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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. "I believe schools are for teaching what is needed to become productive in the work place." Which would include working with gay etc people? I've had gay supervisor before: no problem for me, because I am not a bigot.... more people are gay than you would guess. "Social & sexual education should be learned at home, as one size doesn't fit all, an may go against the families' beliefs." What do you do when families are unwilling or just plain ignorant/willfully stupid on a subject? Like some say, hatred and bigotry are learned attitudes, and families often are where that takes place. " Matter fact, y'all can stop teaching religion & history also. As useless, and nothing but divisive, and as pointed out elsewhere, nobody actually learns from it." Probably you learned nothing from it, but beyond yourself that is projection. You seem to be proud of your ignorance.
  2. If you know what the rules are, and that the rules do have some positive impact on reducing transmission, yet you still break them....
  3. I was going to look for photo from my home town of the billboards... so thanks for the photo. 95% sure it is Portland, as says "left on Glisan" (pronounce Gleeson). Any other towns have Glisan? On my last visit (precovid) there were more pot shops than 7/11s
  4. In legal matters, it does need to be precise, as opposed to forums and such. Bill C was correct (in a lawyerly sense) when he said "it depends on what your definition of 'is' is".
  5. Some people aka those with compromised immune systems (and there are lots of them) need all the protection they can get when out in public, such as masks. Don't be so so selfish and ill informed when deciding all those who wear masks are cowards, "Of course there will be those fragile creatures...that will never give up the perceived security of a mask and will ‘wear’ for time immemorial.."
  6. Do you think tourists and Thais are mutually exclusive groups?
  7. Thanks for the info regarding percentages of population. My assumption was wrong.
  8. Kalingingrad borders Lithuania and Poland. I assume most citizens are from those stock. Russia doesn't even abutt that slice. Seems Poland & Lithuania could use same arguments Russia gave as rationale for throwing out Russians who hold that area hostage. If Lithuania doesn't want to allow Russia to use the rails, that is their choice. Anyone remember when Soviet Union blockaded West Berlin?
  9. I sometimes walk a side soi where there are a good number of feral dogs. Sometimes they bark and approach me. I usually pick up a few rocks beforehand. If you forget, even just a throwing gesture will send them running. May not work all the time, but what the hey I've been attacked twice here: once on a bike and once by a dog ran up behind and bit me on calf. Thought she knew me. I was just getting over dengue fever... maybe my smell changed?
  10. "...keep the wires orderly and secure." "Keep" implies that in some era of life on earth the wires were "orderly and secure". Perhaps "For the first time make orderly and secure" would be better, if that was the goal and not just a photo op
  11. I do find it almost humourus that crypto articles typically have photo of something that looks like a real world coin. Perhaps looks better than just some electronic pulses?
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