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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. The main focus of the attraction will be a wheelbarrow at Swampy for your wedge that can be proved to be refilled or you can do one ????
  2. Anyone know of any good agents/agency in the Cha Am/Hua Hin area looking for 3bed house under 4.5m here looking now but not finding much ????
  3. One school reported lockdown with a 1000 kids inside and appealing for food donations according to my Mrs what a mess this ruling cluster is making ????
  4. Moderna is a complete festering *hitshow in Chiang Mai the virus is far more likely to get you than the jab and you have paid for it ????
  5. He could start with putting a bag over his head preferably a concrete one to eliminate the waste of oxygen he has inflicted on this country ????
  6. And all that I knew was the hole in the road that was letting in Volvos ????
  7. Defrock him "what" he's not a monk! de trouser him ????
  8. Personally I would save your money its not worth the trip ????
  9. Its looking like the tourist economy has been totaled for nothing then ????
  10. Off to A+E to get my sides stitched up again after reading this prediction ????
  11. Turkish residency was easy when I had 7 years there not so easy now I'm told but there are downsides like winter is abysmal everything closed cold and wet no pork, petrol the dearest in the world wailing mosques and the most untrustworthy people on earth, summers is the only reason to be there I found good luck ????
  12. Everything in the project was honest and above board. reiterated the captain of the phoenix ????
  13. When Prayut comes back from Glasgow he can bring a tartan army of high spenders to get the billions rolling in ????
  14. The lizard was not such a bright monitor on the road as its name suggests ????
  15. 43 Million by spooky coincidence is the TAT target spending a trillion baht each is now achievable by the end of the year if only there was something open ????
  16. No do you want to buy one very little use ????
  17. Would the preparation be 1m carboard beds and some tents ????
  18. Its going to be like when you watch a slow motion crash then speed it up 10x what could possibly go wrong?????
  19. With a power cut every time it rains or puffs with wind progress maybe slow on the roads in the far and distance future ????
  20. That will be everyone arrested and jailed at Chiang Mai immigration whilst trying to obtain a visa then or is this exempt from spreading covid ????
  21. Wonder what Anutin was saying about 70% already vaccinated just the other day is fake news then ????
  22. Is this a record a £2.50 priced on the box Birds eye ready meal roast dinner at Rimping airport branch CM 375bt £8.24 for a Birds eye watering price ????
  23. Where's the very funny clip of him falling up a step and nearly going off the back of the stage very enjoyable ????
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