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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. I'm a yank, and love Hard Talk on BBC news. Unlike so many interview programs, Steve doesn't pitch softball questions; he's done research to back up his "hard" questions; and he doesn't let interviewee scoot out with non answers on some other subject. First BBC canned Dateline London, which got together each weekend with various journalists who cover various hot spots and are most often from those places. It was probably the one of the cheapest yet brilliant news shows they had. And it's gone, hole being filled by BBC staff. Hard Talk must have been the cheapest real in depth news show they had. But still plenty of money for The Travel Show (can't be cheap to make).... and that sort of fluff is better left to commercial channels anyway.
  2. "....the deceased had just returned to visit their mother before being caught in the crossfire." being caught in a crossfire means a person is between two (or more sides) shooting at each other. In this case it sounds like only one side was armed and doing the shooting.
  3. Wake up and find two, or even three turds in the bed
  4. If he's ready to die, then go do it. Don't leave us hanging here, thinking maybe you weren't serious Man up big boy
  5. He was overheard muttering "I'd like to strap you on"
  6. Instead of police, maybe contacting doctor(s) might have been better. Seems there is a need for some sort of mental health intervention group on call for those who have over done it with wacky tabacky
  7. but... but.... getting something for nothing is a time honored Thai tradition!
  8. I live in Jomtien, have lived there about 20 years and have known KOTO for most of that time. He also helps homeless besides other behaviors you mentioned. The signs were generally about not dumping cigarette butts into the ocean. I've been in US & Bangkok for last couple of months so haven't run into him lately. He does his rounds in the morning, which may explain why so few here have seen him. KOTO also had the honor of being named "Farang of the Year"... I went to the ceremony... what was it.. 5-10 years ago? Upper floor of some upscale spot. He does more beneficial work than 30 of the readers on this forum.....
  9. 37 to 48 I consider a fairly clean air day, given what usually shows up on https://www.iqair.com/ Not at all unusual to have readings around and above 150
  10. She gave herself away when she brought up topics with senators such as helping the Thai people and cracking down on corruption
  11. One might think the insurance companies might exert influence to make transport safer in Thailand, due to own self interest in keeping payouts as low as possible: no bus fire, dead students: no payout to families. Same self interest ought to apply to other areas: driver insurance, commercial & home insurance... not good business to ensure death traps and habitually drunk drivers....
  12. The Thai women in this triangle shouldn't be attacking each other: go after the POS Lothario that got this thing going
  13. "However, Surang clarifies that the goal is decriminalisation, not legalisation, aiming to abolish laws criminalising the profession." Could someone explain the "reasoning" here? Seems if laws criminalizing some behavior are removed, then that behavior is legal in some de facto manner.....
  14. Taylor guitars aren't cheap and I assume that if she sold a stage played guitar it would be one of their more spendy models with a superior set up. here's a pic of her with one of hers on stage (doubt it was this model: goes for $10k)
  15. looks like someone got to you before her
  16. Those free English lessons given by sneaky Christians to push their religion have been going on for decades and decades.... nothing new here
  17. they are Buddhists, not mormons, regarding caffeine
  18. "The iPhone 16 series, touted as Apple's first smartphone designed specifically for artificial intelligence or “Apple Intelligence,” allows users to generate text and images with ease using AI-powered suggestions. " Might actually be a ground breaking improvement over the inane vivacious posts/texts trendy types send each other. I'd say AI may be improvement over no intelligence. I say wait for the next big thing where your phone calls/chats with other phones... frees up all your time so you can experience "the real world" for perhaps the first time...
  19. I would say he seems to be self employed in business as a gunsmith, not unemployed. But that is just me...
  20. My first trip to Thailand back in '82 I was up trekking in Golden Triangle. Some village couple guys had a dog dressed and splayed out for grilling. I politely declined joining them for dinner. Took a photo of scene, used for Xmas card that year (yeah, yeah, I know). No idea where photo gone over the years.... "all tastes are acquired" as my marketing professor pointed out....
  21. I don't take photos of people on baht buses. Lived in Pattaya for decades, use baht buses. Plenty of Russians on the buses. Do you use baht buses? they run to Jomtien where there are plenty of them I speak a smattering of Russian as I took some in high school during the cold war.
  22. Is anyone going to monitor the cameras in real time?
  23. Typically Thai toilet installations involve using some sort of glue/cement to attach fixture to tiles. IMO insane. Rock back and forth at all and can break loose. The installers (won't call them plumbers) also throw away the wax gasket that links toilet with sewer pipe. They don't use those "donuts" nor do they use anchor bolts. Having a new toilet put in while I am away. I was insistent they use proper bolts and gasket. Will they do it? Here is a diagram of how it should be done so that it works and lasts...
  24. How about signs in Russian? Hindi? Plenty of those readers in Pattaya. I don't see info about what drivers are to be taught. Oversight?
  25. "...a speeding pickup truck lost control...." correction: "...a speeding pickup truck driver lost control..."
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