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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Leave them alone being poor is the fault of the rich help them out not photo op them good luck ????
  2. It all sounds far to sensible for here making us that use more pay more but the devil will be in the detail ????
  3. It was surely more of waddle than a wade as he clung on to his Zimmer frame ????
  4. Bet there is some frenetic activity in the ministry for the money in a suitcase department ????
  5. The Hippocratic oath is measured in lots of zeros on the end here then "disgusting"???? The Hippocratic Oath is the oldest and most widely known treatise on medical ethics. It requires new physicians to swear by numerous healing gods and dictates the duties and responsibilities of the physician while treating patients. There are two versions of the Hippocratic Oath: the original one and the modern one.
  6. Talking of petrified pieces of of wood can it be made into a nice overcoat for the ever acting PM ????
  7. Just a reminder to check the level of your septic tank by the look of it ????
  8. Good to see you have to have special shoes to walk on a glass bridge and lift manhole covers ????
  9. Unofficial reports the Russians have surrendered in Kherson hope its true ????
  10. Cut out the middle man and just let the bank teller empty your account without tedious calls ????
  11. Italian expresso bean from hillkoff so good I get it delivered to Hau Hin now google for address ????
  12. It was probably a monk to save her a trip to the temple ????
  13. What a time to have engineless subs send in the stilts or a has been general to order it gone????
  14. There are many shooting cases throughout the land a good start but do more now ????
  15. Lavrov the cocaine horse that talks about bio fleas and bats is understood here in banana land priceless ????
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