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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. In December to January I shipped via wise £100k plus in up to 10k amounts daily to Kbank check the rates out before you send all easy most instant- 5 days max ????
  2. "Damaged Thailand's reputation" is a far to late statement jail him for 500 years no parole to restore ????
  3. My branch is in Chiang Mai and I'm in Hua Hin so far no problems in updating my FCD or at IMO ????
  4. Thai Police deputy spokesman Pol Col Siriwat Deephor said that the police respect.. stop there ????
  5. They are on sale openly in a shop in Hua Hin and suspect many other places as well including F/B ????
  6. After nearly 3 years at home my 8 year old is back at school and I spend the day fretting as to whether he will be in one piece at 3.30pm when I pick him up ????
  7. Having seen the vid and can't see any gun just a couple of thugs stamping and kicking a couple of kids ????
  8. About as interesting as What are your thoughts on iron ore deposits in your septic tank ????
  9. Some ripe durian or a decomposing corpse is my guess both unmistakable ????
  10. Some sand for the next Pattaya beach washout in exchange for some tee towels expected from his delegation of highly qualified experts????
  11. Before the bomb goes off please share what everyone's smoking in this story ????
  12. About 7km to Makro from my house today I managed to flee death in time x3 what little driving skills these fools possess have evaporated ????
  13. Are we talking in a dictatorship corrupted way of help then yes we can ????
  14. Bungalow but not near a main road for me in this mysterious skydiving land ????Rip
  15. Sure Thai's will have a cunning plan to save on fuel like drive faster at red lights ????
  16. I decided by taking a large wedge to Homepro and coming out with a small one but hey it looks good ????
  17. All made possible by the mysterious ("not really") re-emergence of a blue rock????
  18. Don't think it ever really opened ????
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