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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Good to see you have to have special shoes to walk on a glass bridge and lift manhole covers ????
  2. Unofficial reports the Russians have surrendered in Kherson hope its true ????
  3. Cut out the middle man and just let the bank teller empty your account without tedious calls ????
  4. Italian expresso bean from hillkoff so good I get it delivered to Hau Hin now google for address ????
  5. Its luxury apposed to a tin shack I suppose ????
  6. It was probably a monk to save her a trip to the temple ????
  7. What a time to have engineless subs send in the stilts or a has been general to order it gone????
  8. There are many shooting cases throughout the land a good start but do more now ????
  9. Lavrov the cocaine horse that talks about bio fleas and bats is understood here in banana land priceless ????
  10. Why is Prawit wearing a crown ????
  11. Sounds like the trotters were not on the case to find Mr big piggy they should be roasted for incompetence ????
  12. The biggest reason I hated visiting my nans house in a roll ????
  13. My legs went wobbly when I picked my boy up from school the other day on top of a new building must be 100ft! tall there was a man laying ridge tiles zero any safety gear and heavy rain a impact waiting to happen like here in this story ????Rip
  14. Big Tor, Den, Joke will surely descend into all for one for us for sure ????
  15. Forget the car dealing and start a breakers yard for doggy monks start with his knees ????
  16. Wouldn't you be in a coma with 5k of booze inside you ????
  17. Same as the bill by the sound of it ????
  18. And Pattaya's reputation has been fully restored for 200k now how much for the police to lose the paperwork ????
  19. I see a post of a minivan yesterday do just that drive down a hole and the ensuing rescue attempts to save passengers from drowning a klong in the middle of the road by the look of it scary stuff ????
  20. Police thought there was not going to be any trouble but Toy had pretended to sleep and had said nothing before the attack. Police thinking is to far fetched in this story ????
  21. Sad story of the booze and depression spiral good luck you will need it here ????
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