be steered both from front and rear and you sit on it sideways.

    The bicycles have been in the production for the past many decades and they haven?t evolved in terms of design and shape radically but Michael Killian has other big ideas. He is the owner and the inventor of a sideways bike. He recently patented his bike.

    For balancing you use your back and front balance not the sideways balancing that you use in conventional bicycle.

    The bike has front and rear steering system which makes it more maneuverable than the conventional single steer bicycles.

    Killian <http://www.sidewaysbike.com/>

  11. I'm sorry our friends child gas has lost their bicycle. I'm just wondering if that reward is so generous that someone may steal another similar bicycle in order to collect it. Best of luck.

    Frankly, I don't really think anyone would do something so stupid for 2000bht

    You wanna bet on that? 2000 baht maybe?

    You mean if he calls, I pay 2000 baht,

    But if he doesn't call, you pay me 2000 baht?

    Sure, no problem. PM me if you are not shittin...

  12. I'm sorry our friends child gas has lost their bicycle. I'm just wondering if that reward is so generous that someone may steal another similar bicycle in order to collect it. Best of luck.

    Frankly, I don't really think anyone would do something so stupid for 2000bht

  13. There is the big lake just past the 700 year stadium, i've seen a few people fish there, and tried myself a few times, but never caught anything. But you u gota pay 20b to go in.

    Yes, that is Huay Thung Thaw lake. A great place for fishing, but not so great on catching anything. Still a great spot :o

  14. I tried to open a FCD account in some of CM's Banks, but failed because of various reasons.

    Thai Panit ( Siam Comercial Bank ) - told me there are very high charges for depositing and withdrawing - cause I could not believe them, went to others

    Thanarchat (the name gave the impresion that they should be able do deal with foreign clients) - the clerk informs me that there is no such thing ?!!!

    K - Bank ( former Kasigorn ) - got it ! Interest rate for EURO 2,8 % for 3 and 6 month fixed deposit but only 2,1 % for 1 year. Sounds o.k. to me, BUT their charges for depositing money (!!!) are 1 % (down from 2% last year she tells me) AND 1 % for withdrawing !

    That means a depositer pays for lending them money ( depositig 10,000 EURO for 6 month earning 140 EUR minus 21 EUR cause of 15 % tax but paying 200 for dep/withdr. ). Even the one year option is a shot into your own knee (cause of tax).

    Could not resist the urge to ask clerk if there are any customers for this service then.

    Anyhow K-Bank clerk told me all the banks give same/similar conditions on FCD.

    My questions to any of you readers : Did anyone get a better deal at wich Bank ?

    I have some money on longterm deposit at this bank, and this year their top rate is 3.5 %, last year it was 3 %. Why do you consider it so good that Kasikorn deals with Foreign currency deposits??

  15. No. I figure a good dollar rate is 45 baht to the dollar, like it was a couple of years ago. I had some money sent over when it was 35 baht and I figure I lost about 50,000 baht because of the rate...

    no such thing like USD/THB 45 "a couple of years ago". it's ~SEVEN years since a dollar fetched 45 Baht.

    You're kinda right. Not a couple of years ago, but not seven either. More like 5 years ago...

  16. No. I figure a good dollar rate is 45 baht to the dollar, like it was a couple of years ago. I had some money sent over when it was 35 baht and I figure I lost about 50,000 baht because of the rate...

  17. Blacksmithing goes a long way beyond shoeing horses.

    Agreed BB. Blacksmiths can take bars of metal and work them into finely crafted arms or armour.

    And metal artwork, gates, tools and.............................

    ....indeed the list is endless and Thais are very good and creative at this too.

    Not an endless list at all. Can you think of many more?

    And some Thais are not very good at Blacksmithing, in fact, most Thais...

  18. In my experiences here, I'd say no problem, enjoy yourself. I have never heard of anyone being busted who did something as a hobby.. Except for the guy some years ago who liked to fly Estes rockets... :o

  19. I am moving to Mae Rim next month. Can anyone recommend a reliable shop to a) put up curtains rails that I am bringing with me and :o make curtains for one room and blinds for the kitchen? Not a problem if they only speak Thai as I have help locally to liaise for me.

    Not too far round the central ring road from Mae Rim is Mee Chok Plaza (junction with Mae Jo Road - the only clock tower near CM city!). Better known as the location of "the rural Rimping" supermarket.

    If you stand at their front entrance and look to your left across the car park you will see a specialist curtain shop, just opened, green theme in the window. Next door to the steadily improving Farang Restaurant.

    Steadily UNimproving, in my experience. Crap food everytime, with everything I have tried.

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