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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. "delegalize" That's a new term to me & I'm no spring chicken...
  2. In these triangles, it seems the target should be the cheating spouse rather than his/her love toy.
  3. my "line in the sand" for leaving Thailand is them getting a reactor. We know how things are "maintained" here...
  4. term limits sounds like a good idea until you think about who would gain power with limits: the lobbyists. No limits on their terms... newbies would be open to influence of them on how to "get things done".... as things are now lobbyists have huge input on the writing of bills. Congress members have to spend inordinate portion of time fund raising for re-election. We would need campaign finance reform and restrictions on lobbying if term limits would have a chance of a positive outcome
  5. should have left the destruction up to angry girlfriend, as so many farangs have experienced.... within Thai norms of behavior
  6. "500 immigration police and 50 tourist cops got their orders..." Okay,..... please tell me what those police do with their time usually when "at work". Are their orders strange? "Arrest overstayers"... oh we never thought of that!
  7. Well, if they only have half the money, perhaps just show half of each game. I'm sure no one would mind...
  8. and the malls, movie theaters, office buildings. I read a study maybe 15 yrs ago about the huge energy savings Bangkok could have if air con was set on "comfort" rather than "walk in freezer" levels at malls and such. Something very off when a person needs to take a blanket if going to see a film. I can only take maybe 20 min of a mall before hypothermia sets in
  9. Portland is my hometown. Trump and DHS efforts to find some vast antifa conspiracy seems to have come up with the same sort of evidence of election stealing: none, nothing, nada It should bother some of the rah rah Trump backers who profess to be law and order types backing that crook who siphoned off and wasted resources that should be spent on legit security concerns, not this abuse of power
  10. and/or if you're up to good (whatever that may be) but have overstayed maybe nothing to fear?
  11. Read an essay maybe 40 yrs ago and author thought the (relatively) non stop action doesn't give fans a chance to catch their breaths. It was written by an American newsman... compare to major US sports (baseball, gridiron football, basketball somewhat) which have so many stops in the action (NFL even has "TV timeouts", WSJ says only 7 1/2 minutes action in average NFL game), maybe has a bit of truth in observation.
  12. Same reason farangs go to McDonald's and KFC
  13. friend owns a restaurant, known him for years. Not farang. He paid 10k a month (few years ago, pre covid) and then a gang of cops came in from Bangkok and hit him up for another 10k. No girls, just Indian food.
  14. Ask any farang what they are celebrating. I reckon only a handful would know....
  15. Absurd idea that abortion rights are some sort of "leftist" idea. IF you were a true conservative your credo could be "That which governs least governs best". You would believe it is none of the governments business whether a person has an abortion or not, full stop. You are the part of the right that is authoritarian, dare I say fascist leaning? You believe that the individual is there to obey the government edicts, not the government is there to serve the people. You can have your opinion, but in a free society it would just be that, an opinion.... not a grounds for limiting other adults decision making about their own lives.
  16. "Also show me an election where it comes down to one vote. Even Bush beat Gore by more than that didn’t he?" "Though Gore came in second in the electoral vote, he received 543,895 more popular votes than Bush, making him the first person since Grover Cleveland in 1888 to win the popular vote but lose in the Electoral College." (wikipedia) In the last 30 years Republican Presidential candidates have only won popular vote once (Bush in 2004) Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Except they won't know it is a repeat, not knowing history and all that... You don't like to vote but you think somehow free speech is a right that can't be taken way. Look around where you are living... have it here? I don't think so
  17. what leads you to think the army would act any differently in a similar situation?
  18. steer clear of som tam and nam prik my advice... or make sure there are enough stalls in restrooms for quick after meal exit to relieve themselves
  19. In the 90's my bank in the US credited my account for $115,000 I am fairly sure I didn't put in. I'd remember than, ya think? I sat on the money... didn't notify the bank. Their mistake, let them figure it out. Around end of the month got notice they were withdrawing $115,000. No explanation, nothing If there is a positive, they didn't take the interest that cash earned during the month. Not much, but > 0
  20. So many school shootings in the US that I forgot about that one.
  21. prop him up, include him in roll call and warden can pocket the food allowance...
  22. 'The crowing moment for his career would be when the leaders of some of the world’s leading economies.." I thought standard statement would be "crowning moment", not "crowing moment" but on further thought, perhaps crowing is what author intended. Cock a doodle doo
  23. He would never consider that perhaps his behavior may be the reason she wants to look for farang hubby?
  24. would be nice if you showed the ENTIRE link! No purpose for making big other than hide, a person might think. 60% growth in sustainable energy usage for mining is meaningless without knowing what the baseline for sustainable is to begin with (if any). "Bitcoin Mining Council" now that's a name to put your faith in! Hey it sucks up energy and produces nothing of intrinsic use or worth, except for maybe drug dealers, grifters, illegal arms dealers, cheaters, etc I did go to 'news" at that site and got this: "The Bitcoin ecosystem consists of a global network of stakeholders, including the miners that secure the network and drive the issuance of the Bitcoin currency, the traders who speculate on this radically market-driven asset, and the builders working to onboard people to the cryptocurrency paradigm." Gobbeldeegook nonsense "...working to onboard people to the cryptocurrency paradigm."
  25. I don't give much credence to these sorts of polls: "Over 20,000 people took part in the poll, which asked readers to rank their favourite streets based on food, fun, culture, and community." Source article says locals were asked "what’s the coolest street in your city?" Seems if going to claim "best in world", you would need people who make choices to have visited all or most of the cities in contention for "best in world". "We then took those results to our global network of experts to narrow it all down and come up with a definitive ranking." If data is all simply opinions of locals on their local neighborhoods, doesn't matter what the "global network of experts" do with it.
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