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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. The proper export paperwork must be done now using the e-customs system. After fighting a bit with my manager I finally got her to call the customs office and she found out that she can get access to this system without a broker's license. Her broker friend lied to her (gee I wonder why?). So it is possible for an export company to do this, but it is not easy because someone on your staff needs to know all the codes on the form and type them in to generate the e-paperless statement you will need to include in your monthly VAT report.

    So I am thinking I will pay 800 baht to a broker for the first shipment so I can get all the codes we will need and we should be good to go for the next order ...

    Do you know if you still have to ship at Hua Lamphong if you do the e-customs stuff yourself?

  2. VAT is not collected on Exports. VAT only applies on goods sold in Thailand. I've actually never heard of a airway bill for EMS shipments. You simply need to prove your goods were exported and not sold in Thailand. The EMS slip/receipt is proof enough for Thai tax/VAT refund purposes. The obvious question is, how would a Thai customs issue a Airway bill? An airway bill is only issued by cargo carriers or their agents.

    The information i've been given by several accountants is that airway bill (that is the OP is referring to) is an acceptable proof of export; whereas the EMS or Airmail slip/receipt will not be accepted as "proof" by the revenue department.

    Something to do with EMS packages not being inspected by Thai customs so not been officially exported, whereas the Airway bill requires a customs agent to sign off on the package as inspected.

    Do you have any first hand experience of EMS slips being accepted by the revenue department as "proof of export"? (This would be welcome news to me)

    If the revenue department audited you and decided that the EMS slips were not valid proof of export that would leave you on the hook for 7% of gross sales (less VAT paid to suppliers) which is a scary thought.

  3. Better to simply forget about your VAT refund. It is a well know fact that any company that requests VAT refunds will be audited monthly and its really not worth the hastles. You will be better off to simply fill out the EMS slip and ship it directly. Skip the customs office. I have been exporting from Thailand for over 6 years and have yet to get my first VAT refund. There are also other threads on here about this same issue.

    It's not just about the refund of VAT paid to your suppliers, but with out the airway bill you'd have to pay additional VAT on the total sale.


    Purchased materials: 100THB

    VAT on materials: 7THB

    Sold Products for export: 500THB

    If you get an airway bill you should get a 7THB refund.

    If you don't get an airway bill you'd owe the taxman additional 28THB

    So even if you don't claim the 7THB refund you'd still save yourself 28THB with an airway bill.

  4. That's the up side of it I suppose, but having to take what day and time they give you and fit it into your schedule is quite another.

    You don't have to take the day and time they give you; you pick your own date/time on a calendar of time spots, last time i did it there were 6 or 7 different spots available.

  5. Thanks for the feedback.

    I am using a DSL filter (the one that came in the box with the new modem) however i have two other filters that i've tried so i know that's not the problem.

    TOT techs just came this morning and said they think the problem is the phone cable that run between the street and the building. Which is a fat cable that contains all the little phone lines for the building. They are going to run a new separate single cable for my room from the street to the building, hopefully that will fix it.

    RE: The 5mbps plan, it was some kind of promo plan a while ago where you get 5mbps + 500?THB off your phone calling.

  6. Is this the only phone on the circuit in your Condo, if there are any otherextensions unplug them? Just plug the modem into the phone socket no phonehandset. Try this is it any better?

    It's a single phone line that goes only to my room (and only goes to 1 wall jack in the room). The phone line goes to a big box downstairs which then goes to a big box in the street.

    The phone line sound fine on the telephone (zero static or noise). So i don't understand how i can be on the phone with them using this line and they are telling me "it's a problem with your phone line"...but your phone is fine...?

    The thing that pisses me off is they seem to blame it on any other possible variable that not within their control (ie your router, the line in your building, the rain, etc..).

    And if you do ever manage to get a guy to come and look they just plug in a laptop (the internet always seems to be working at that exact moment) and says "Look everything's fine"... 5 minutes after they leave it's broken again.

  7. I'm having trouble with my TOT connection lately. And i just went and bought a new DSL modem from them (i was previously using a 5 year old modem + separate wireless router). So they would always blame any problem on the router.

    Now have a new combo wireless router/modem. However the DSL line still keeps doing down all the time, although the phone continues working.

    I've called TOT numerous times and they keep blaming the problem on the phone lines in the condo building (though i had a new phone line run in the building when i moved in 5 years ago).

    My DSL has just reconnected and below are the DSL stats that the modem is giving, is anyone able to tell from this if there is actually a line problem (note that download speed should be: 5mbps, currently only showing as 500kbps but it does show 5mbps sometimes)

    Statistics -- xDSL
    Mode: 	ADSL_G.dmt
    Type: 	Interleave
    Line Coding: 	Trellis On
    Status: 	Up
    Link Power State: 	L0
     	Downstream 	Upstream
    SNR Margin (0.1 dB): 	330 	140
    Attenuation (0.1 dB): 	280 	105
    Output Power (0.1 dBm): 	174 	123
    Attainable Rate (Kbps): 	672 	288
    Rate (Kbps): 	544 	192
    K (number of bytes in DMT frame): 	 18 	 7
    R (number of check bytes in RS code word): 	 16 	 16
    S (RS code word size in DMT frame): 	 8.00 	 16.00
    D (interleaver depth): 	 8 	 4
    Delay (msec): 	 16.00 	 16.00
    INP (DMT symbol): 	 0.40 	 0.09
    Super Frames 	 16518 	 16329
    Super Frame Errors: 	 0 	 0
    RS Words: 	 140406 	 69398
    RS Correctable Errors:: 	 0 	 0
    RS Uncorrectable Errors: 	 0 	 0
    HEC Errors: 	 0 	 0
    OCD Errors: 	 0 	 0
    LCD Errors: 	 0 	 0
    Total Cells: 	 359883 	 0
    Data Cells: 	 23680 	 0
    Bit Errors: 	 0 	 0
    Total ES: 	 0 	 0
    Total SES: 	 0 	 0
    Total UAS: 	 70 	 70

  8. Was this just due to a business decision on their part (ie they stopping marketing through TV).

    Or was it a decision on the part of TV due to complaints about the product? For those of us with insurance purchased via TV it would nice to know if we are actually holding a bum insurance card (that will not actually pay out)?

  9. The "Panasonic Wide" sockets seem to be the most popular, all hardware stores have them and they have interchangable plugs for everything (TV, LAN, Phone, 2 plug, 3 plug, switches, 3 way switches etc..)

    So at least you know in 5 years if a socket gets broken you'll easily be able to find a replacement.

    The brand of the actual backbox doesn't really matter as they are pretty much a standard size that any brand face place can screw into.

  10. You just gotta hope that one of the other 5 people on the connection isn't a torrent junkie. Also have you considered the security risks of being on the same network make sure you setup the firewall on your router properly unless you want your neighbors poking around your personal files, or infecting you with their viruses etc...

  11. Finally they've come to their senses and scraped this plan. It would have sent inflation through the roof, and then interest rates would no doubt follow...

    I just signed a contract with a house builder and they were so worried about high inflation and the possibility of the wage increase that they were reluctant to even sign a contract on a fix quote four months in advanced of the build date (expecting wages and materials to shoot up very soon).

    Hopefully this will bring some confidence back to future of the economy.

  12. Interesting. Never came across those in Europe, possibly because it was cheaper to fit banks of standard receivers. I dont suppose they are cheap, and you would suffer from the picture quality loss inherent with having to use RF distribution also.

    If they are available in the US I would expect them to be available here though.

    Here's an example of the 2 output ones (see "DUO" receivers):


    I haven't been able to find anything more than 2 though.

  13. It's not very exciting: they just have what amounts to a bank of receivers (official or unofficial), one for each channel they want to rebroadcast. Then they just link the RF outputs into the internal coax. This is how cable TV works also.

    Thanks, it might be worth doing that for some rooms where i want a TV on the wall with no cabinet (so no where to put the set-top box)

    .....some Sat TV receivers will allow multiple outputs so several TVs can use the same box.

    Watching different channels? I've never seen such a receiver.

    Don't quite see what the advantage would be over having multiple receivers anyway.

    My parents in the US have a centralized receiver that outputs two channels at the same time (so they have some TVs in the house on 1 output, and other TVs on the 2nd output). Allowing you to watch 2 different channels at the same time.

    They said that they could have got a receiver with more outputs but they feel 2 was enough and didn't want to spend more. So i was wondering if anything like this was available in Thailand.

  14. As I understand it our OP want a hotel type system where there is no STB at each TV and satellite channels are actually selected using the TV remote.

    Exactly. Any idea how they do this?

    Yes it is called a Multiswitch (8 in + TV aerial and 8 out if you have 8 rooms) and to future proof your home you should consider up to 4 or more dish inputs (RG6 75ohm cable) to the Multiswitch and from the switch then a cable (RG6 75ohm cable) to each room / set top box. This will allow for multiple dishes / satellites in the future.

    It seems like the Multiswitch is just a cable splitter and you'd still need a set-top box in each room?

  15. I'm in the process of building a new house and have some questions about setting Satellite TV and CCTV wiring:

    Satellite TV:

    The standard way to set this up seems to be to run a cable from the Satellite to a splitter and then to a separate set-top box in each room.

    The problem with this is:

    a ) (I think) UBC/True charges you extra for each box?

    b ) If i want to mount a TV directly on the wall i've got to figure where to put the set-top box (looks ugly/out of place)

    I'm wondering if there is a way to have a centralized single box and that splits to all rooms, but still allow each room to view a different channel (there are 8 TV plugs in the house).


    I plan to run a separate coaxial cable to each room which will connect back to the DVR for the CCTV, so that you can view the CCTV from any room.

    However i'm wondering if it's possible to set it up in a way so that you can change the channel on the TV and view a different camera. Instead of having to have all the TVs forced to view whichever single view the DVR is set to play.

  16. If you are alone with the child, he shall sit facing the rear in the front seat. Then he can see you all the time. And also a passenger if she/he is seated behind you. This, of course, necessitate that an airbag for this seat can be disconnected.

    The car seats have about a million stickers all over them saying don't put it in the front seat.

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