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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Even the police can't swallow this exploding over heating mouth story ..or can they ????
  2. When the words floating and food gets put together it puts me off for some reason ????
  3. Its fun to stay at the YMCA meets some weirdo promo by the look of that photo ????
  4. Sure there was a few buckets of something resembling water chucked in his direction if not something solid will do ????
  5. So many numbers in this story but dose anything add up and where is the cash now ????
  6. Not sure if this is useful but last year bought a house in HH paid for meter to be installed at deposit stage months went by no meter no bill then the village wanted me to pay some bill that my cables were connected to I refused no meter no bill end of story next PEA arrived to install meter then refused due to the wrong mains cable being installed more free electric for me then a week later a copper heavy weight cable arrived and two guys to pull it in through existing trunk or dig up paths two days it took to complete. All looked good no damage cable changed pea arrived to connect meter job done but where the cable comes out of the outside wall to the meter they striped all the armor and insulation off leaving the last 1m into the meter with an uninsulated brown and blue wire Pea said it was fine but looking at every other house on the estate mine seems the only one with the last 1m exposed time will tell it looks like a cowboy job to me ????
  7. Mai Sai at the Burmese duty free had cans the last time I was there you wont find it here something to do with the widget from memory ????
  8. I invited the mother in law to come over and stick her head in a bucket of water but she was having none of it to busy with Tik Tok what ever that is ????
  9. Many have ended up with bits of coin where their nest egg once rested is all I know????
  10. What about if you have no number plate at all its a more common problem than having two I suspect ????
  11. So Pea taught Pae a lesson by involving Plod who issued a paper as a Punishment Priceless ????
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