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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. There was a full moon to arrest that's about it 🤔
  2. Guess he found out the hard way there is another battleground on the roads here 🤔
  3. Fake news suppression from the fake PM 🤔
  4. Android dozens of free working apps Vpnify has been working for a year+/ windows nothing lasts long for free 🤔
  5. A small calculator but down to fingers this year 🤔
  6. According to Thai news this idiot blew 240 on the breathalyzer enough to be comatosed. hang him on the spot and set an example 🤔
  7. How about the Swiss, German Cayman and daughters accounts sure to be bulging 🤔
  8. It's a diplomatic spectacle alright a disgusting one 🤔
  9. World class improvements take time, mainly down to now where did that money go🤔
  10. It's definitely the Hub of all things artificial already 🤔
  11. TAT could start the campaign off with a free boat or coach trip to make the little fellas feel at ease 🤔
  12. She really lubed him now not so sure 🤔
  13. The Insanity of this loan shark cancer 🤔Rip
  14. Umm! Jeff more likely to get a rogering first me thinks 🤔
  15. With a smart car vinyl board and pointing stick 🤔
  16. My Mrs. is the sniffer dog for this one nothing gets ordered or paid for before forensic analysis of the seller,reviews etc, etc, so far 100% success rate 🤔
  17. Sweet 🤔
  18. Android VPNIFY been working for over a year +10 others I always keep primed for action "all free" 🤔
  19. Hunt them down like dogs no farangs 🤔
  20. And to think clowns then sniff this stuff up their nose a thought not to have before breakfast 🤔
  21. All a misunderstanding he meant the KGB 🤔
  22. Easy to solve problem just put a sign up🤔
  23. Great and sensible news, now back it up with Taiwan is free independent country with a Bangkok embassy🤔
  24. Taiwanese celebrity non vapers now beware black sites in operation here 🤔
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