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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Your in safe hands the order has been given ????
  2. Next Prawit will rock up with a parrot on his shoulder to run the country ????
  3. Did She whiled away her time by singing Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be one old lady Got Stuck In The Lavatory ????
  4. Something smells iffy in this story was it a fly in her ear saying its all gone Wong ????Rip
  5. Try a bridge and darts club first before aspiring to snakes and ladders ????
  6. Swapping an idiot for a bumbling incoherent one is not progress is it ????
  7. If he stops dying his hair he could come back incognito as uncle grey ????
  8. On the plus side bedding sales will be through the roof ????
  9. Yaba Daba don't if you want to keep your frock on at the asylum ????
  10. Looks like Prawit sent his dead friend from Madame Tussauds ????
  11. Expect the usual 500 round shootout before they getaway again when found ????
  12. Unless he has a cunning plan where he becomes his own dead friend its worked once already ????
  13. If you want to know anything ask my dead friend he is more coherent than me ????
  14. Now the police will have to swim when collecting their protection wedge think of the inconvenience ????
  15. No country for old men then they got follow through Prawit at least he will be on time that's about all ????
  16. Now its all down to how much they charge ????
  17. Been in Hua Hin for 9 months and haven't sniffed a drop good luck ????
  18. News Flash.. the results are just in he's won the next two elections ????
  19. Good old Chinese cousins now without a wedge well done plod spend it wisely ????
  20. He was on the last leg a couple of weeks ago and he sure ain't gone anywhere there was a barrage of complaints as usual ????
  21. The old in your pocket constitutional court rouse man the Bangkok shipping containers and water cannons its going to get fruity ????
  22. Coup to coup trade is cuckoo to every other civilized country I would suspect ????
  23. We still have Frankie Boyle thank god ????
  24. Yes better off hounding people to death and when you pay it off like my Mrs they can find no record of payment but unlucky for them she still had a receipt 8 years later ????
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