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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. It all depends on how much of the swamp gets drained in a week but its odds on whoever gets the job they are already filthy rich and devoid of any knowledge of what poverty means????
  2. The generals keep ordering this problem gone but it looks like the police keep supplying it from the news this week ????
  3. There must be a minister responsible for absurd negligence start firing people instead of guns ????
  4. I saved up in similar fashion a few years ago for an Aston Martin one 77 but it turns out I was 78th in the queue so I blew the lot on 4 pints of Guinness and a very loose woman ????
  5. More good new they are going in engineless submarines man the oars ????
  6. Start with crushing all pickups then the police job done next ????
  7. Wonder if this has to do with the unreported story of a drug bust 3 days ago that ended up with the police striped to their underpants guns drugs and police cars stolen that has the shadow police written all over it ????
  8. A clear case of sticking your Nose in and getting it punched ????
  9. Fear not the general will ordered it gone and it has ????
  10. A two watch face he is talking about and is there any news about the 50m baht missing cash disappearance from a couple of weeks ago when he was pretend PM ????
  11. In fairness it probably was the police and investigating ones own is dangerous ????
  12. Nothing like a Wai I man to get this party started but where is the cum- ganja man? ????
  13. Cum-public health minister has a ring to it and when I see his face its confirmed ????
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