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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Half a dozen hand bags and a full set of luggage above their head and they didn't notice don't get on a bike with them ????
  2. Looking at web cam taxi on a regular basis I would say 5 million have gone back home ????
  3. Yes he has 3500bt of my Mrs money for invisible vaccines jail him for life ????
  4. You mean tick tock time as he looks to be running the mortal kind ????
  5. There is only one way to deal with this problem piano wire a tree and an orange box = no more filth ????
  6. Looks like someone found the snide trainers before his feet got flattened ????
  7. Agree I bought a genuine Lolex for 500bt years ago ????
  8. The only fakes left now are currently running the country and will be the next job for the Anti-aircraft regiment????
  9. Next Prawit will rock up with a parrot on his shoulder to run the country ????
  10. Did She whiled away her time by singing Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be one old lady Got Stuck In The Lavatory ????
  11. Something smells iffy in this story was it a fly in her ear saying its all gone Wong ????Rip
  12. Try a bridge and darts club first before aspiring to snakes and ladders ????
  13. Swapping an idiot for a bumbling incoherent one is not progress is it ????
  14. Expect the usual 500 round shootout before they getaway again when found ????
  15. Unless he has a cunning plan where he becomes his own dead friend its worked once already ????
  16. If you want to know anything ask my dead friend he is more coherent than me ????
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