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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. "closing after 20 successful years". I dunno, usually restaurants close because they are not successful.... maybe like Yogi Berra quipped "Nobody goes there anymore. It's always too crowded". or... "I've been happily married for 15 years!" "Gee that is great" "Except we got married 20 years ago..."
  2. time to get the old mugging gangs back together and scope out where the cash will be handed out.
  3. Handing out cash would seem to attract low life thieves, groups or individuals, that would hang about the locations the cash is handed out, and proceed to rob those who seem weaker and vulnerable. Like moose steaks for packs of wolves.
  4. Just when you thought (hoped?) they couldn't do anything more stupid, they do
  5. biologically there may be no race, but in the minds of people there are artificial categories which they believe and act upon... yes DJT is racist & from long line of racists: DOJ suit against his dad over non rental to black people in NYC properties. That BS birther slander against Obama. The full page ad to bring back death penalty for Central Park 5 (later exonerated after decades in jail), "Good people on both sides" re "Jews will not replace us" Tiki march, too similar to KKK and Nazi marches & woman runover and killed by one of those fine people, His referring to inner city people as animals.... his racist insult of Harris by pretending not to be able to pronounce her name... This could go on for pages. There is no such thing as God (no proof), yet people believe in God and act on those beliefs
  6. Make sure the other inmates know of his crimes. The most despised prisoners are pedophiles... with step daughter puts this even more over the edge. "Short eyes" should be removed from the gene pool imo
  7. "Another populist policy"... really? There is a wing of the political beast that believes nothing of benefit should be done for the people, as it is "populist". Maybe I am old school, but government is there to implement what individuals cannot do on their own. The 30 baht plan is popular beyond words. You dinos would prefer people to die in poverty, unable to afford medical care? And meanwhile support porkbarrel projects like submarines, fighter planes, high speed rail when normal rail doesn't work.... that is all good, but something that can directly impact people in a positive is a no no. "Give the people something that greatly improves their lives and they'll want more. Next thing you know they will want good schools. Nip this in the bud"
  8. Vigilant is good.... can we hear what they plan to do if and when a case crops up?
  9. The less than intelligent crowd here that carps indirectly about "racial purity" needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Humans are mixes of all sorts of traits... thinking of that white racist that went on Brit show if he gave up some for DNA test. He had black relatives in his past. It can be argued there is no such thing as race: it was created in order to enslave and exploit those in a lesser power position. There are "traits" and they overlap. I want to see a follow up article on Trump and his German background, and their connection with fascist rallies there and in New York. Fair is fair. Trumps roots are in racism and plenty to share about that
  10. And we thought the battles between technical schools was bad... at least those were "intermural". Uni students gotta top them, attacking their own... intramural spirit building exercises.
  11. Trump made the rotten agreement and Biden implemented it. A "bi-partisan" screw up. None of the big cheese leadership thought the afghan army would collapse overnight... but considering we backed the wrong horses (typical), corrupt elections, etc.... there just wasn't enough pluses to make it worthwhile to risk your life defending warlords who were roughly equal to the Taliban thugs. Also, orderly safe retreats are extremely hard to pull off... if US had done air strikes, defensive retreat battles... just how many evacuation flights do you think would have made it out of the country? A total cock up with blame enough for everyone
  12. Wonder if myth busters or someone has done a simulation. Always wondered if that would actually work. Of course the main concern of jumping to early or too late (tho probably couldn't jump or move if too late...) "...she recounted how the lift unexpectedly dropped several floors." 17 seems like a larger quantity than "several" so did a little google: "Generally speaking, several is used to refer to quantities above two or so but not so much that it's a lot or many. Perhaps the most common interpretation or intended sense of several is around three to five, but this can vary greatly depending on the context."
  13. I suppose one of them might need to come to collect any worthwhile personal effects,, maybe end a lease or dispose of real estate, vehicles, etc.... Funeral already happened it sounds like... well, cremation.... maybe buy a few rounds a pub he visited and call it even...
  14. Didn't some survey say she has 4% popular approval? Those supporters are probably political patronage employees...
  15. I just hope he lets the lady in the photo be on top....
  16. How about bathroom cabinet? Aspirin for those who catch covid or perhaps for those who catch measles and waiting to die (like the 83 in Samoa after he visited and urged people not to be vaccinated...) RFK's endorsement would be a net loss to dems in my opinion: you might pick up some of RFK's fans, but you'd turn off more of the mainstream demos... "I thought we were supposed to be the sane party...." as they turn back on election
  17. Maybe I missed it: what illegal action are they accusing Biden of? "...Hunter Biden asked several people, including the U.S. ambassador to Italy at the time, John R. Phillips, if they could facilitate an introduction between Burisma and the president of the Tuscany region of Italy, where Burisma was pursuing a geothermal project." I believe the business world calls that sort of behavior 'networking'. Happens among big wigs, movers and shakers all the way down to someone asking friend to help get a part time job at a coffee shop. Last time I looked, introductions were still legal.
  18. If the military hates him, can he be all bad?
  19. Trump is known for "preparing" and "threatening" law suits which usually come to nothing. His stolen documents is probably the most open and shut case among his many Trump will never sue because he would have testify under oath. As many have validated from his pronouncements, Trump is incapable of telling the truth
  20. first reading was getting angry, but then I realised this must be some sort of satire. No one could post something this inane and mean it. Humor appreciated.
  21. "Data from McAfee shows that British tourists were swindled out of an alarming £12 million due to holiday scams..." I wonder how they come up with these numbers that are anywhere near a true amount.... As far as scams go, are double pricing structures at national parks, temples, etc counted?
  22. There is some sort of joke along the lines of" A: "The food wasn't very good at all" B: "Yeah, and small portions too!"
  23. agreed. Some years back a survey was done about corruption. Pretty sure the conclusion was that most Thai people think it is okay as long as they get a cut.
  24. digger made a post asking if one was a summer photo and the other a winter photo 15 years later... I said one day of the year apart so would be in the same season... it's in the text
  25. "The businessman sought to sway U.S. public opinion and influence an American investigation into a Romanian investigation targeting him, according to the prosecution." "The prosecution's case will not allege that Hunter Biden engaged in lobbying activities as part of this compensation." So the Romanian spent his cash thinking somehow Hunter could influence US policy, right? He sought to sway opinion etc. Sounds normal corruption so far. But "case will not allege that Hunter Biden engaged in lobbying activities" seems Hunter did nothing. "Money for nothing and the chicks for free"
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