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Posts posted by Keesters

  1. 10 minutes ago, berrec said:

    Never let a good crisis go to waste;  the pandemic is as stated an economic, physical and mental existential threat to the world. 


    But rolling CC into the same category as COVID  is a just typical scare mongering.


    There is no shortage of funding in Thailand to address the COVID vaccination program effectively and efficiently with the financial due diligence it requires. 


    It's just that the finances to self-fund it rationally is all in the hands of the greedy few while the average citizen here continue to suffer the incompetence and mismanagement of the ongoing vaccine program (circus) .




    What is CC?

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    The GF wants to get vaccinated but being from Myanmar she is having a hell of a time getting registered,


    Personally I shall not be vaccinated until I am confident that all peoples in this country are being vaccinated equally based upon age and infection risks irrespective of race, nationality, visa status etc. 


    This is my stand against the rife discrimination in Thailand. 


    Let the Thai people be aware that I am equally capable of spreading covid as they are/have been as the virus knows nothing of the passport I carry. 


    I hope you are doing the same in support of your GF. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 15 hours ago, chaihot said:



    I have NEVER had my temperature checked in the USA when entering buildings, restaurants, offices, retail stores, or anywhere else.


    Just like the "face shield" *AND* mask requirements in the Philippines.  



    When we continue to pile on more rules and requirements, people stop caring.  Philippines is the perfect example of stupidity run wild.  This is the country that required people driving to the mall in cars to leave every other space empty in the parking garage ... social distancing at its best.


    The point is -- temperature checking is not an effective way to stop the spread.  Ask any expat who sweats their ass off walking or wearing a helmet on a motorbike and then can't get into the store or mall because they "are hot".  


    "Temperature screening for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is thought to have little down side, but in practice it does little to prevent the spread of the virus."  NIH


    And yet Thailand that has temperature screening and mask wearing has had far less covid than USA. So much for freedom. 

    I have never been refused entry to a store because I'm hot after riding my scooter in high 30 degree heat fully helmeted and masked. Never seen anyone refused. Your premise is pure BS. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, geisha said:

    I’m sure if they define strict red zones with complete travel interdiction it will help hugely. PCR tests and vaccination being obligatory for mouvement. Ban holidays and religious ceremonies. This way they don’t have to shut down everywhere.As long as travel is allowed , example, workers going into Phuket , there are going to be problems. Close borders to islands promoting sandbox. Zone closing worked in France, and we had a lot of cases. Of course, the vaccination program needs to be accelerated.


    They won't shut Bangkok down. Bangkokians gotta be able to visit Pattaya's lady boys. 

  5. 23 hours ago, chaihot said:


    According to the WHO:
    Temperature screening alone, at exit or entry, is not an effective way to stop international spread, since infected individuals may be in incubation period, may not express apparent symptoms early on in the course of the disease, or may dissimulate fever through the use of antipyretics;


    It is an outward "feel good" method of making it look like something is being done.  Similar to not allowing NAIL CLIPPERS on airplanes.

    And for every negative MAY there's a positive one. Temperature checking CAN be an effective way to stop spread. 

  6. 23 hours ago, Crusader said:

    All for places re-opening, but the problem is that people just DO NOT FOLLOW set procedures for social distancing etc.  After the last lockdown, when my local pub re-opened it was only a few days before all the "no-sitting" seats were being used, people were not checking temperature when going in (and no one checking this either) and not a lot of hand sanitiser being used.

    Agree. Same goes for all the big noses poking out of masks. People just don't have respect. 

    • Like 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

    Got so fed up of trying to register with different apps for the vaccine I decided to drive to my local Government Hospital the staff at one section of the hospital were busy giving vaccines to Thais . I was directed to a registration room took all of 5 minutes to complete and the young lady told me to expect a phone call in 1 to 2 months where a date and a time would be given to me . I did explain that although fit I was over 70 she told me that the hospital were concentrating on giving the vaccines to Thai nationals first which I understand , at least I am now registered so it’s a case of waiting to be contacted .

    Go and see all thai people you know giving them a hug and a kiss saying you've been refused the vaccine. Post their reactions. 

    • Haha 2
  8. 57 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

    If I’m riding my scooter with no helmet but have a mask on or if I don’t have a mask on and am wearing a helmet or either or both of the above,

    what’s the fine?

    1. Riding a scooter in Thailand without a helmet is close to suicidal and not very smart.

    2. Wearing a mask whilst riding a scooter is also not very smart seeing as catching Covid or transmitting same is just about impossible when outdoors on a scooter.

    3. The vast majority of Thais driving scooters wear masks but don’t wear helmets. 
    4. Figure all that out. 




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