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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. something smells like nam pla here...
  2. Many of us are atheists, and figure a good way to get away from the god crowd....
  3. jeez, take a chill pill.... were you at the crime scene? So duh, they can happen very quickly, which is why a cop might be able to get the scene of a crime quickly if the police were spread out rather than traveling in packs of 6-8 as in photos. In my home town many police in downtown area are on bikes.... could do that here. Or did clueless you never consider mobility issues. I'll be clueless if you be brainless. I usually don't insult back, but as we say, up yours
  4. So where are all those tourist police that have been touted recently? Are they only to protect tourists from Thais and not vice versa? They do appear to travel in packs (the police, that is) so typically there would either be too many of them or none...
  5. Possible Thai navy recruitment ad: "The navy: we do more than just sink ships"
  6. Perhaps, but do bear in mind that teachers training usually involves training them how to teach, not how to be security guards. There are already a ridiculous number of services teachers are expected to perform that it is a wonder any teaching gets done at all BTW I was a teacher, most inner city gangstas. Several times my teen age charges had guns on them. Luckily I didn't know it at the time. What would you do if you found out a student in your class had a gun? demand it be handed over? Would if they don't? then what?
  7. If the laws and enforcers were worth a tinker's dam they wouldn't have to be out doing their "crackdowns". Bar owners etc would follow the rules in spirit of self preservation. If punishment doesn't change behavior, then it is clearly not punishment
  8. Comp to Miami? Looking at photos of Miami, something seems missing: ah.... you can see the ocean! No wall to wall beach umbrellas for miles on end. There are some, but not the abominable levels of Jomtien
  9. "...There was 1.5 grams of crystal meth in white flake form, two bags of ketamine weighing 1.4 grams and 0.8 grams of Erimin Five..." wow, big time dealer: 3.7 grams of product to push. Is that about the weight of a postcard? That is 0.130514 ounces. The weight of two condoms (without packaging). I was trying to figure what to compare that weight to
  10. Huh. The ones I see who don't give a damn about others regarding sneezes and coughs are typically white European types
  11. Stores pricing structure is developed in part on what amount of ice to drink ratio typically is. It's not a "scam" or "out and out con". I know some places in USA have drink price for with and price for without ice.
  12. any one stupid enough to put that much cash plus other spendy items into a general public locker has only themselves to blame. I know "blame the victim" some might say, but word "idiot" comes to mind... and why pack all that around any way?
  13. as pointed out, that bomb thing in Bangkok was in 2012. I was living down the street from where it happened. I go out of my way to meet Iranian tourists when they come here (I'm a white American). If I may generalize, they are mostly thoughtful, gracious people. That is part of their culture. To cast the entire country as a band of devils is quite frankly, stupid. Make your hate person to person if you must hate
  14. Best not to ask, believe me
  15. RTP crack down hard on international crime. They want all the crime to be domestic sort.
  16. They should allow those on retirement with 800k in the bank to consider that as insurance, far in excess of $10,000. That would be sensible, so snowballs chance in hell of that happening....
  17. OMG! Soldiers killing enemy combatants in a war zone!!!!! We never suspected that sort of behavior. How long has this sort of behavior been going on???
  18. No, we haven't. Even if we "all did this kind of thing", a spell in a jail might help break thru the alcohol haze
  19. Hey, don't forget the Russians: been reported only half of them have been vaxxed.... so let them meet up with the half of Chinese with covid and away we go! Russians better off getting medical help here, as their hospitals in Russia seem to be full of wounded from the "special police action" in Ukraine
  20. Before deporting and fining, give them at least a few weeks at one Thailand's nasty prisons. Give them a truly amazing Thailand experience.
  21. "Non-Thai passengers arriving from countries which refuse entry to infected people must have taken out COVID insurance.." "countries which refuse entry to infected people must have taken out COVID insurance" Okay, anybody have a list of countries that don't refuse entry to infected people? My mind is boggled once more. I thought after so many boggles, it was boggle proof. Amazing Thailand
  22. I hope he didn't have any children. For Darwin/evolution to be effective, have to take out defectives before they breed.
  23. Note to Republicans: Lay down with rabid dogs and you'll get more than fleas
  24. Maybe they should send him back as he may be carrying Covid.... use that rule 42 or whatever that SCOTUS said could stay in effect a short time ago
  25. correct me if I'm wrong, but I think drug test is different from alcohol test. Pot is legal.... Why not put pertinent info in the story? No, I don't want to be bothered by going to the link. Seems testing might be an important item to include in their news blurb. (edit) okay, read the article "She then felt a bump and woke up to find the overturned sedan beside her car" a bump that woke her up & the other car is totaled? To me, overturned means upside down (aka "turn turtle"), not on its side. Maybe different where you come from. The front of her car looks to have very little damage. If the little white crackerbox is the MG she hit, where is the damage? Rescue? maybe wind down the window and climb out.
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