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Posts posted by Keesters

  1. 17 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Go ahead. I am sure there will be plenty of people running from Bangkok.  Obviously some will be Covid positive.

    So please, do the responsible thing for yourself and others and get a test first.


    If gun deaths are not caused by the gun but by the person firing it wouldn't somebody catching the virus not be the virus's fault but the person who transmitted it. 

  2. 15 hours ago, kwonitoy said:

    No joke, and no reply.

    Maybe they should switch to hotmail

    I remember the days when Thai companies would have websites with their own domain names but the email addresses were hotmail. Guess their webmasters had no idea how to set up email on their domains. 


    Now emails have gone out of fashion and help is by online chat systems that often only work limited hours and make you wait in a queue. A step backward IMO. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    You seem to have missed yours apparently.  Life is what it is and being able to discuss issues is part of life and this forum.  If you believe otherwise then maybe you should not look at it and then troll and bait others.

     jumping up and down yelling "I/we told you so" is not discussing issues. 


    Please take your medicine or not look at my posts then troll and bait. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, ronster said:

    I think they are going to keep announcing waves until they get a variant called Thai variant . Had Brazilian , Kent , Indian etc so they want to join the team as usual !

    Cant see **** but they want it ! ????

    They've already had one. The UK  named it and then the Thais denied it saying it came from Egyptian military visitors.

    • Like 2
  5. 10 hours ago, riclag said:

    IMOP the taking off of masks to eat and talk is a big contributor to spreading the virus,especially when many Thai's sit so close to each other while eating and talking ! 

    What happen to social distancing  !!!!!

    And let's not forget everyones spoons dipping into the food pot. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, SuwadeeS said:

    Thai like to impress and show off with uniforms etc.


    I do know, they still discriminate foreigners.


    A school in north east said to teachers, that all teachers will be vaccinated next Tuesday. There is one single foreign teacher at that school.

    Today, she became a message, said, that she will be disclosed from the vaccination.


    Only the THAI teachers will be vaccinated!!!!!


    Thai is so fascist!!!!!!!!!!!

    And always believe the can hide it. 

    I will never recommend to anybody.


    And if the Thai teachers had any morals they would refuse vaccination until their farang collegue is included in the program. 


    I'll not hold my breath though waiting for them to show solidarity. Thailand is most definitely a dog eat dog, me, me, me selfish country. 

    • Like 1
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  7. 18 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    The UK, US, German, Italian, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand .................every western government should be vaccinating us expats here in Thailand.

    The same as the French and Chinese governments have done.

    Most of us still pay tax back in our "home" countries.

    No, the UK, US, German, Italian, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand .................every western government have vaccinated all Thai citizens present in those countries. 


    Is it to much to ask for some non racist, non discriminatory reciprocation. 

  8. 19 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I know all about frugality, coming from Aberdeen. I take it, with your username, your are from Scotland too. It is possible for us to change our spots. 


    Just say 'no' if you don't want it. When I read the terms and conditions, it stated I would get a refund. Do you think you can register and then change your mind? Rather selfish if you do. 

    If he's dead does that count as "changing mind." 

  9. 20 hours ago, mtls2005 said:



    Good for you, and your friends. Youll be fully vaccinated in another ~ 8+ weeks, assuming there are second doses being distributed then. The government may choose to vaccinate more people with one shot, and let the second shot wait.


    Primary registration site for foreigners is intervac; been down for what, three weeks.


    Yes, some foreigners got through intervac early, mor prom, pink card, socsec, work.


    Haven't heard of any others getting appointments recently. Specifially older, nonworking foreigners. I have heard of employees getting appointments, Sinipharm and Sinovac mostly.





    Yes the process is discriminatory depending on what papers you carry not what your age and health status are. 


    I hope all those farangs who have been vaccinated realise this and that they have been part of the discrimination. Selfish people. I'm all right jack <deleted> the others. 

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