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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Can anyone tell me where our family can eat an American Thanksgiving dinner?


    Actually, I have found the best dinners at home. You can call a number of places (though I can't think of their names at the moment) to order everything delivered to you.. Do a search and they will appear :o

  2. One place that I would never patronise again even if my life depended on it would have to be Lena's

    You always had to check your bill to verify that it was not wrong (in Lena's favour I might add)

    A right rip off merchant is Lena's

    I agree. We stopped going to Lenas due to the fact that our bill as quite abit higher than most other restuarants of similiar nature. It may have been in regard to the crab/seafood dishes. Much higher price than we thought. Probably market prices, but remember my g/f getting slightly annoyed about it. Although the food was good but it did leave abit of a sour taste afterwards :o

    and because she is the only person who can take your money you can wait for ages to settle the bill.

    The Chiang Mai Mail has an excellent review of Lena's Restaurant this week...

    yes a very good review,

    Maybe Lenas Thai magic wasnt working when adding up our bill last time.

    YES !! and we have probably all read the recent postings about the restuarant reviews undertaken by CMM haven't we. Any additional comment would be superfluous :D

    What the ###### is that supposed to mean?

    I think that he means that as all the food was provided for the CMM free of charge that the reviews could have been somewhat biased :D



  3. How much do cops earn?

    If we were to each contribute 20 baht a day to the police, would this have any effect upon getting them to do their jobs?

    I can understand them collecting some beer money by stopping the motorbike riders who aren't wearing helmets. It would certainly cover their evening bar tabs. But then I see these same policemen riding off on their bikes without their helmets! I don't understand. Don't the laws apply to them too?

    I see them standing on the side of the road, in the shade of a tree or building, while selors triple park in front of Kad Suen Kaew, Chiang Puak Gate, and Chiang Mai Gate, then do nothing still as these same selors cross three lanes of traffic, come to a complete stop blocking all traffic movement, just on the chance of picking up another fare. Double parking is one thing. Everybody's got to make a living. But isn't triple parking really dangerous as well as against the law? Aren't the police supposed to do something to enforce the law?

    Every day I see new fresh paint marks on the streets, showing where the wheels of the latest accident came to rest. Some days I see this in three or four locations. I guess when the police graduate from cop school they are all issued cans of spray paint. Wouldn't it make more sense to prevent these accidents than mark them as trophies? It wouldn't take all that much to cut the accident rate down immensely just by enforcing the traffic rules. Stop cars and trucks from making illegal U-turns. We know where they occur most frequently. Stop the kids from riding 3-4 per bike while chatting on their mobile phones. Stop the selors from bunching up on busy streets. Three cops, one inside Chiang Mai Gate, one in front of Kad Suen Kaew, and on in front of the evening vendors outside Chiang Puak Gate, and the traffic flow would improve by a factor of 10x, with corresponding reduction of accidents.

    Let's take up a collection and pay the cops for doing their jobs. I know that's bribery, but bribery seems to be the only compensation they do something for!

    The Fly Fisherman

    Please do not take offense. The truth is that perhaps you would best go somewhere else if you want to be in a country of laws. Certainly you can find a place with less selective enforcement but not the absence of it. You will drive yourself to dissatisfaction if your expectations are that laws SHOULD (or even could) be obeyed in Thailand. Thailand is mostly a country of relationships, not a country of laws.

    The laws are there but not the needed patrol cars or even cops on motorcycles pulling people over when they commit infractions. No one learns. No one cares as they never get caught on the spot.

    Something that I enjoy a lot here, being able to drive around and never worry about the cops pulling me over and hassling me. I drive the way I want to... :o

    Fact is, this country does not rely on laws, but relationships. :D

  4. My understanding is that police salaries are quite low. They are provided with health benefits but are required to buy their own uniforms and guns. I have heard that often the station is so underfunded the police have to buy office supplies with their own money.

    So, here's a job that pays poorly and commands little respect. Its no wonder the job only attracts the greedy and the slackers.

    Happy to tell you that you are wrong about it only attracting greedy slackers.. I've known a few cops for a long time, and I consider them to be hardworking, and not at all greedy. Maybe they're unusual, but they're real...

  5. I sure did not get the impression that they were attempting to blow smoke or 'trying to turn good hearted volunteers away from helping dissadvantaged orphans'...

    Maybe you are being a bit too sensitive. :o

  6. One place that I would never patronise again even if my life depended on it would have to be Lena's

    You always had to check your bill to verify that it was not wrong (in Lena's favour I might add)

    A right rip off merchant is Lena's

    I agree. We stopped going to Lenas due to the fact that our bill as quite abit higher than most other restuarants of similiar nature. It may have been in regard to the crab/seafood dishes. Much higher price than we thought. Probably market prices, but remember my g/f getting slightly annoyed about it. Although the food was good but it did leave abit of a sour taste afterwards :o

    and because she is the only person who can take your money you can wait for ages to settle the bill.

    The Chiang Mai Mail has an excellent review of Lena's Restaurant this week...

    yes a very good review,

    Maybe Lenas Thai magic wasnt working when adding up our bill last time.

    YES !! and we have probably all read the recent postings about the restuarant reviews undertaken by CMM haven't we. Any additional comment would be superfluous :D

    What the ###### is that supposed to mean?

  7. 6th is the main and final day of loy krathong in chiang mai.

    How do you 'know'?

    oppss i forgot the quote my source. been through that before on this forum. next time i wont forget to "quote".

    some locals who work with us in the shop. say about 12 of them are all pretty sure thats its the 6th. (for what its worth) 5th. - loy krathong lek, 6th - wan loy krathong yay. thats the day they would have the krathong parade. so taken as the main event day for chiang mai.

    the official loy krathong day for the whole thailand is however the 5th.

    Sorry, I wasn't trying tarnish you, but having a credible source for info tells us if it is documented, or merely a translation of someone elses ideas...

  8. VERY EASY. And more importantly: VERY AFFORDABLE.

    Not so easy, in my experience. When I used to have an older toyota wagon, I had some crap work done at least a couple of times, and once, my alarm was stolen while at the shop... Once you have some experience around, you seem to be okay, but for me, I like owning new because you wouldn't really be having such problems

  9. can I also add

    Don't take sweets/candy/lollies it rots their teeth.

    take fruit etc much better for them


    I agree with the truit idea, and you can buy 8 kilo boxes of apples and pears at 150 per box (appox 35 fruit) at the chiang saen pier, in chiang saen...

  10. The wife & I arrive CM Nov. 22 and have a weeks reservation at the CM Orchid during which we need to find a condo rental for a minimum of the next 4 months. All the write-ups about the International Floral show have made us wonder whether we should iniate contact with an agent to start loking for us, or whether our plan to do our own intensive search on arrival is prudent? Any thoughts?

    While we are at it- are there better exchange rates for travelers checks or crisp new $ 100 US?

    Definately, don'tbring 100's. Most crime here is crime by stealth (burgalaries, etc.), and once a 100 is gone, it is gone for good... Plus, travelers checks, as I recall, have a better rate :o

    As for finding a place, I don't feel the flower show is going to have much effect, but I do feel that using an agent is a good idea. First, you are likely to see places that you would not have had access to without one, and you can see what the prices are... There is always so many reasons why a place is cheaper/more expensive, that any arguments are ridiculous, so it's best to come in with an eye to each place individually. Most agents get a 'Price' equal to one month's rent (paid by landlord), which I felt was fair, in my experience. You also will have a 'local' looking for you, which can't be beat... :D

  11. The Duke knows the guy who runs the Chiang Mai Mail and he is adamant that they are only taking a "two week vacation" to restructure.

    Personally, I remain dubious. :o

    Me, too.. Especially because this is the beginning of the hot season, with at least some advertising,,,

    And this, "At this point in time, we do not know how long we will be away. It may be two weeks or two months" Quoted from their website.

  12. Hi I was just wondering if anyone had been to the Viengping orphanage or any other orphanage in Chiang Mai?

    If you have I was hoping you could tell me what it was like, what to expect and any other contact details you have for them.

    I'm planning on going for the day, but have read somewhere that you can take a child or children from there out for the day, instead of just visiting. I don't know if thats correct, but figure it would be better to take a couple of kids out for a GREAT day, rather than just playing with a big group of kids at the orphanage.

    Any thoughts or advice would be most appreciated!

    Thank you,


    What about volunteering some time for teaching or doing some sport activities there? It's what I have enjoyed supporting there for a long time, and I'm sure anything you can offer there will be appreciated

  13. Word has it that the "gentlemen" in Pattaya running the lapsed Chiang Mai Mail are not paying many or any of their outstanding bills, reminders are apparently ignored, and this outfit now looks rather dubious.

    Until they settle all their accounts payable and clear their name (which unfortunately grows more tarnished by the day as the stories of their outstandings spread) nobody is going to give them any respect or credence.

    And if they do not pay up - what are they going to do? Declare bankruptcy, no liquidity, say very sorry to their creditors, and disappear?

    Or maybe resurface fresh-faced and innocent, calling themselves the "Lanna Mail" or similar, with a new owning company and set of directors, and carry on as if nothing had happened?

    Let's hope that these circulating suspicions are unfounded, that they are in fact gentlemen, and that they do the right thing. Watch this space.

    I really don't like it when a 'newbie' comes here with this basically slanderous gossip. In my opinion, either use your name, or shut-up please

  14. :o

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the forum and wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the property forum. I'm interested in a 2+ bedroom house for short-term rent (that may be extended).

    Would be good if had a pool but no problem if doesn't. I would like it to be no further than 10kms from Central Chiang Mai.

    If anybody knows any decent property agents then that would be appreciated too.

    What sort of price would I be looking at per month - 15k - 20k?

    Thanks in advance

    Not to far off, but expect to pay more if it has a pool...and hoses to rent with a pool are few and far between

    Chock Dee

    Hoses to rent?? Why rent hoses? The only hose I have is used in cleaning, and it cost less than 3,000 baht..

    Oh, I think you meant houses :D

  15. Ajarn you have been in Chiang Mai as long as I have if not longer. Do you really know of anyone who was truly set up?
    Sorry I missed this, but from my note, my answer is 'yes'. The thing was,in this case, the evidence (tape recording) made it clear and not some of the usual 'bar talk'. It has never happened to me, but I know that it has occured to others..

    I should also mention that CM Immigration tried to get 100,000 baht from me by saying to my housekeeper, "tell him that he won't have any futher visa problems if he pays us 100,000 baht", figuring that I would be interested, I suppose... The colonel, there for 15 years, was transferred out shortly after I compained officially about it.

  16. I have been in Thailand for a long time and personally have never known of anyone who has been "set up" by the police. A few claim to have been but the truth be known they have in fact been involved one way or the other.

    I recall the case of a young farang couple on holiday who were arrested for drug posession at Doi Pui. The cops supposedly gave them a choice of paying 100,000 baht to have the charges dropped.

    Their father, who was a long time resident complained to the chief of police in Lamphun. The cops were sacked but later murdered the father and his wife.

    On Moom muang road is a bike rental company that back in the eighties, used to put drugs on some rental bikes, then, at your registered guesthouse, they would have a police officer around to do some 'checking', wherein a bike woud be found with some heroin... A Japanese guy told me about this scam, and presented a tape of his conversation with the rental agent, who basically told the kid that he would have to come up with the (50,000) baht quikly, or the cop would return, and the kid would go prison... I don't know how it finished...

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