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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. Tacit admission Thai cops are too afraid to enforce the laws and/or if there's no money in it for them, won't do it
  2. "I was vaccinated against Covid twice and really see no reason why i should keep wearing a mask other then it is the law." You can still spread it for up to a week if I remember reputable findings, you could still get a case, tho milder and not requiring hospitalization. Wearing a mask is easy, if you get a good N95 mask breathing is not difficult, and does show consideration of others. "Actually, putting on a mask here is not optional, so saying you put one on (suggesting you're a good person to do that) when you go out is irrelevant as it is mandatory and hefty fines can be given if you don't wear one. You will not be about to enter any shop without one, so you might be able to get some street food, or have it delivered, but you won't be doing any grocery shopping.... even at the local 7Eleven. " I have yet to see anyone even told by cops to put on a mask, let alone fine of any sort. Just yesterday I was in Tops & there was a farang wandering around inside. I told the staff and they did nothing. 7/11 is better about that, but there have been times when farangs have mask on but not covering noses. Only works if they are mouth breathers...
  3. This only covers the last three years. Is there no way of knowing total numbers of foreign owned condos (and houses) by nationality?
  4. Similar to paying a bar fine at entrance before seeing what is available....
  5. "The seams are starting to fray, as is inevitable with any communist experiment." Ever see "The big short", the housing bubble collapse in USA? Derivatives tied to <deleted> mortgages sold as AAA? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1596363
  6. "It's not illegal" is typical defense of offshore accounts Who writes the laws? Who is beholden to the rich and powerful?
  7. If you run a risk by naming names here, how about using an anagram site to scramble the letters into new words. I'd guess that if a person wanted to know real name, they could plug in the anagram and genuine name should be among results. Morning brain fart
  8. Okay, who's gonna be first to post song "I've got you under my skin"? "Are these under the skin parasites only Thai females?" Nah, once the hook is "set", the family shows up
  9. And when they turn this place into a business hub, going blue, they can have an annual formal dance: Blue Balls
  10. so headline says "did not reject". Rejecting is an activity, a "doing something", so technically correct. More of a passive aggressive "doing nothing" approach what we have here. Reminds me of Thailand declaring war on US in WWII, but ambassador in DC didn't deliver the declaration, giving them an out.
  11. If any investigation were to happen, it should be the bakery, not some tourist. Unless he held them at gunpoint, bakery is the responsible party. Maybe prohibition against foot fetish for bread is in fine print of immigration rules...
  12. "...part of other accounts outside the budget and thus hard to notice that money had gone missing." This has got me wondering. Donations are only category I can think of that wouldn't be in the budget. If that amount is "hard to notice" then something is very, very wrong with their accounting methods. Do they hire the handicapped to stuff brown envelopes?
  13. I hope they put a few amulets and got some blessings so that this sort of flood doesn't happen again....
  14. Not to be confused with gov health spokesman site "I con Siam" Mall: like Yogi Berra quipped (about restaurants) "Nobody goes there anymore. It's always too crowded"
  15. Last time I visited my hometown of Portland, Oregon (3 yrs ago) it seemed there were more pot shops than 7/11s. Some even had billboards
  16. Roger that. I took a walk from Food Mart to about Soi 9 Sunday afternoon. Plenty of Thai families, farangs along the way, about as many as one could expect on a not great weather weekend. And in the interests of ending pandemic (not), most not wearing masks nor social distancing...
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