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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. it was discovered that the number of votes counted at the two places does not match the number of voters who registered to vote there .. unless you add the dead friends ????
  2. All the drugs are now safely in the hands of the dealers ????
  3. They can turn 3.18 trillion into 500bt after disbursements without any debate ????
  4. Having some first hand experience of a kid drowning in a pool (not my kid) I would say that adult failure never fails to astound me ????Rip
  5. It was doornail last August even the rats moved out ????
  6. Always a good idea to parade the perp in front of the victims and family's its showtime where the police not on inactive duties get a bit active ????
  7. Covid has provided a few things this government just can't give up like making things as convoluted and difficult as possible and control with a queue of idiots running the show it will never change ????
  8. When I pass Hua Hin court house it always looks to be very busy I will expect a traffic jam very soon ????
  9. The planes are multirole and can be used for a very fast exit when it all comes on top ????
  10. Was there not a course for security guards a few weeks ago on how to behave perhaps they were just on their way ????
  11. You should wear a lanyard attached to the bucket as it once saved me when an irate customer tried to drive my van off with me 20ft in the air and the jacks down ????Rip probably
  12. Think he is getting in a practice flight before the imminent urgent departure that's bound to come ????
  13. The boy, Thanadol Wangwijit, admitted that, as a child, he would occasionally get separated from his parents and went to an adult to seek help. That's alright then what could possibly go wrong ????
  14. What fools they should know by now covid only comes out at the stroke of midnight ????
  15. Incarceration is the authoritarians dissent crusher that and an concrete filled oil drum in the river ????
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