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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. Next on the agenda of intangible cultural woo: smiles (as in "Land of Smiles") In my experience, however, there are as many types of smiles in Thailand as there are eskimo words for snow.... my fave is the one that sends message "If you don't stop this line of insane Western whatever, I am going to run amuk and chop you up"
  2. "Trust in God but tie your camel" -Sufi saying Yes, trust the pilots and equipment which is effective vast majority of the time. But as they say "Sh*t happens". I take those long trans Pacific flights. I have belt on at all times when in my seat, including when I try to sleep. The belt does not have to be tight to protect you. might have a foot or so of slack while I try some sort of side sleep contortion. Loose enough for comfort, tight enough to keep me from flying into ceiling etc if one of those 1% incidents happens.
  3. In any sane, quasi democracy, the military would have no say whatsoever regarding a case in the "justice" system. This is the big giveaway that citizens votes/opinions/laws are just window dressing. Like Mao said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"
  4. Looks like none of those steps would involve the police getting off their backsides and doing something almost useful.... I thought vaping and all that was illegal everywhere in Thailand... so why then single out schools?
  5. Ah yes, the Maldives, that bastion of human rights (sarcasm) Tourists may stay there, married or not, even gay I understand But the citizens live under Sharia law and it has severe punishment, such as the 15 year old girl who got 100 lashes (postponed til she is 18) and 8 months house arrest for having "sex outside of marriage"... what sort of sex? Her uncle raped her, got her pregnant and later killed the baby... BTW are any neighboring Muslim countries taking in Palestinian refugees from the carnage? Saudi? Turkey? Lebanon? etc https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-21595814
  6. Typically there is no "dowry" if the bride to be is a single mom.... or am I wrong here?
  7. If photos are "for reference only" ("This is what a motorcycle looks like"?)... how about a "reference photo" that might be good click bait, say this photo
  8. At least he won't have to pay his sex partners if he's in prison..... they'll give it to him for free.... hmmm if secret service has to be with him, even in prison, does that mean they'll be watching if he gives himself a tug? Asking for a friend....
  9. "The overarching aim, however, is to phase out street vending progressively." And which clueless moron in government who got job via uncle came up with this insipid idea? Bangkok is world famous for street food.... a major tourist draw.... and they want to eliminate that. I've been here 20+ years and have found street food has less of a chance of making me sick than restaurant fare.
  10. If conservation was practiced seriously, wouldn't need a reactor or other power source Australia considered nukes, but studies show it costs twice as much as renewables and wouldn't be ready til 2040, if then Would you trust Thai business to build, let alone run, a reactor? I wouldn't
  11. yes, but just think how it will "enhance the city's image and improve the quality of life for its residents." Maybe not in your lifetime, but sometime in the indefinite future....
  12. "Srettha certainly not out of wood..." does this mean he doesn't need medication for "ED"? Perhaps author meant "not out of THE woods..."?
  13. "This incident marks another grim reminder of the dangers posed by" driving under the influence, police never stopping drunk drivers or for other moving violations....
  14. I consider myself a rational Buddhist. The banning of alcohol sales because it is a "sacred day" strikes me as counter to the teachings of self responsibility and discipline. It is easy to forego some damaging behavior (drinking) when there is nothing available to drink. The ban takes away the individuals decision making and follow through to abstain. It's like if I swore off sleeping with Angelina Jolie: easy to do, no sacrifice as she was never on the menu. And of course, we once more have the tyranny of the majority: no exceptions on booze ban for Christians, Muslims, Jews, Jains, Hindus, atheists, satanists, Jehovah's witnesses.... anyone and everyone If your religion says "don't drink" and you want to follow it, then don't drink. As they say here & should apply "Up to you".
  15. The warning is: Don't invest in Thailand. You can't depend on rule of law: they can change laws at the drop of a hat, irrespective of anyone's financial loss
  16. I was kind of hoping they'd open a Red Lobster, or at least a Red Robin...
  17. You can have your opinion.Nonsense was the view that AN members are lower because we haven't given our lives. And I assume being alive is a requirement of being an AN member, or at least one that can post. I'm sorry she died... that wasn't her intention I assume. Doesn't make her sacrifice any less. Could I get in trouble if I posted my view on that law? It would not be in support....
  18. It matters not that the subject was once a cashier.... I was wondering if somehow 40 mill had been in the till.... I've heard of deep pockets but oye...
  19. Well, if any AN members had given their life for what they believe in, wouldn't it be rather difficult for them to be a member and post? Asking for a friend....
  20. It's not about the covid mandate It's about measles vaccine. Measles can be deadly. "Measles vaccination averted 57 million deaths being between 2000 and 2022. Even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available, in 2022, there were an estimated 136 000 measles deaths globally, mostly among unvaccinated or under vaccinated children under the age of 5 years." per WHO. Those who say it should be a choice simply don't understand the dynamics of vaccination: it is not done just for your benefit, but the communities. A certain percentage of population needs to have vaccination to contain the spread. Those who try to opt out just on belief (unlike those who can't due to medical issues) are freeloading parasites. If they wanted to go live 100 miles from anyone else, I'd be okay with that. But if you live in communities, sometimes the community is more important than your beliefs, however wrong headed
  21. Good idea to hold conference in a country that has a snowballs chance in heck of getting into a world cup. Neutral ground and all that: "The Switzerland of world football."
  22. "I wouldn't be paranoid if all these people weren't out to get me...." "Even paranoids can have real enemies"
  23. Should read Thai (rulers) U-Turn on Cannabis
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