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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. what thing of value do influencers provide?
  2. Coups here tend to happen against popular elected governments. The current government lacks those two qualities, so not in danger of a coup.
  3. Have some sky train extensions built and now they want us to pay for them!!!!??? No one saw that coming....
  4. Christians and Muslims worship the same imaginary god, they both say they come from the same Jewish roots. Pepsi or Coke?
  5. IS there any evidence that houses have been sold for those prices that were advertised? Sounds like a "too good to be true" price for that house with that location and amenities. Could it actually be part of a scam?
  6. I did think about that a bit.... seems tradition in US is if you have any discernible black in you, then you're black. Dates back to Jim Crow and all that; who could "pass" and who couldn't... Give Obama was pretty much 50-50, I sarcastically wondered why the press never called him "white"... but that is whole nuther rabbit hole kettle of fish, so I skipped Good of you to notice Oh, I used to teach at a mostly black HS... Tiger Woods was v famous... I'd tell my students "ah yes, Tiger Woods. Thailand's favorite son". After they got done yelping, I'd point out his mom was Thai.... all this race stuff is so much fun (not)
  7. Statistics don't really apply in these sorts of situations... it's not like coin flipping or rolling dice. Each election has a unique set of circumstances that influence the outcome. If you go by stats, Obama had a 0% chance of being elected, as no black person had been elected before him.
  8. To her credit, she wasn't tossing rolls of paper towels like a certain ex president.....
  9. I wonder if they will be paid overtime? I see a potential for an updated version of "Gilligans Island" "A three hour cruise...... a three hour cruise.....
  10. “The arrest rate for illegal immigrants was 40 percent below that of native-born Americans.” No lie. Go check some FBI stats if you are willing. Trump never lets facts get in the way of his racism and bs Here is a fun article. https://www.factcheck.org/2018/06/is-illegal-immigration-linked-to-more-or-less-crime/
  11. Agree. If I wanted that, I would have stayed back in me home city
  12. C'mon you left out watching EPL on weekends. Go Arsenun! Or rugby if you're into crotch sniffers...
  13. Anyone happen to notice that these vampires are busy sucking the life out the economies?
  14. "....Illegal foreign bus services are rife, usurping market share from licensed Thai operators..." If they are so "rife" should be easy to catch, if somehow Thai cops could be enticed to step out of the offices into the "real world". Not that easy to hide a bus, ya think? Or a van....
  15. As if Many Thais are already way over their heads in debt.... ah but a big gambling win will take care of all that.... not
  16. Brings to mind Scientology whack job "sea org" outfits
  17. The consensus diplomatic stance seems to be the time honored "Your guess is as good as mine"
  18. If I had to bet on who did this, I'd bet it was some disaffected right wing neo Nazi white guy. Let's see if I'd collect on that virtual bet.
  19. "...poorly produced *ya dong* or white spirits that do not meet safety standards." Maybe a mistranslation? Instead of "ya dong" should be "ya done".
  20. The most fun one was some years back when BIB busted some seniors in Pats for playing bridge. Said must be gambling; assume totally unfamiliar with the card game. Head of Thai bridge association, some hiso lady came to Pats and read them the riot act. Seems an international bridge event was going to happen in Bangkok not long after this bust. To save face, the cops hit them with some charge about not having tax paid on decks of cards. Maybe they were free ones like I've gotten from EVA air. Will they must down my door?
  21. 65 year old expats with memory and other health problems: just the sort of criminals the cops crack down on with maximal effort
  22. Masks? Hoods would be too hot
  23. Keep Thailand chaotic, ungovernable, uneducated ....run by oligarchs & no one would want to invade, to say nothing of trying to rule here
  24. Seems in same ill informed stream that HIV was floating in when it first appeared: "gay men's problem" Viruses evolve and adapt. Rationalizations such as yours give carte blanche for spread and variations to appear
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