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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. China will give Senator Tuberville (R-Alabama) a hero medal for blocking confirmations of heads of 3 branches of services besides huge numbers of generals and admirals. Remember Stalin's problem after he executed 100's of his generals in WW2? Tuberville is the same sort of lunatic
  2. The Republicans are architects of their own downfall: by gerrymandering and making districts "election proof" (near impossible for demo to win), they also ensured that if far right got in, there wouldn't be enough to get them out. Attempts at sanity and/or moderation candidates get tossed out in primaries.
  3. If you are going to do an advert/promotion, the ethical thing to do would be to label it as such
  4. I always try to schedule my murders towards the end of the party. Less mess to clean up & gets people to stay longer
  5. How about promoting energy conservation as opposed to more generation? Major savings could be had if there were regulations regarding how cold air conditioning can be. Malls, offices, theaters: the temp is so low one needs a jacket or blanket. I can only take 15-20 minutes in some malls... Maybe 15 yrs ago I read a study regarding energy savings, and the numbers were huge. Sorry I don't have it anymore to share....
  6. Sad that none of the propositions included "Have police patrols enforce drunk driving laws" Or did I miss that?
  7. Death at age 82 is not what I would call "untimely" unless you reckon he lived longer than average. RIP mate
  8. Photos of criminals here are pixelated up the whazoo, but some guy trying to avoid getting killed by cops and cartels: nice photo. Had his mask on, but enough of the rest of face to ID.
  9. Must make a note: "If I need medical help, get a taxi. Never call for an ambulance if you know what's good for you"
  10. and so here you are, discriminating as a nation status rather than race, and you are fine with that! Hypocrisy at it's finest. I've been all over the world and I've yet to go to a country without some sort of discrimination
  11. Coke and "poppers" provided to give the right "vibe"?
  12. Good. I'll have to put myself on "vampire sleep schedule" as trial will be 12 hrs time difference from here (for part, daylight savings and all east coast)
  13. Don't the moronic police, etc take fingerprints, mug shots, etc? Would not be that difficult to compare I know this isn't the west, but seems he is owed compensation for the 80 days he couldn't work (probably fired from his job), emotional stress on him and family (how could they afford rent/food/etc), and sanctions on the idiots who put him in jail
  14. Quick someone register "pad Thai": you'll make a fortune!
  15. No more military coups: does he believe the police will step in to fill that gap?
  16. I'd guess that it was spoiled children who never had to, nor learned, how to clean up their own messes. And why messes should be cleaned up.
  17. Jeez... does the author not know the word 'swastika'? Hitler symbol? could be stylized SS for all we know. "The argument began when Set playfully drew a 'Hitler' symbol on Saul's head,..." Would not have happened if youths were Thai and not Filipino American: Thais are stupendously ignorant regarding Hitler, WW2, etc. Remember when students included Hitler in super heroes mural?
  18. Did one of the waitstaff ask him "Is that a glock in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"
  19. My first visit to Thailand was 1982. I took Thai Air, and my routing was Seattle-Tokyo-Bangkok This is nothing new
  20. The number one way to accelerate economy is to rid Thailand of corruption (fat chance, right?). But all the kickbacks, payoffs and bribes are like an excise tax, except that the money does not help with infrastructure, services, etc etc.. Okay, slight "trickle down" as villas etc built from ill gotten gains, and I suppose mia nois spending helps a bit
  21. If I may suggest, a photo map of expected rain etc would be very useful to go with these weather reports
  22. Firearms killed a record number of (US) children in 2021, study finds there, fixed it.
  23. A retired teacher: this makes it news? I know there are cultural differences and all that, but so what if he once was a teacher. So was I
  24. Chinese would know what it says, or maybe that is just a wild guess....
  25. Maybe a bit of promo for David Tenant in "Good Omens 2"? Good-Omens-season-2-artwork-.webp
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