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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. I've only been to Chiang Mai once back in 2003. It was with my then Thai girlfriend. During our stay, we discovered that thousands of people were going to walk up the mountain to Doi Sethep our first night. So like everyone else, we decided to join them. We walked from the base of the mountain all the way to the temple. It was a really great experience. I doubt I saw more than 6 farangs the whole way.

    Since being away from Thailand, I've not found any mention of this online. I'm sure I'm just not using the right search terms to find it. Could someone tell me the holiday in which the people of Chiang Mai do this? When is this holiday normally celebrated?



    Visakha Bucha Day (around May 11th) is the day used to celebrate Kru Ba Sriwichai's building of the road to Doi Suthep. hel_l of a walk :o

    In 2007 Visakha Bucha Day is 02 May according to George's list of holidays.

    Sorry, I couldn't remember the new moon date for next year :D

  2. I've only been to Chiang Mai once back in 2003. It was with my then Thai girlfriend. During our stay, we discovered that thousands of people were going to walk up the mountain to Doi Sethep our first night. So like everyone else, we decided to join them. We walked from the base of the mountain all the way to the temple. It was a really great experience. I doubt I saw more than 6 farangs the whole way.

    Since being away from Thailand, I've not found any mention of this online. I'm sure I'm just not using the right search terms to find it. Could someone tell me the holiday in which the people of Chiang Mai do this? When is this holiday normally celebrated?



    Visakha Bucha Day (around May 11th) is the day used to celebrate Kru Ba Sriwichai's building of the road to Doi Suthep. hel_l of a walk :o

  3. Thai, or not (One ingredient is pineapple which may give it the "Thai" taste, but Lateefe swears it an old family recipe), they may be the best baked beans that I've had in my life.

    The corn muffins are fine and they hard to find elsewhere.

    I'm not real crazy about the ribs either because the meat doesn't fall off the bone, but I don't know anywhere in Thailand with better ones including Tony Romas and Lateefe says that you have to boil the ribs to get that effect and that it "boils out" the taste. Personally, I stick to the chicken.

    Sorry, I couldn't identify the flavor, but it was not pineapple, but is an accommodation of spices that I am identifying with thai food... something that I don't care for... Anyway, I hope you can accept it as my opinion only... The corn muffins is something my housekeeper can do correctly, except that He11's kitchen seemed a bit spicier, perhaps, which I would prefer. Also, the ones at home are freshest, to be sure, so it's difficult to decide which is better, and why... :o

    If he would simply cook his meat longer, at a reduced heat, they would turn out much better, in my experience with his ribs, which after I cooked them for 2 more hours, and added my own sauce, were great :D

    Nice folks, for sure. :D

  4. Several people have mentioned He11's Kitchen Afro-BBQ because they deliver.

    He has been working on perfecting his ribs and chicken and they are even better than before. Also, he has added some new, great side dishes like hot, New Orlean's style corn bread and deviled eggs that are difficult to find elsewhere. :D

    I pressume you mean the Afro- BBQ UG?

    Do you have a contact numer for either of these establishments?

    Or have they already been posted :o



    The name of the Afro-BBQ place is He11's Kitchen and the owner is Lateffe.

    The phone number is 053 232 195

    Mon-Sat 11 am - midnight

    Sunday 11 am - 8pm

    Thanks very Much G :D


    I just called them and ordered the following:

    1. about 6oz of potatoe salad

    2. about 3oz of steamed beans

    3. 4 corn muffins

    4. a rack of ribs (6)

    First, the corn muffins are tasty, but nothing to write about..

    The potato salad tasted average, but was a bownish color..

    The steamed beans were homemade, but tasted a bit 'thai' to me.

    The ribs were large ribs, cooked, but not so it comes off the bone easily, and the sauce.. If the meat wasn't covered with something bown, I would say that there wasn't any, and the sauce tasted 'thai' to me, too. About two more hours of cooking and a better sauce, and it would have been great, not just 'so-so'.

    For 365 baht, it was expensive- but they deliver :D

  5. Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King, Subways, etc? :D:D Freaking pathetic if you ask me. Why are you folks even bothering to live in Thailand? :o:D

    Chan hen duay (I agree). That's not food, it's heart attacks on two wheels. And it supports MNC's instead of local business people (apart from those unfortunate enough to have to work for rip-off wages at paper-hat jobs).

    All of the local fast food, except for Pizza Hut, are owned by Thai companies... :D

  6. Sorry, please forgive me. I guess I missunderstood your words;

    >> Something that I enjoy a lot here, being able to drive around

    >> and never worry about the cops pulling me over and hassling me.

    >> I drive the way I want to...

    I think you can see how this could happen, when you say "I drive the way I want to..." instead of saying 'I drive according to the laws of this country.' Saying this in a public forum could easily be construed to be 'publicly boasting, right?' Sorry for my misunderstanding. I'm sure you drive well within the law, and are just happy that the police don't stop you for it.

    Maybe he drives a car with diplomatic plates - I bet he wishes he did!

    More examples of fractured thinking, I must say :o

  7. Seems that since the rainy season has ended all the mountains are covered with haze that obscures visibility and makes meaningful photography futile. Was up in Doi Tung yesterday and it was very disappointing

    I've heard about the haze in March, April, May attributable to mountain burning .... but this is November!

    Does anybody who's lived here long-term know if this haze is here to stay until June 2007 and the

    next rainy season? I've read websites such as 1stopchaingmai.com and GT-rider.com, and they say that this time of year (especially December) is the best for photography. But, it seems the opposite is true!

    Anybody know the real scoop on the haze? Is it everywhere in N. Thailand, will it go away for a while?

    Thanks All!

    I think what you're probably seeing is "radiation fog"; brought about by the cooler nights we've had lately. When the daytime temps drop a little it should lessen after the early morning hours.

    Simply, it's visible humidity... Very common this time of year
  8. Something that I enjoy a lot here, being able to drive around and never worry about the cops pulling me over and hassling me. I drive the way I want to...

    Fact is, this country does not rely on laws, but relationships.

    Simply, I am saying that I like the style of enforcement here overall, and especially that I never worry about being hassled ...I don't know how I drive, but in 21 years, and nearly a million Km's of driving experience here, I've never had an accident- wouldn't you likely want everyone to drive like me??

    Sounds like you're another English teacher who taught a medium-ranking policeman and thinks the Commisioner owes him a favour :o

    1 million km of driving in Thailand without EVER having an accident, come on, do you expect us to believe that?

    Why wouldn't you believe someone who publicly boasts that he is happy breaking the law?

    We must wonder what sort of morality was passed on to the students. Is it OK to cheat, just so long as you don't get caught? Is it OK to plagerize if no one knows the original author? Where is the line drawn?

    I never could understand the psychology behind people who think breaking the law is a good thing. I was taught that the laws were made for the safety of the public. If one cares about others, one obeys the law.

    I think it was Plato who said

    "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."

    Just because it's easy to find a way around the laws here doesn't make it right. And In many cases, it creates dangerous situations for others. We see them splashed all over the streets on a regular basis. Not 'having' an accident doesn't mean that none were 'caused.'

    The Fly Fisherman

    Please get your head out of your a**. I never said that I, ' publicly boasted that he is happy breaking the law', nor anything sinilar. Any 'similarity' is from your fractured thinking

  9. I rest my case.

    What case?

    I stated that Thailand was infact a 'Nanny-state' and my post was deleted. Hence, I rest my case.

    Then, to me, it sounds more like TV is a 'Nanny State'. Afterall, what does the Kingdom of Thailand have to do with this place, or your message being deleted?

    We do not allow discussions of proxies or other methods of bypassing government blocking of websites.


    All media was 2006-09-21 ordered by ICT to exercise censorship of any news critical of the coup-makers and the new military regime. Offenders face up to six months in jail, a fine of up to Bt10,000, or both.

    This also prohibit Thaivisa to publish such content. We kindly ask our members to refrain from posting sensitive political content. We reserve the rights to delete content that could be dangerous for the operation of our website. Forum admins and moderators are instructed to delete any references whatsoever to Thai Royalty or the Interim administrators/appointed governments by any member during the present political crisis.

    That is tv's choice, of course, since and ICT regulation has no effect on a website that is not run by any Thai people, and is not in Thailand... The worse they can do to anyone is too cut off the service to those of us in Thailand, which is what is feared, by some

  10. Something that I enjoy a lot here, being able to drive around and never worry about the cops pulling me over and hassling me. I drive the way I want to...

    Fact is, this country does not rely on laws, but relationships.

    Simply, I am saying that I like the style of enforcement here overall, and especially that I never worry about being hassled ...I don't know how I drive, but in 21 years, and nearly a million Km's of driving experience here, I've never had an accident- wouldn't you likely want everyone to drive like me??

    Sounds like you're another English teacher who taught a medium-ranking policeman and thinks the Commisioner owes him a favour :o

    1 million km of driving in Thailand without EVER having an accident, come on, do you expect us to believe that?

    Of course, because you have no room to doubt me. Though I realise that you are simply acting like a troll, for.. ?

  11. [

    Something that I enjoy a lot here, being able to drive around and never worry about the cops pulling me over and hassling me. I drive the way I want to... :o

    I understand.

    You prefer to make up your own laws as you see fit, rather than conforming to the local laws. Why have laws anyway, right? They only get in your way if you're in a hurry.

    Sometimes, while this may work well for you, it interferes with the safety of the entire rest of the driving community, which is why the laws were made in the first place. Isn't the safety of others a concern for you?

    Do you really feel that it's OK to break the laws just because there are no police around to stop you? Or is it that you don't care about the safety of others when you are driving? Would you clear up this confusion.

    The Fly Fisherman

    Simply, I am saying that I like the style of enforcement here overall, and especially that I never worry about being hassled ...I don't know how I drive, but in 21 years, and nearly a million Km's of driving experience here, I've never had an accident- wouldn't you likely want everyone to drive like me??

  12. I rest my case.

    What case?

    I stated that Thailand was infact a 'Nanny-state' and my post was deleted. Hence, I rest my case.

    Then, to me, it sounds more like TV is a 'Nanny State'. Afterall, what does the Kingdom of Thailand have to do with this place, or your message being deleted?

  13. I met a farang here in Chiag Mai that said he fekt comforted by the fact it only costs about B 40,000 if he should accidently (or not accidentally for that matter) hit and kill a motorcyclist.

    I agree about the nanny state comment, but a middle way might be something worth aimming for.

    That's only if he doesn't successfully flee the scene. The price was (since back in the 80's) Thb50,000. Has the price come down? It was always cheaper if the victim was dead rather than injured.

    I don't believe that there is a 'price' for killing someone, for over the years, I have heard a number of stories of people paying considerably more or less than 50,000...

  14. :D Hello Chang Mai. A few questions I am afraid.

    1. Will the crowds lessen as the exhibit is opened longer?

    2. How much does it cost for entry?

    The reasons for these are my parents who are coming to visit us in Bangkok for Christmas. I thought it would be a good day out (as airdelaysia is so cheap), but am worried about the crowds as I would have to bring my children.

    Thanks in advance

    Leisurely :o

    1. Not sure, but probably

    2. Not sure, but around 100 baht. But must use a credit card to purchase there (no cash), plus at twice the cost of outside..

    If you live in Bangkok, no problem with numbers of people, I think.. :D

  15. Not exactly, but drama on the low river.....

    About 1 hour ago [13:00] on the east bank of the river and going from south to north along the river walkway, and under the Rama IX Bridge, a couple of police were chasing a guy and SHOOTING at him..... Brains got the better of me not to go being too curious, so all was over, clean, and gone before anyone decided to look....

    Any one have any information about this ???

    I guess its there goes the neighborhood or maybe "the guy was trying to buy a cop and wanted to know how much they cost :o

    Maybe it was a Thai TV 'Drama' program being filmed??

  16. I think that most of these guys could be called the 'Thai Social Security System', in my opinion. With basically nothing to offer folks in terms of welfare, they tend to make it easy for all of these guys to open up on some sidewalk, until the sidewalk is full.

    We've all seen this, I'm sure. It's tough doing business here... :o

  17. If I lived in Sankampeng, I would never ride a bike on the road between Sankampeng and Chiang Mai. Too dangerous, in my estimation.


    But can you name a safe road in CM ?

    Sure, most any road is safer, in my view

    Safer doesn't mean safe.

    What about the "Ole Road" to Lamphun, the road to Sansai and last but not least Hang Dong Rd ?

    Just to be clear...

    Sure, most any road is safer, in my view

  18. (here is a copy of what I wrote last xmas)

    I want to recommend Bake 'n Bite's delivery service.... With some fear and trepidition, I ordered turkey and all the trimmings (pumpkin pie, roasted potatoes, vegies, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy) from them for a dinner party I was having.

    Right on time with the delivery, and everything was wonderful! Big, Juicy turkey!

    280 baht per kilo (mine was 8 kilos) stuffing and baking included.


  19. If I lived in Sankampeng, I would never ride a bike on the road between Sankampeng and Chiang Mai. Too dangerous, in my estimation.


    But can you name a safe road in CM ?

    Sure, most any road is safer, in my view

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