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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. It's unclear where this fight action happened, it seems that you left your property/driveway and then got into the fight?

    I certainly would have let him walk all the way up my driveway before the fighting began, i think it would have put you in a much stronger position with the police if the fight had occurred on your property.

  2. I think the best way to handle it would be on a case by case. If there is some bloke coming in day after day buying 1 coffee and sitting all day just walk up to him and tell him "I don't have a problem with you being here but can you please make a drink purchase every hour or so".

    Making sweeping changes (getting rid of wifi, having a 30 minute only policy) seems like it's going to negatively effect a lot of customers when only a few are probably abusing the system.

  3. We flipped our sons car seat around when he got to about 5 months. He is much happier facing forward. Facing backwards he would either sleep, or yell.

    Facing forward he spends most of the time looking at things out the window and is fine traveling for many hours in the car.

    He's 9 months now and there is no way he'd even fit in the seat facing backwards, his legs would be all cramped up from the back of the seat.

  4. I pay 15baht per SQM. But i think it is too low, the building is constantly trying to find new maids/cleaners as they always quit.. probably due to the salary offered is very low and next to no chance of a raise due to a very thin budget.

    At lot of people look for a very low service cost, but in reality you are shooting yourself in the foot, as it will negatively affect the building in the long run.

  5. I went to stay in a hotel in Phucket and they offered a free shuttle car service to the main beach area. I took the shuttle one evening and had the misfortune of sharing the car with a fairly despicable middle aged fellow who spent the entire ride asking the driver "where's the best place to get some 'boom boom'" and that he is "definitely going to get some cheap 'boom boom' tonight".

    If i remember correctly there was some hip gyrating and air humping going on each time he said "boom boom".

    That's the first and last time i ever heard the term "boom boom" used.

  6. I flew Egypt Air to the UK as it was cheapest. Flight and service were good (good entertain systems etc..) Compare to the cheap short-haul asiaair type flights i normally take it seemed like first class.

    There was one incident i thought was kind of odd. I was flying with my wife and 6 month old son; one of the stewardesses (Egyptian i'm assuming) came over and was playing with my son and then turned to me and asked "Why do so many white men marry asian women"...I kind just smiled it off and said "Yes, i guess, well actually me and my wife met in the USA, so i didn't really come to asia looking for a wife".

    She then said in a more serious/demanding tone, "BUT WHY DO SO MANY WHITE MEN MARRY ASIANS!"...hmm...at this point i'm thinking it's pretty strange, and just replied "Well i can't speak for all 'white men', i can only speak to my own particular situation".

    And she still continued "IT SEEMS LIKE SO MANY WHITE MEN MARRIED ASIA WOMEN?" almost in an angry tone now, and still expecting some kind of justification from me?

    Pretty weird; and I'm not a very sensitive person, but it kind of got under my skin as there seemed to be some kind of racist undertone going on there.

  7. The shell as you say, with Basic construction I would say is in the 10,000 - 12,000 per sq.m range, from what you said that would be 240,000 and up

    Yes you can make fancy and do up grades and the price wil change. Also location will have some to do with it.

    Something is this calculation doesn't make sense?

    If the cost is 10,000THB per square meter, and his building is 240 square meters (120sqm downstairs and 120sqm upstairs). That would be:

    240sqm x 10,000THB = 2,400,000THB (not 240,000)

  8. "Land Tax

    This is an annual tax levied on land ownership. The amount is often so small that in practice the body charged to collect it rarely bothers to do so. When they do collect it, it is usually after several years when the amount has accumulated."

    The person paying the Land Tax establishes a prima facie case for possessing the land.

    Can you please let me know where one can find the current tax rates and information on this? I'd hate to get a shock one day if a 10 year tax bill were to arrive.

  9. Write to their head office stating the facts.

    If the noise in your mind is in the column area then l doubt if it's anything to do with the rack, more likely a column bush . :huh:

    Is the squeak there when you first get in the car or does it start after a while driving ?

    The noise kind of sounds like the squeaking you might hear from a door hinge and is coming from down in the steering column when you turn. It's quite a faint noise, and seems to happen regardless of how long you've been driving.

    So do you think maybe this noise is actually unrelated to the steering rack?

  10. We brought our Proton Gen2 in for a 30K service and the car was coming up to the end of the 3 year warranty (had a couple of months left on the warranty).

    We told them about a squeaking noise in the steering. It appears that to "fix" this they removed some of the plastic console and reattached it. This did not fix the noise and continued, but didn't seem that serious.

    We brought the car in for 35K service (a few months after the warranty has expired) and told them that the steering still has a noise. They now say that it needs a new steering rack (cost 27,000Baht).

    Seems to be case of them pushing the problem off until there is no warranty (or maybe i'm paranoid?);

    We complain of this that we already documented the problem with that the last time (and was not fixed). Their response is that they have to get approval to fix the part under warranty from Malaysia and this could take "months"...during which time car is not safely useable.

    What would you do? Pay the 27K or continue to complain (which doesn't seem to be getting anywhere)? Or am i being unreasonable and should accept this cost as part of normal car ownership?

  11. I got a family plan from TV insurance because insuring kids by themselves seems very expensive (especially through the Thai insurance companies).

    We only got in-patient coverage (ie just to cover for emergencies/operations etc..) as OPD gets a lot more expensive.

    Since we have another baby on the way we'll have 4 people on the plan and adding extra kids to it is very cheap, so it gets a better deal the more kids you add (once you hit 2 kids the rest of the kids don't cost anything more).

    I've yet to make a claim so i don't know how good they are in that department.

  12. I had a TMB fixed monthly saving account which was pretty useful.

    You put in a set amount each month (like 5000,10000,or 20000 depending on the account you choose). After 2 years you get all the money + interest.

    You can take the money out early *if you really need to*, but lose the interest. I thought it was a good way to save especially for those who have difficulty saving as it feels like paying a bill each month, but at the end you get all the money back.

  13. Why get upset about it? There are people that enjoy reading and others that enjoy playing or watching sport. As I said before, everybody to their own.

    Why are you getting so upset about it?

  14. I don't read books; I find it extremely boring.

    I hate people who look down nose at those who choose not to read as a leisure activity.

    There is a reason people look down on non-readers.

    Reading is the modern way of story telling which was the first leisure activity(and almost the only) for a LOT of centuries. It's part of being human, enjoying stories. If you dont enjoy a good book(which is relative to each and everyone) you're clearly trying to be as dumb as you can. Everyone can find a book they fall in love with. Once you do you will see that you can get even more deep into the story than with a movie, with no effort. Usually people who hate book also have never went through beyond page 20-30 (which are usually the most boring) or they read books of no relevance to them. If i had only read french literature books where the story takes place in 1500 to 1800.. I would of never wanted to read an other book in my life..

    It's your choice not to be part of humanity though, hating those who look down upon you for ignoring our history and culture have all their rights, just as you have your right to be in your outcast sanctuary.

    Thanks for giving us a perfect example of the kind of people i was referring to.

  15. I have a few websites that combined earn about $10 per month on adsense. Not exactly raking in the dough, but it's nice getting a $100 check every year or so, covers the hosting costs at least.

  16. We still have a white second kit the one worn in the Champions League final,so a blue one will always be my 3rd choice.

    Have you tried asking at Robinsons/Central they do carry some stock of kits.

    I've never seen a goalkeepers shirt at a Central/Robinson/Paragon/Manchester United Store/Nike Store etc.. The weather doesn't really suit wearing them here, so only collectors would be interested in GK shirts, i guess that's why they don't sell them.

    You can buy the home/away shirts but like i said: 3600THB! (75GBP! is an absolute slap in the face)

  17. I think your best bet is contact a mate to get one and send it over here for you.

    Ps have you seen the new BLUE 3rd kit???? annoyed.gif Inter Milan colours but with hoops! guess it will make Wesley feel at home biggrin.gif

    I could have my sister ship them from the UK, but then i get hit with VAT + Import tax. When ordering from the website directly to here they subtract the VAT plus i have united membership which is -10% discount. So something like 38GBP per shirt inc. shipping, which is only 1800THB. They are something like 3600THB! if you go to the Nike store, or Manchester United store in Bangkok.

    I normally wait until nearer the end of the season to buy the home/away shirts as they have more discounts on, but the goalkeeper shirts can sellout and then they don't get any more in, so i buy those early.


    I thought the blue hoops in the "away" this season, not 3rd away? Love the kit though, totally different from any of the shirts i have right now...a must have.

    Love the goalkeeper kits this season too (especially the yellow/blue) a bit of a throw back to the Schmeichel era on the inner arm.

    The home kit this season is so-so, nothing special. Looks like they merged the 1985 shirt with 2000 shirt.

  18. Bought some chicken bologna from Tesco, as i do most weeks, got it home and it was covered in mold, bright green clumps of mold all the way through the slices.

    Brought it back to Tesco and they claim that it was "Chicken with Spring Onions". Now i know they have plain chicken, or chicken with chili peppers, but has anyone ever seen chicken with spring onions at Tesco?

    This looked nothing like spring onions, it was clearly mold, but it was just stunned that they came up with this spring onion story (oh and they no longer had any of this "chicken with spring onions" left in stock...

    They even said there saw that it had "spring onions" when they cut it up and gave it to me!

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