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Posts posted by VINCENT2012

  1. for a non o year visa because of thai wife you dont need to go abroad at all.

    just go to your immigration office and give the papers requiered as i do every year.

    but for this you need to have 400 000 bath in a thai bank on your name only for at least 2 mounth minimum before applying that kind of visa otherwise forget it.

    your wife as to go and sign all the document also, she will be asked many personal question, better all of you knows the answerd before

    the rest is spending time in the office and bla bla....!


  2. i really like this guy, chan o chan, he is the perfect guy at the right time for the job.

    He is a mix of Bokassa, with a pinch of Nicolas Ceaucescu with a certain something of Imelda Marcos.

    I told you, a great guy this chan o chan, i wish him best luck

    be carefull what you are saying....bocassa was accused of cannibalism too


  3. returning on a fake Armenian passport

    so the visa is either a fake or another immigration/consulate payoff along the line ................non Thai mafia is not allowed on the work permit list also

    a fake passport has nothing to do with the visa given by an ambassy ....if thais new it was fake i doubt very much they would have given it.

  4. [the court has decided] to grant the defendant a chance to change his behaviour into a good citizen, and to return to his profession to provide for his family,"

    well i hope the taxi driver understood al last the meaning of that way to make justice without pain.

    i give an aplause to the judge because i still think like many that teaching is better than punishment ( and cheaper for the society too)


  5. excelent new.....please continue to brake all this mafia system.....!

    before in pataya the put so many chairs near the beach that it was impossible to put a tower on the floor....i had to rent a chair to have a litle bit of place.....after a while, i run away from all these stupid places for tourist.even the thai had no places where to enjoy.

    the public area has to be free for everybody.... i even do not agree that 5 stars hotel and resort, cut and take the all beach for them only and prohibit the local to have fun on their own land.

    i can not understand why all governments before allowed such a thing......well i think i know why, for sure banknotes are a good reason for it.


  6. well this is not knew.....massage is quiet a lot of times associated with reason to prostitution.....and unfortunetly because of its history thai womans abroad are still famous for that and used for that....!

    this warning is absolutly a good new for the thai women.

    instead of to put so much publicity on tv and rabbish program, they should also produce more short documentary about driving with alcool, gambling adiction, mafias etc etc to prevent and teach the population.


  7. 1584 only ... in all thailand..facepalm.gif ?

    if they come to my village (400 people), they still can arrest 30% or 40 % of the citizens drunk.gif , even the childrens here bet for 20 baths or 50 baths a world cup game.

    this is ridiculous!.....half of the country is betting one way or another like every where in the rest of world....some for quiet a sum actualy, everybody knows that.

    gambling is like sex you can never get rid of it....because people love it......!

    controll is always better than prohibitioncoffee1.gif and prison should be an extreme solution for that kind of matter.


  8. I'd usually drop the ผม (pom) and maybe the กำลัง (currently) and just reply เรียนอยู่ (rian yoo), adding a smile and a คับ or จ้า (kap or ja)

    In Thai you don't need to start sentences with 'I' in Thai, i.e. always start with ผม (pom). Thais make things as casual and short as possible, if it's obvious from the context that they're referring to themselves, if they're talking with friends, etc. Likewise you don't need the 'pasa thai' in your reply. I once heard a Thai say overusing 'gamlang' will make you 'sound like a textbook', but here it'd be okay. So either เรียนอยู่จ้า or กำลังเรียนอยู่คับ (dropping the ร in จร้า and ครับ too)

    i am 10 years in thailand ...so i agree 100 % with that opinion.

    make it simple, listen to the street language wich is what people use everyday, reality is diferent than the lesson in a book. especialy thai who is phoneticly a

    headhake for new guys.

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  9. To me this demonstrate what i already tought and could see.....all this burocratic paper work they ask and arrival cards serve for nothing....it is like all visa aplications forms....it is the same ...they asked every year the same document again and again ...if the situation is the same i dont see the reason to ask the same bloody photo and plan from the house and more stories...... this because they are not organized at all....when a simple computer program could fit all arrivals with names, hotels or living places, people with any kind of visas etc etc ..in 1 clic with the passport name they could get to all the information from 1 person. if he is overstaying or not or whatever....and this could make our renewal extension visa quiet easier .

    of course, i am not talking about cambodgian or others who cross the border illegaly , this more complicated to control but all of us come by air....so! please start to control with inteligence not like a robot does.

    for once we see a farang who scam a thai women, of course it is not a good thing ..but when are we going to see a photo of a woman who scam a farang ? when are we going to see information about girls scam for tourist in tourist places? dont they know whats going on in pattaya night club, night bar , in phuket etc etc ?

    if they want to take care of the image of thailand they should also take care of us giving us rights to avoid these scam.

    hopefully they do something in the future


  10. i agree 100% with the post.....people should stick together in a foreign country like here, to find help and real good information.

    we are too individual and think we can do everything alone and this is wrong.

    thats why all around the world to be stronger you will find chinna town, litle italy or only spanish areas.....they are really smarter than we are here.


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  11. working legally in thailand burocraticly is a mess, it is also not adapted to the real situation, ..xsorry.gif.pagespeed.ic.HIAcli9fRM.png ...for example my self i'd like to have a work permit and pay taxes for the resort i build with my own money, but i can not afford the obligation to have a 50 000 baths wages every mounth plus the obligation to have 7 more unprofessional thai people to employ that i dont need anyway....who knowing the issan they come to work today and tomorrow they dont show up..... plus the obligation to have profit or my work permit will be cancelled......conclusion, it is symply not possible for me to have or apply for a work permit, because where i live it is a litle village of 300 people where we get 300 to 1000 baths a day when lucky.....very far from the 50 000 baths required.

    also why such a discrimination with farang? the wages in ubon for thais i know are about 6000 to 15 000 for the lucky one per mounth (and around thailand too).so again why do we have the obligation to earn a money that only a very good business can give.

    why the rules for chinese,asian or indians are diferent than for westerner ?

    now the big question is ! because now they know who and where.

    are they going to send 2 000 000 people back home ? beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu normaly when the statistic give you a number like this , a lot more are not in the computer system.

    but i'd like to see the results of such a politic....facepalm.gif


  12. these people are used only in big explotation where the big profit is.......i think the government is right to get rid of exploted immigration .....but the agriculture or the construction to be competitive need these people anyway, they should make it easy for the companys or farm owners to employ them legaly without so much paperwork, with social security and a controlled wages adapted to the thai life cost.

    make a reform ok but make it easy for both parts.

    don't send 100 000 people back home just like this!

    the military goverment should find an alternative trying to keep the economy competitive and something fair for the foreign workers. just go and take the money from the companys who make millions on them, who use these people and tell them now they are responsable for their life, well being and security and for the cost of their working permit or cost back home.

    that should have been a fair trade....you employed but now you are responsable

    not you did something wrong so just trough that working meat away back to their poor life.

    when are we going to stop using human flesh for a stupid dolar


  13. why passengers have to continue paying the 50-baht fee for getting a taxi from the airport queue ? why....my self i find it always unfair so i take the lift and i go to the 4th floor to catch a taxi who drop another client before and go ....because i do not want to pay 50 baths extra.! and if he wants the extra money i wait for another one.i always find one who understand the situation.

    well i speak thai thats the diference of course but.....what the hell !!!!

    we are compare here not as human been but as a walking wallet.....thats enough....!

    if the taxi run is too cheap, and i agree it is too cheap, then increase the fare for everybody in thailand, nobody is going to complain but not only in a special area where nobody from abroad or here understand the reason why...only some in the government does, thats it.

    also ....we foreigners in general agree that we are fed up to have 2 prices one for thais and another price for farang..even if you are married with a thai they still make the diference and wen have to pay.... to me ..this is discriminination, racism, a will to make a diference beetween people....in this 20 th century this is totally old fashion and again totally unfair. and this is not dign for a country like thailand who live because of the tourism and the people living all year here who bring bilions of baths all together.

    the military government who want to put the thing right should read our post and take some advice because this is not only rabbish what we write here

    this is our fillings, and i think we pay enough to have the right to give our impression about what is right or wrong


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