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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. I would like to see the data collection and analysis methods used to reach these conclusions. To say #5 globally implies this was a world wide study done with similar methods. 2nd hand is a danger, no argument there. I think their stats seem impossible to verify. Such as "The findings revealed that an average of 20,688 Thai individuals succumb to diseases related to secondhand smoke annually." How these numbers can be teased out to separate them from the toxic soup often referred to as "air" here, often 6-7 times above WHO "safe" level is anyone's guess
  2. Israel is a major producer and exporter of military armaments, has been for quite some time. USA doesn't have the leverage it once did by threatening to reduce armaments as Israel (wisely for them) decided best to arm yourselves. Good money maker: Israel exported $13 billion worth last year, never mind domestic consumption. https://truthout.org/articles/israels-arms-exports-hit-record-of-13b-in-2023-amid-gaza-genocide/
  3. You demonstrate amazing ignorance that could be easily corrected with a tiny bit of thinking and research "i think you will find in any country if a woman walks around in her underwear, she will be arrested or at least detained or sent to the hospital for a mental health check." If you live in Thailand, you must have seen women walking about in underwear, or less. Stupid. Underwear is usually modified swimwear, or vice versa. "Their religion is strictly enforced" what happened to "their is no compulsion in religion"? I have read the Koran: nothing in it says women must be covered head to toe. Maybe in the hadith, but so much of that is unsubstantiated claptrap from who knows who... Pray tell us better ways to deal with intimidation by a bunch of fundamentalist women hating nutcase self righteous MCPS. Islam has a severe problem: it blames women for men's lack of self control: when they see a woman all sorts of deviant thoughts arise in their limited minds. It is MENS problem inside them. Change yourself before you think you can demand the world fit your sick mind. Some women in Thailand in photo. duh
  4. "ThaiRath reported that the hospital in question is Lerdsin Hospital in the Silom area of Bangkok, though the clinic’s name remains undisclosed." So let's see... hospital did no wrong other than lax procedures and is named, but the clinic, clearly breaking the law, is left undisclosed so no loss of business or profits. TIT
  5. Sounds like negligent homicide by whatever idiot firm was hired to do the work
  6. A bit un-PC, but maybe we need more of that, along with assaulting those who give "cuts" in lines. maybe just a bit of slapping around, nothing serious. If actual patrons have to stand in line, maybe those with money to burn will go elsewhere rather than spend their precious time in lines, resulting in less wait time for the rest of us
  7. Just to be clear, "junk" can also be a term for illegal drugs... ever hear of a "junkie"?
  8. "Air reported the incident to Bang Lamung police, providing critical CCTV footage as evidence, urging swift action. " along with the CCTV, web pages... sheesh. "Sorry, we must have DNA samples before we can take action" I could hear the police saying...
  9. Are the vendors fluent enough in major European, Chinese dialects, Indian dialects, etc to clearly inform and be understood by customers to stay out beyond 200 meter? I highly doubt it....
  10. "Money doesn't talk, it swears" -Bob Dylan robber "Your money or your life!" (minutes pass) "Well?" Jack Benny: "I'm thinking... I'm thinking...."
  11. How about asking the prime minister(s) who were in office when this farce happened? Did she have any sort of political then, other than family name and all that comes with that...?
  12. They have been at site next to my condo for a couple of years. Used to be large wooded area, which was clear cut and small road from 2nd in Jomtien to Thepprasit. What once was woodlands now seems to be a wetlands. Maybe you can see extent of vegetation that has grown since they started to see the swiftness of this project.
  13. "Do you want a ride home?" "No, I think I'll just take a taxi" and he did
  14. that he wasn't killed during a robbery, perhaps?
  15. I wouldn't be paranoid if all these people weren't after me....... or Even paranoids can have real enemies
  16. So a starters pistol (I assume that is what "a blank gun is) is now a firearm? You could only injure some one with that if you pistol whipped them.... the only "weapon" it seems in this tale is using the car to ram the motorcycle... "the two continued to pursue him, prompting him to crash his car into the motorcycle," which, if true, sounds like self defense. What fee? for sitting on the beaches? Did I miss something there? Self defense to me. Sounds like hooker and pimp trying to run down a rather thick in the head Thai. You might say he should have known she was "in the game"... but even so, if they didn't do the deed, he owes her nothing.
  17. There was another good quote, can't remember who or exact wording, but gist was "No government ever shut down a news outlet that supported it"
  18. Mencken once wrote, “Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.”
  19. Thailand: the hub of reinventing the wheel!
  20. Yesterday I took my daily reading at AQI: here in Jomtien it was 142. And half of the area's landscape is seawater.... I too live in Bangkok and Jomtien.... not huge differences in air pollution
  21. "...any conclusions drawn from the shared data will not be used for accident investigations or law enforcement," seems a bit counter to "share vital aviation data to prevent potential disasters, ensuring a safer journey for all." Everybody's got something to hide cept for me and my monkey
  22. Have a Thai friend who owns restaurant in Pattaya, all above board. Local cops shake him down for 10k a month. Before Covid he said cops even came in from Bangkok for cash too. Legal or illegal, cops will squeeze for all they can get
  23. "...smog culprits lurking in forests, farms, and cityscapes." Hardly lurking... simply follow the smoke trail to the offender... and then do nothing as is now the standard procedure
  24. by definition alcohol is a drug, full stop. Doesn't matter if socially accepted or for how long. "Taking drugs is not acceptable in any society" nonsense. Alcohol causes more harm than all the illegal "drugs" put together. Caffeine is a drug. Nicotine is a drug. My point is that those who think alcohol isn't a drug and imply somehow they are superior to those who might smoke pot, etc is delusional rationalizing FWIW I don't drink alcohol or use pot, etc. The only drug I take is caffeine.
  25. no it doesn't ..... I drink everyday and I don't like drugs Dudes: alcohol is a drug: 'Drugs are substances that change a person's mental or physical state." If you drink every day sometimes that is called "self medicating".
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