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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. There are literaly Thousands of places to donate your money. One place I know of in Mae Sot is a house of Karen refugees being taken care by a women named Tasanee Keereepraneed. I have visited a couple of times and they are legitimate. Here is a story done about them 2 years ago...

  2. Thats left me kind of confused. I'm 46 years old I could not imagine me being with a much younger woman... 30 is kind of my limit. I really dont want to be viewed as a shugar dadddy I'm not rich enough for that title.

    So that leaves marrige eekkk! just got out of one of those dont know if I could contemplate another one!

    Do thais get divorced? are would there be any single divorced women that would be happy to spend time doing stuff without wedding bells ringing in her ears?

    I dont really want just my own company in Thailand, I know what the other options are not sure thats me now!

    cheers :o

    Yes, Thais get divorced, but rarely without kids, so remarriage is important to them, as well as most any Thai women I have ever met...

  3. I don't think many Thai women of that age are interested in dating a farang unless they can not get a Thai partner.The ones that do will either be looking for a sugar daddy or a husband and very few of them will want to be seen in public if they can avoid it.This is a great place for sex with no commitments or findinga good mate if you are very lucky, but not much of a place for just "dating".

    I think that has changed from 10-20 years ago. Now the people who have a problem with Farang and Thai are hard to find in my experience, and the experience of my Thai girlfriend and her friends. The exceptions are ones the are pretty 'universal'. Old fat guys with a young hooker, and couples whose ages are more than 30 years apart. Every place outside of Thailand I've been to would have a problem with those two things for sure. And of the many women I 've asked about why they don't have a Thai boyfriend or why they prefer Farangs, the most common reasons are because they feel farangs are less likely to have Mia nois, and they are generally 'more suitable' as husbands. None that I know of couldn't snag a thai man if they wanted.

  4. I just had a lengthly conversation with TrueVisions on their PVR. Finally, after downloading the manual myself off of their site, I was able to determine that the only video out options are RCA and RF out.

    In other words, there is no HDMI nor even so much as an S-Video out. My concern is that the picture quality will be no better than what I have now. I'm desperate for a fully functional PVR (or DVR), but don't think I want to spend an expensive 15,000 THB on a video device that doesn't even have a single HDMI output (or S-Video for that matter)? I guess I'll go back to watching things in the middle of the night...or get a bastardized non-TrueVision DVR and hook it up.

    Why would True come out with a product that was not updated with the latest video out options??? Wait...I think I know the answer to that.

    I've just had a new receiver installed by UBC as my old one was not displaying all the channels since UBC has gone digital. Surprise, surprise the new receiver only has one audio in/out socket so now I can't record anything on my DVD recorder. True Visions are such a bunch of "cheap charlies". Typical ThaiChinese mentality, overcharge the customer by as much as you can get away with, and keep the expenses to a minimum. As long as UBC has a monopoly things won't change soon.

    As long as UBC has a monopoly things won't change soon. First rule in Thai business practice.

    First rule of business in ANY country
  5. Thanks Ajarn, those two numbers are the ones I tried. There was no option to leave a spoken message, only to leave a phone number. Which I did, 4 or 5 times.

    On Friday, I got notified by text message 3 times or so saying the number could be reached again. Called the number immediately after, only to get connected to the callback service again. On Saturday and today, I didn't even get any such text messages.

    Anyway thanks for the reply, I will try to call him again tomorrow before midday.

    Cheap phone service perhaps. I get notified that "the number is now available", when I have called at a time when there is no service... I don't know why. Good luck :o

  6. Here is a nice story about the history of Kasem Store

    That's a great article on Mama Kasem as i call her. Did you write it Ajarn ?

    No I didn't... I can't remember where I stole it from a few years ago... Maybe Chiang Mai News?

  7. Tried the phone numbers pinned in the forum but no luck.

    Got "Welcome to callback service" for 4 days straight for Prathom's both numbers, and no answer from the number listed for Chai since Friday.

    Need to refurbish four wall outlets in two upstairs rooms (2 outlets per room) with new three prong plates and install ground wires to all of them. So if somebody has a recommendation for another affordable sparky who does a thorough job, or if somebody has other phone numbers for Prathom or Chai, I'd really appreciate it.

    The "girfan" can interpret between Thai and English so a Thai or Chiang Mai Thai speaking electrician will do just fine.

    Did you leave a message at Prathom's? His number (I just talked with him) is 081-706-6939, or 084-611-9706

  8. Well, I will differ in respect of Ma Kasem.

    I have found her to be verging on senility.

    Kasem's might have been OK before the advent of Rimping and Tops etc., but ma (and her daughters) are well past their use by date.

    I spoke just recently to a Thai business man (2nd generation) and he agreed Kasem's is now 3rd generation and has lost the plot.

    Ma has on several occasions said I will get this or that but "she is full of hot air"

    I know that my best years have gone but the posters who even remotely suggest that Kasems have got what it takes are far removed from reality.

    20 years ago it was the only place in Chiangmai (the only deli) but now they are just another hole in the wall.

    She's still a great women, and her family is tops, no matter what garbage others have to spout. :o

  9. Mae Kasem has been like a mother to me for the last 23 years. She always loads me up with free stuff when I visit, and she is always ready to receive customers. It has been my pleasure to watch everyone in her family become their own great person. :o

  10. 5 yrs ago, I took the family up to Doi Angkhan in the heat of summer and found a nice cool escape from the heat of the lowlands. Located at 13000mtrs, Doi Angkhan had tempretures of mid 70f's in the day and mid 60f's in the night [measured with my digital thermometer]. 95f degrees in CM when we left

    It's a 4 hr drive to get there, but decent roads all the way. go via Fang, it's shorter, or if you have the time, you can take the turn off near Chiang Dao. Clean quiet bungalows can be had in the Royal Project for 800/two beds or 1,200/6beds. Lots of high altitude plant exhibits, gardens and production of peaches, artichokes, plumbs, pears, apples, kiwi fruit, etc. Good restaurant on site at reasonable prices.

    other acomodation options are tha Amari....but prices start at $75.

    Mid week, we had the whole place to our selves with only 1 other bungalow occupied.


    It is my belief that the turn off just past Chiang Dao is much faster because of fewer curves and not-so-steep route. and much more interesting than the Fang way because of the hilltribes and Arunothai. It is a beauriful route either way, though I just get tired of the curves going through the mountains into Fang.

  11. I’m a bit flabbergasted by some reactions here on this thread. Why is it necessary to ‘attack’ someone who expresses their opinion? And why is it, that when a person says that s/he’s an idiot/moron/asshol_e/or-whatever-that-puts-him/herself-down, they get a pat on the shoulder. But ‘Woh’ the one who says some positive traits from oneself? S/he will be trashed.

    Personally, I prefer not to ride an elephant. Main reason is that I do not know how the animal has been ‘trained’. Fact is that the traditional way of ‘training’ the elephant is horrific, IN MY OPINION!

    Here is a link to a VDO made by someone who has sent it to Peta U.S.: http://www.helpthaielephants.com/index.html Click on the ‘shocking VDO’ and/or on the slide show. (I’m well aware there are many pro-Peta and many others con-Peta, but the VDO speaks for itself.) At the Elephant Nature camp in Mae Tang, I have been watching a similar VDO. And again, in my opinion, it’s horrific.

    It seems that there are still many (Thai) people out there who believe that the traditional training method is the only way to put an elephant into sub-mission. Fortunately, there are also (Thai) people who know that by positive reinforcement one can also teach an elephant to do things for you, such as riding on its back, and who treat their animals well.

    And if I’m not mistaken, this was also the OP’s question. That is, where the OP can ride an elephant that is not mistreated.

    Unfortunately, I can not answer that question, plainly because I’m not updated on this topic.

    Although, Miltonbentley has already replied on this thread, I suggest to the OP to PM or email Miltonbentley privately. He and his wife have done some wonderful work with the elephants in Thailand (click on this link Supporting Elephant conservation) and are most probably much more able to inform you than I can. You can also drop by their bar/restaurant Tuskers (map) for a chat.


    Nienke. I'm one of the people who don't think much of anyone with his attitudes after living here 15 years (he says). I figure he is what I called him, but I should have spelled it out earlier. Read some of his past letters, if you're interested.

  12. But I am friends with an owner of one of the larger elephant camps up north and I consider him to be one of the more compassionate hi-so Thais that I have met, a man who has gone the extra mile to provide for the elephants under his care.

    Thanks Johpa... I'm sure there are plenty of kind-hearted Thais. I'm married to one.

    From my personal experience, I've seen a lot of cruelty. I've seen elephants tortured and beaten. The state of dogs and cats, often thrown away at temples, is heart-breaking. I don't like to stereotype people, but from my experience, Thais seem totally unconcerned about the suffering of other sentient beings. :o

    Galong, with all your talk of cruelty and lack of compassion towards animals why do you have an avatar of a baton wielding policeperson? These devices are designed to beat and inflict pain on your fellow man.

    Does all your compassion not extend to humans? Do you hug trees as well?

    Ignore him Blinky. Just an idiot with nothing better to do...

  13. With the extreme amount of cruelty to animals in Thailand I can't believe that any intelligent person would even CONSIDER visiting a place that has captive endangered animals like tigers. There is a ton of information about how tigers are treated in the Kanchanaburi temple/zoo. This is a massive money-making scam and the monks are in it for the huge amount of money they pull in from unsuspecting tourists.

    Of course the tigers are drugged there too. If they weren't it would just be a matter of time before someone got an arm ripped off... or worse. To think that the monks are experts on tiger behavior is simply silly (to be polite). Volunteers have seen the tigers given drugs. There's a lot of evidence online. Do some research for Christ's sake. You're thinking about supporting animal cruelty!

    Austhaied, you're living in a fantasy world if you don't think the tigers in the temple are drugged. What's worse, slander or cruelty to an endangered animal?

    Have you visited? Why not tell of your own experiences?

    Or are just someone who loves animals, who HEARD the stories?

  14. I have a box of 20 rolls of Kodak 200asa film 36 in a roll. If anyone want it they can have it for 1000bt. I bought it last week at a Kodak shop for a friend who was stopping over in Thailand for a few days on his way to Russia but.he didnt do the stop over. So if interested drop me a message. ps i hope i am alloyed to do this on this forum.

    Could you be more specific?

    Kodak Gold 200? Ektachrome 200? Kodak Bright Sun and Flash? What is the date on the box?

    Sure, its Kodak gold asa 200 use by date is 05/2010 , made in USA finished in Mexico.

    Just regular film, oh wait! :o:D

  15. How long does it take to design a website, like to sell a Condo. If all the photos and words are provided? And roughly how much would it cost?

    One day and 2000 Baht - if that's all there is to it. PM for details.

    15 minutes and 2000 baht :o

  16. Hi all,

    I am looking for someone to design and host a website for me. I have googled and have come up with a few various companies in Chiang Mai but would like to know if anyone has any recommendations for someone they have used or know of.


    My suggestion is, do it yourself :D

    Like me, starting from nothing to AsiaRecipe.com with more than 1400 pages.

    It's great for your head, too. :o

  17. I've discovered a laughable and decidedly low-tech method to improve aircon performance during these hot times.

    One of the techs who came by demonstrated this for me....If you have an outside compressor unit on a patio, etc., take a bucket of water and splash it on the coils; washes off the dirt and accumulated lint that impedes air flow, and definitely boosts performance for a little while.

    I have the CLEANEST compressor unit in town right now, as I have been doing this....uh....probably way more than is necessary! :D

    the method is not laughable but extremely efficient! if you have your own well (with water not too "hard"), set up a tank from which you pump with a (rather small) pump water and spray (mist) it with a lawn jet over your condenser (at the suction side) you can double the efficiency of the unit without using more energy. efficiency depends on the water temperature. that applies too for those who have access to cheap municipality water.

    Can't see how any of this would work. No cold air comes from the compressor. Maybe some water might cool the compressor for minute, but it wouldn't seem to make the air any cooler at all

    Google "wet bulb" .. I believe that is one of the correct terms? It's what makes (wet) cooling towers work. Cooler air across the heat exchanger in the compressor.

    Downside is that the fins can get a build-up of scale if the water has too many scale producing dissolved solids. The "cleaning" part, i.e., washing the crud off the fins, will help in a positive and different way.

    The heat exchager is thick metal, I doubt that any water would cool it off enough to make a difference to the freon stuff in side, which then provides the coolant needed to cool the fins inside, which then has the air flowing over it... Just too unconnected to the final product, cool air, in my view. But maybe I'm nuts :D

    i don't think you are nuts. you are just lacking any technical knowledge :o

    That from a guy with his brains spilling out :D

  18. I've discovered a laughable and decidedly low-tech method to improve aircon performance during these hot times.

    One of the techs who came by demonstrated this for me....If you have an outside compressor unit on a patio, etc., take a bucket of water and splash it on the coils; washes off the dirt and accumulated lint that impedes air flow, and definitely boosts performance for a little while.

    I have the CLEANEST compressor unit in town right now, as I have been doing this....uh....probably way more than is necessary! :D

    the method is not laughable but extremely efficient! if you have your own well (with water not too "hard"), set up a tank from which you pump with a (rather small) pump water and spray (mist) it with a lawn jet over your condenser (at the suction side) you can double the efficiency of the unit without using more energy. efficiency depends on the water temperature. that applies too for those who have access to cheap municipality water.

    Can't see how any of this would work. No cold air comes from the compressor. Maybe some water might cool the compressor for minute, but it wouldn't seem to make the air any cooler at all

    Google "wet bulb" .. I believe that is one of the correct terms? It's what makes (wet) cooling towers work. Cooler air across the heat exchanger in the compressor.

    Downside is that the fins can get a build-up of scale if the water has too many scale producing dissolved solids. The "cleaning" part, i.e., washing the crud off the fins, will help in a positive and different way.

    The heat exchager is thick metal, I doubt that any water would cool it off enough to make a difference to the freon stuff in side, which then provides the coolant needed to cool the fins inside, which then has the air flowing over it... Just too unconnected to the final product, cool air, in my view. But maybe I'm nuts :o

  19. Have had the same thought Loaded. With the adverts (a good thing for the TV biz, I understand) up top and then the long list of pinned things, you have to scroll 2/3 way down - to basically a pg 2-3 !! just to start reading what you want to read. It is bothersome. Too many good things move to 2nd rung (the next pg) and are likely to be buried in the back b4 their time is up. I'm all for either a poll about what should be the pinned topics so we keep, say, 4 of them up there, or even just one bolded box in big colored font "Chiang Mai Essentials" that will attract newbies and that locals will know house the indispensable CM knowledge. Using just one 'essentials' box as the gateway would save alot of otherwise better-used front pg room.

    Who is going to decide? That is my ONLY question

  20. I've discovered a laughable and decidedly low-tech method to improve aircon performance during these hot times.

    One of the techs who came by demonstrated this for me....If you have an outside compressor unit on a patio, etc., take a bucket of water and splash it on the coils; washes off the dirt and accumulated lint that impedes air flow, and definitely boosts performance for a little while.

    I have the CLEANEST compressor unit in town right now, as I have been doing this....uh....probably way more than is necessary! :o

    the method is not laughable but extremely efficient! if you have your own well (with water not too "hard"), set up a tank from which you pump with a (rather small) pump water and spray (mist) it with a lawn jet over your condenser (at the suction side) you can double the efficiency of the unit without using more energy. efficiency depends on the water temperature. that applies too for those who have access to cheap municipality water.

    Can't see how any of this would work. No cold air comes from the compressor. Maybe some water might cool the compressor for minute, but it wouldn't seem to make the air any cooler at all

  21. 16,900 Baht installed

    good price!

    What about Haier air cons... from makro... 9000 baht for a 9000 btu...installed 5 year on compressor as well.. from China ... and over there its rated very good.

    Does Macro provide installation and home service? Doubtfull. I think these two items should be your guide, rather than simply prices. Some A/C's are crap, some are okay, some are great (in my experience). A 9,000 btu compressor will cool a average bedroom on most days, but not everyday.

    Today was another one of those days.. My 9000btu in my office (extra bedroom) barely cooled me even at night... Daytime, even with a direct flow, couldn't keep me cool.. Room about 4x5 meters.

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