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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. I've known Mama Falafel since she came to chiang mai in 1992. She is Israeli, so she has the attitude that if you fuc_k with her- watch out! But, she is also one of the nicest people in town. I have seen her give food away to needy people, and do many other nice things for them. With your attitude about her in this public forum, it might suggest to me that you are not a favorite customer.. Oh well, she has been here a long time and I'm sure her attitudes don't bother many of her customers

  2. Siam TV is in Electronic Plaza some 3+ blocks north of Wat Phra Sing on Singharat Road (the main north-south road in front of Wat Phra Sing).

    It's the big store in the complex that houses the UBC office if you know where that is.

    Also, right next door to UBC is an excellent electronics repair shop.

    The shop next door is very expensive, in my experience. It belongs to SiamTV I think.

  3. This place rocks.

    So far the best Mexcian food I have had in Thailand.

    Definitely rocks. Best I have had anywhere outside Mexico and a few places in the United States.

    I'm surprised at your statement. I think that the Mexican food at Miguels is okay, not great, by any means. Certainly I have had better food in Mexico, as well as any place in California, where I am from.

  4. :o I enjoy looking at the Weather Underground predictions for Chiang Mai and assume whoever

    makes them up is merely trying to be creative. In the "winter" the prediction was always for low temperatures(less than 8C/46F)

    that of course that never materialized. Last week they had predictions for 40C on several days and it was hot but

    not 40C.

    I'd love to have a job where I could be wrong 98% of the time and still get paid for it.

    You must remember that in chiang mai, there are many areas with different temps/rainfall/wind/humidity/pollution, etc.

    It may not be the same as the predictions where you live, but it likely is somewhere else...

  5. UG says: I have realized for a while that at this time of year, people with breathing problems and medical conditions suffer when I feel nothing unpleasant at all.

    People with relevant "medical conditions" just react sooner to air pollution. Your health is also at risk, despite the fact that you don't feel anything "unpleasant" at the time.

    Maybe yes, maybe no...

  6. Does anybody know if the Immigration office is open on a Saturday?

    Thanks :o

    I THINK it's open until 11.30am. Maybe too late to help you, sorry.

    My houekeeper went there on Sat to do some business for me. When she returned she said, 'sorry, not open'...

    I was surprised because recently they were open.

  7. The air doesn't bother me. Only the lack of seeing something beautiful bothers me...

    Hmm, and why exactly do they have lung diseases and breathing problems in the first place....erm because of the air maybe?!!

    Maybe not... Smokers don't do so well when they age...

  8. I enjoy the area outside of downtown for a relaxing day. The areas I like best are along 1001 (the road to mae jo university, but past the university). Downtown along tapae road are really fun, especially if you want to get wet!

  9. "Food Corner" restaurant in Suntitam. Hard to find (when you get the the 5 way intersection from the Wat Suntitam 3 way intersection take a right, it is the 2nd road down, take a left then on your left)


    Ok. The 2 people that bother to read this will be very happy people indeed...

    Still struggling to find it. Where is it in relation to Tesco Lotus if you're coming towards Tesco from the roundabout (5 junctions) please?

    I don't think it is anywhere near Tesco.. Figure it to be in Santitam, the 5-way intersection is just north of the YMCA..

  10. :o

    From Chiang Mai Mail last year :
    Dear Editor,

    I’ve lived in Chiang Mai a couple of years now, and have to say that my wife and I discovered the best little pizza place this week. They use a wood fired oven, and I have to say, our pizza was among the best pizzas we’ve eaten in Chiang Mai.

    Naples Pizzeria on 70/15 Chang Moi Rd. just before the Mike’s Burgers corner in the same complex as Hells Kitchen.

    Not only was the pizza good, but the Caesar’s salad was also fantastic. If you like good Italian dressing....this is the place.

    Buon Apetito,

    Michael Berbae

    My flyer says "Chaiyaphum Rd", not Chang Moi Rd. Could someone someone confirm that Chaiyaphum is correct ?

    They deliver, and have had no hassles with phone communication/finding the home. For anyone who'd like to try a genuine Italian-style light pizza, with a few well-chosen toppings, choose from :


    Diavola (hottish)

    Prociutto & Funghi

    4 Stagione


    Ai Fruitti di Mare

    Parma Ham


    Tel 053-235377 / Fax 053-235378

    If you like genuine Italian-style pizza

    I completely agree. Naples Pizzeria is the best pizza I have had here, over many years... But it seems to have moved??

  11. By way of update to a post I made yesterday

    "Cooking Oil 2005 339 Baht

    Cooking Oil 2008 745 Baht"

    as of this morning make the same Cooking Oil 785 Baht

    [taste now like North Sea Crude]

    Another Goodie

    Same Store, Same Brand, Same Size Rice

    Feb 20th 08 5 K Bag = 105 Baht

    This Morning 5 K Bag = 130 Baht

    That seems to be about a 24% increase in 2 weeks

    It seems to me that many expats here are moaning due to the rising price of consumables.

    Sad that no-one has mentioned the situation of the average Thai citizen who has to wear a 25% and more increase on their staples in less than a year. Wages for the average Thai citizen certainly haven't risen anywhere near this figure.

    I agree absolutely BB, we're fortunate to live in a more prosperous part of Thailand but the guys that I was paying 200B a day when I built my house four years ago tell me that's what they are still getting and some of them have to travel 30 or 40 kms a day for work.

    Not disagreeing with any of that , but also look at the other side. The tuk tuk drivers now demand 60 baht for the ride that was 40 baht less than 2 years ago. Or maybe you would like to post the numbers for the handymen workers who have to work for the 200 baht per day. Why I might even be willing to pay some of the even as much as 300 baht per day. A 50% increase.


    In mt experience, hardly any workers on housing projects and the like get more than around 150 baht per day. Their 'supervisors' usually get any extras...

  12. I think casinos would be awesome, and finally a real additional reason to visit the North. Why else would people visit Chiang Mai? For what's left of the hill tribes or some sad elephant camps? Day spas? Come on. Casinos might mean a resurgence in nightlife, which would be a very good thing.

    Why not just go to Macao or Las Vegas, and leave Chiang Mai as a cultural center? That seemed to work for quite a few years. There are still plenty of hill tribes, and not all the elephant camps are 'sad.' Doi Suthep is still a lovely place to spend half a day no matter how many times you've been there. Night life exists everywhere. Thai culture doesn't.

    Of course, it's easy for me to say this as I'm not a nightlife person. For those whose idea of a great vacation is sleeping until noon, then lounging around the pool until the clubs open at night, the casinos will be a blessing.

    I just wish they would bless someplace else. :o

    Agreed. My current big fear is that Chiang Mai becomes another Pattaya...

  13. Just reviewing some of the prices we paid for meat, eggs etc over the past 3 to 4 years, compared to today, in Chiang Mai. I still remember 12 baht/liter diesel, today 31 baht/liter. beef 2005, 105 baht/ kilo today 125bt/kilo. Chicken 2005, 50bt/kilo today 110bt/kilo. Pork 2005, 65bt/kilo today 100 bt/kilo. Eggs 2005, 140bt/100 today 260bt/100. The government has recently been throwing inflation numbers of 2 to 3% around and as always I am kind of hard pressed to believe them. What kind of input can other viewers give to make us all feel better.

    The way I look at it, I'm getting stronger. Seven years ago it took me two hands to carry home 1,000 baht worth of groceries. Today I can carry a 1,000 baht worth with just one hand.... :o

    But here are some sad stats; I used to buy croissants from Rimping at five rather large ones for 32 baht. Today four really small ones cost 38 baht. I might just have to cut down on the caviar!

    "No bread to eat? Let them eat cake!"

    In France, where this saying is from, 'cake' is a flour-and-water paste that was "caked" onto the interiors of the ovens and baking pans of the professional boulangers of the era....

  14. The chicken and egg prices might be from bird flu scares, but yeah it has gone up in price.

    To some extent I agree with you re the bird flu. But I seem to remember that during the bird flu scare, they were at Thaepae Gate passing out free eggs and the chicken prices fell thru the bottom of the floor.

    Now the egg prices are going up once or twice a week. [on the eggs]


    The first part is from people who panicked because they had so many chicken/eggs on hand and nobody was buying, also due to being panicked...

    The second part, when prices skyrocketed, was when the buyers starting buying 'rare chickens/eggs' at first, and when supplies returned to normal, the prices didn't go down... Very typical here in Thailand.

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