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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Theft of towel charges and 7 mobile phones possibly 8 to follow by the look of it ????
  2. Anutin has a vested interest in long fags but not electronic ones case closed ????
  3. Good its all in a shocking state ????
  4. Interested to know how you will get scammed when you pay on arrival ????
  5. We had Ernie the fastest milkman in the west here you have Somchai the fastest bin man in the east "splat"????
  6. They are at the home of out of control psychopathic killers no wonder the nelly's go barking ????
  7. The sudden stop with the pavement is never more mysterious than it is here ????Rip
  8. The thing you cant see is location but what are you looking for?????
  9. There of course will be a discount for less paperwork if you pay it into our Caymans account ????
  10. Just waiting for some more currently being washed down from Bangkok ????
  11. Spooky! did an interesting sum yesterday of checking my electric usage so far this month compared to the UK as there was a tiny bit of news on BBC that stated almost 35p per unit and 10.5p for gas . Right now here 520 units used at 5bt a unit 2,600 bt same in UK 520 units 18,200 bt I predict a riot ????
  12. A 1.35 Trillion disappearance is all perfectly normal a dead friend is looking after it in Toblerone land ????
  13. That's cricket a rich mans sport ????
  14. Any current geo location of the beach ?????
  15. Leave them alone being poor is the fault of the rich help them out not photo op them good luck ????
  16. It all sounds far to sensible for here making us that use more pay more but the devil will be in the detail ????
  17. It was surely more of waddle than a wade as he clung on to his Zimmer frame ????
  18. Bet there is some frenetic activity in the ministry for the money in a suitcase department ????
  19. The Hippocratic oath is measured in lots of zeros on the end here then "disgusting"???? The Hippocratic Oath is the oldest and most widely known treatise on medical ethics. It requires new physicians to swear by numerous healing gods and dictates the duties and responsibilities of the physician while treating patients. There are two versions of the Hippocratic Oath: the original one and the modern one.
  20. Talking of petrified pieces of of wood can it be made into a nice overcoat for the ever acting PM ????
  21. Paying the police is very plausible story here ????
  22. Having a wake without a body ????
  23. 500bt two plastic bags plus disbursements = 10m ????
  24. Just a reminder to check the level of your septic tank by the look of it ????
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