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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. "Off guard"???? Is there ever someone "on guard" in the realm of science?
  2. criminals killing criminals. What's the problem.. first they'll try him, then give him a medal, than put on death row
  3. Years ago, a rumor was spread that McDonalds burgers were made from worms. McD's countered by pointing out worms are much more expensive than beef..... end of rumor Would dog meat be more expensive than pork or chicken? What dishes would cooks try to substitute dog meat? Off menu items?
  4. I wonder if his lawyers have advised him to cop an insanity plea. Plenty of evidence to back that up
  5. I didn't know human skulls could float. Reading the article, seems one could conclude they don't float: "the unidentified human skull was found trapped in the muddy canal bed." Might be useful info during some trivial pursuit game....
  6. give him some time in prison to pick up that sort of political stance
  7. kills his gf because he thinks "all life is sacred" & she had an abortion? "Pro Life, Texas style". Is the gov gonna give him a medal?
  8. Has no one yet blamed it on marijuana? Oh yeah, election is past
  9. If I may point out to non readers, the "ugly" American was the one who actually went out and worked with the people, didn't hang out at embassy parties etc with the "beautiful" people. Volunteers is a total hoot. Where Tom Hanks met his future bride Rita Wilson. Oddly, shot in Mexico tho all the Thai language etc is spot on. I was in PC back mid 70's, but in Colombia. "the Sanook team was astonished as all American volunteers were able to speak Thai fluently..." Are Sanook reporters morons? "Astonished"?!? geez the volunteers are out working in the field, darn well better be able to speak Thai unless they are in the mime program.... We had 3 months of intensive Spanish before being let loose on the populace
  10. Thai banks (or at least mine) charges me if I make a deposit at a branch other than my "home" branch. If fees are in line with costs, seems fee should be zero. It all goes into the same computer, no reason whatsoever for charging these fees
  11. "... Biden's relatives had used the family name to enrich themselves, and the president was "involved". " Okay, kids: now substitute like this "... Biden's Trump's relatives had used the family name to enrich themselves, and the president was "involved". Thinking about Ivanka and her Chinese patents.... Jared and "loans" extorted from middle east...
  12. The guy was a Thai not a tourist. There ya go, attempting to impose western logic on reasons for government schemes. Doesn't matter if Thai or not, just present it as justification. Most won't notice
  13. what, pray tell, does his former job have to do with the heart of the story?
  14. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"
  15. That's good. I was afraid that maybe gun store was closed so had to improvise
  16. It wasn't fraud. It was just some good old fashioned theft.
  17. hmmm maybe this site should double check source of story "Is it Joe Bidens turn to face JAIL"? Inflammatory horse poop of the first order
  18. Maybe look Irish? Estimated 50,000 illegal Irish immigrants in USA..... I have nothing against Irish, but typically the rants against illegals focus on Latinos. https://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/16/us/white-irish-undocumented-trnd/index.html
  19. "Go to the mirror, boy" from rock opera Tommy popped into my head
  20. And.....? what inferences are you making? Do you have any sort of evidence of wrong doing?
  21. "...there was a German tourist identified only as Mr. MARTIN, 53, who shouted out loud that a man was unconscious in the sea, bringing the notice of lifeguards nearby..." If lifeguards are like those in Jomtien, the only thing they pay attention to is their smart phones. Half don't even face the beach when "on duty" (sitting around a card table, eating snacks, focused on Sm. And those outfits: "burkinis?" Do any know how to swim?
  22. So much for freedom of religion! First rule across all of them is "shear the flock"
  23. "...transport Indian gamblers directly to Thailand for this occasion, charging an operating fee of 50,000 baht per individual." That's the sort of gamblers I'd want coming to my casino: already down 50k and have yet to be dealt a card!
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