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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. There's SK? money exchange near the iron bridge and also one on Loy Kroh road opposite where the Olde Bell pub used to be.

    Ask first for a premium on advertised rates.

    It is not close to the defunct OB further 100 meters east. Its next door the Paradise bar..


  2. There's SK? money exchange near the iron bridge and also one on Loy Kroh road opposite where the Olde Bell pub used to be.

    Ask first for a premium on advertised rates.

    It's opposite the pub that's no longer there. Is that anywhere near the hotel that was demolished?


  3. Didn't people use to talk about Nong Hoi getting flooded through the drains? River wall wont help if land is lower & pressure from river forces water up through the pipes. Any truth in that or just rumour?

    I don't know about that but when we had the last flood I was in the Shangrala Hotel area and the water was a foot deep in the street because of that before the river overflowed.

    2005 made 2011 look likes kids play..This photo 2005.


    This photo 2011.


  4. Laos crash turns spotlight on safety amid Asia's aviation boom

    By Peter Shadbolt, for CNN
    October 17, 2013 -- Updated 0944 GMT (1744 HKT)
    Workers retrieve a section of a Lion Air Boeing 737 which crashed in Bali, April 17, 2013. Dozens were injured but there were no fatalities.
    • Concerns grow over safety amid South East Asia budget carrier boom
    • Newcomers to the market such as Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar have creaking infrastructure
    • Myanmar is attempting to catch up with an exponential growth in its tourism numbers
    • Analysts say Indonesia is leading the region in the budget carrier boom

    (CNN) -- As air crash investigators pick over the wreckage of flight QV301 -- the Lao Airlines plane that crashed in bad weather on Tuesday with 50 people on board -- concerns over air safety are growing as the number of flights in South East Asia increases.

    A steep rise in air traffic in countries like Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia -- fueled by a boom in tourism -- means domestic air regulators are having to contend with creaking infrastructure and a lack of experience in maintaining internationally recognized standards.

    Laos has a patchy record on air safety, logging 30 fatal air accidents since the 1950s according to the Aviation Safety Network, though data shows things have started to improve in the past decade.

    The story in other emerging markets in South East Asia tells a similar story.

    Both the U.S. State Department and Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office have issued travel warnings directly related to the aviation industry in Myanmar -- also known as Burma -- following an incident in 2012, when an Air Bagan plane carrying more than 60 passengers crashed on Christmas Day.

    130707184704-54-san-francisco-plane-crasAsiana 214's fateful last seconds
    130708111204-cnnee-hurtado-us-san-franciA closer look at plane's evacuation

    The State Department has warned travelers to keep in mind Myanmar's sometimes shadowy record regarding its civil aviation report card.

    "The safety records of Burma's domestic airlines are not open to the public, nor is public information available concerning the Burma government's oversight of domestic airlines," it says on its website.

    But Myanmar aims to change that by setting its sights on the release of a national civil aviation policy to prepare for the traffic boom that threatens to overwhelm its inadequate air transport infrastructure.

    Government forecasts predict annual visitors to rise to six million in 2017 from its current 1.5 million annually, and its fast growing airline industry has received applications from four airlines owned by Burmese nationals, adding to the seven domestic carriers currently.

    Shukor Yusof, an aviation analyst with ratings agency Standard and Poor's, said standards differed dramatically across the South East Asian region.

    "It varies from country to country and airline to airline. In first world countries, Singapore Hong Kong and Malaysia, there are few concerns about the safety of aviation because they've had a long track record," Yusof told CNN.

    "But then you have developing markets in Indonesia and Indochina -- and Myanmar is another country which is up and coming -- where it's really up to the operators to keep abreast with different maintenance and training requirements.

    "Increasingly with the growth of low-cost airlines in the region, there will be issues surrounding safety especially in countries that are well known for safety."

    The growth of discount carriers in Indonesia is phenomenal -- they are actually driving the market in the whole region

    Shukor Yusof

    He said infrastructure in Myanmar would be under strain if it didn't keep pace with the growth of the market. Overcrowding is already an issue in Myanmar where of the 600,000 people who visited Myanmar by air last year, 500,000 arrived in Yangon, its former capital. according to industry reports.

    In August this year, Myanmar's Department of Civil Aviation announced plans to improve and expand Yangon International Airport and Mandalay International Airport, as well to develop the new Hanthawaddy International Airport 50 miles (80 km) north of Yangon.

    "The equipment and facilities in Myanmar are quite old and with the rise of tourism they really need to get up to speed and get foreign experts to come in and help develop that market as quickly as they can," Yusof said.

    "We are not seeing that happen as swiftly as we'd like to."

    He said Indonesia was the real emerging market in the South East Asian aviation industry, but it also needed to catch up with respect to infrastructure requirements.

    "The growth of discount carriers in Indonesia is phenomenal -- they are actually driving the market in the whole region but investment in infrastructure and airports and technology is not keeping pace with the growth of aviation economics in that country.

    "The story is the same all over Indochina excluding Thailand, of course. In places like Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, they need to do more than simply open the doors to tourism.

    "Safety is fundamental if you want a functioning aviation industry."

  5. Not as lucky as the Yanks who can just nip to the embassy and get extra pages put ior adding of pages.t. the ma f

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Actually, they used to do that. Now the US embassy no longer adds pages. They just give you an option to get a new passport with a larger number of pages....think it changed about 2 years ago or something.

    Actually, they still will add pages. But, its not free anymore; think its $50 now. And normally no more than 3 times.

    82 USD for additional pages. US passport cost... http://travel.state.gov/passport/fees/fees_837.html

    3 times is the max for adding of pages.

  6. The key is does she own land,or A business?It's not about you,it's about her.Maybe try A fiancé visa might be A better way to go.

    A fiance visa is only viable if they plan on getting married within a specified amount of time.

    If she names him as the person she is traveling and staying with then it is about him. He has to show stability, physical and economic ties to Thailand. This is a key reason for her to return to Thailand.

  7. 2 killed in firework plant explosion in Chiang Mai

    October 18, 2013 1:38 pm
    Chiang Mai - A firework plant in this northern province exploded Friday, killing two people, police said.
    The plant was located in Tambon Yangnerg in Saraphi district.

    One person was killed at the scene and the other died at the Saraphi hospital, police said.

    The Nation

  8. Ta Kao Reservoir. Kap Choeng Surin. Photo just taken. About 70 mm of rain in the past 24 hours.


    Hope that restaurant on the other side of the spillway was not your favorite. But your post has me wondering! Where is the water going once it leaves Ta Kao resavoir? Being so close to the boarder I would suspect it would flow into Camgodia but I am not sure ,only travelled down that area in the drier seasons.


    No water from that reservoir flows down to the Moon River just north of Surin.

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