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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. Education would be (and is) my main concern. How will you afford it & what type of education do you want her to have. What about her ballet, is it something she can peruse in Thailand to the same level?

    Yes education is important and will be my only concern, I have looked in the past at St Stevens in Korat, seamed like a good option, still to look in other areas of Thailand such as Hua Hin

    Ballet I am not sure about Boo, but will be interesting to find out.


  2. Hi all

    I know this is allot to ask of people but I would really value your thoughts to the following post.

    My name is Simon ( 35 yo ) and I have been married to my wife Yo ( Thai ) ( 30 yo ) for 9 years and we have an eight year old daughter with dual nationality. We are very settled and content with each other, we have a very comfortable life in the Uk and we have everything we wish for within reason. My daughter takes part in Ballet and is highly graded and has been asked to join every dance completion group there is. the only problem I have is I do wonder if we miss out as a family the life we could have in Thailand if we were able to find a way of living in Thailand, yes surely the life is massively different and we have all the usual security of the UK Bla Bla Bla. But that aside and material things aside where is life as in real life better. I have my own thoughts on this and will gladly share if any one want to hear it. I do not need to hear from anyone wishing to disrespect any of the Thai people and what they do or the culture of the Land so please I do not need to hear any self inflicted horror stories. I am a non drinker and have no intention of living in Thailand with the sole purpose of getting drunk each day in a bar or riding round bare back on a huge motorbike, please take no offence if that is you and what you enjoy, it is each to there own and this just puts you in the picture.

    So that aside, I am looking to move at some point to Thailand to live.

    We could probably find spare cash here of about 3'000000.00 thai baht to buy a house and I guess where we chose to live would depend on what style and size of house we might get for that amount of money. We would also be able to leave a certain amount of money in the form of a house here in the Uk as a back up plan if all goes wrong for any reason. Could even consider leaving a little less here and look at buying a small guest house or similar venture.

    I understand all the culture things, the food is no problem as we only eat Thai at home and the language I can nearly speak now, the weather I enjoy I am half African guess you could say I have a built in resistance to the sun. I also have heard most of the stories about the fact that Thais from time to time might stub European / Thai families in some areas of the community, I can handle this as the same happens here in the Uk from time to time.

    What I could do with is some incite on what you gave up to live in Thailand and what you do now your in Thailand and your thoughts and experiences in doing this, including the main reason for doing so. Especially when it comes to children growing up in Thailand and the experiences they have and the things you might think could have been better if you have stayed in Europe. Interested in your thoughts to Schools, family life, thoughts on family back home ect, children growing up and the position in society they have and the things they learn and the things they might not have learnt in Europe. Do you spend more or less time as a family now you live in Thailand. What are the worst things about the transition and the new life in such vastly different place. Also hobbies and dancing, drama and singing classes for children is there the same things there for them to do, these have to be seen as opportunities as this is the foundation so far of my daughters life.

    Please PM me or simply post your thoughts,

    Thank you, and I mean no offence to anybody by posting this Topic.

  3. Just thought I would update and thank those who did take the time to reply to this post,

    We got the Visa for my sister in law,

    She was called by the Visa office and asked confirm one or two things and then given the visa, the interviewer in the Visa office even took the time to call me and tell me the application was successfull.

    All round good outcome and dealt with in the British Embassy well

    Thanks again

  4. Do I still need to send all the supporting documents as I am the sponsor

    Yes. Without the supporting documents they cannot judge whether she meets the criteria or not.

    As the burden of proof lies with the applicant, no supporting documents means an instant refusal.

    Thank you, shame it is not a little easier for the real cases when family want to visit, guess the bad make it hard work for the good folks, oh well here goes we can only try.

  5. Anyone know what the time wait on appointments for the British Emabassy to give to process a holiday visa application ??

    Thank you in advance

    Do I still need to send all the supporting documents as I am the sponsor

    If you are the sponsor, have you not already submitted supporting docs, or am I missing something?


    You may have missed something ?

    Not sent anything in yet,

    The question I have asked if you read from the top of the topic is '' What is the waiting time for a holiday visa application ? ''

  6. We are buying some land 4 rai about 9 km out of Hua Hin off of Soi 88 for 2 mill, we have experienced a few issues such as

    The land owner told us that there was also someone else buying land and that they would be putting in electric about a month ago this seams to have been forgotten now, how easy is it to put in electric 300 meters off of the main road ??

    She will not convert Nor Sor 3 Gor to Chanote Title deed. She will sell it with Nor Sor 3 Gor, what problems that may occur later down the line and what cost might be involved with changing the title ??

    Thank in advance, 2 million baht might not sound allot to some but to me is a bit of a hit.

    Can I do a search to see who owns a certain piece of land next to mine.


  7. Is this the same strain of Bird Flu that broke out on Bernard Matthews Farm (s) the Uk, chicken and turkey supplier

    I think there were 200000 birds killed at his one plant

    and also another 75000 on in another outbreak.

    Not sure if it is the same strain ??

    We have also had lots of wild birds found with it.

    If it is guess it is everywhere, the key is how to handle it.

    The other concern I guess is the corrupt government here in Uk like to hide things to save the problem being dealt with, then the press blow it out of proportion and before long there is mayhem and public panic.

    DEFRA is the agency that deal with these types of things always know more than they like to admit.

  8. Good catch. Looks like some of the big fish have been caught, once they are returned to their own country's prisons it will be a holiday from there after their time in one of those horrific Thai prisons, keep them in Thailand for as long as possible, let them suffer to compensate for all the lives of innocent men, women, children and all others that get stamped on destroyed or murdered along the way whilst these evil drug pedlars and suppliers continue to supply these shocking terribly life threatening substances.

    The sentence these type of people get be it the death sentence or not I do not care about as long as the punishment reflects the crime.

    I guess depending if your Mum, Sister, Brother, Child or other person close to you has been caught in this death trap will depend on how severe you think sentences should be for this offence.

    People like this continue to murder and destroy lives daily on a daily basis for personal financial gain and greed to feed there own depraved habit of feeling in control of peoples lives and then gradually the victim dies in one way another either physically or mentally, and the dealers and suppliers as intended become rich beyond belief.

    Individuals that murder people and torture there lives in till they become dependant on the supplier of something that can potentially kill them well they are very low in my list of people I am to bothered about except

    I hope they suffer please they deserve it,

    Greed, Greed, Greed, Biggest killer ever

    Please note once again these only my thoughts, they are not written to provoke, in advance I am sorry if I offend and please remember every one is entitled to an opinion.

  9. My thoughts are this

    I have very rarely had any reason to believe Thais are rude to me or my wife who is from Buriram,

    They respect us and out thoughts as we do theirs

    One thing we must realise is in my opinion Thai's and Thailand is forging forward in so many ways, so much faster than us here in the Uk all we seam to do is go screaming backwards as a country of ungrateful disrespectful people, in fact England is not really even England now.

    There is a reason I think the Thai's may look down on people occasionally that is normally embarrassed for the way we foreigners behave when we are in their country.

    I guess they call it ''face''.

    Goes down to one word we often forget RESPECT.

  10. Drug dealers, well the warning went out, stop or there is a chance it could cost you your life !!

    How many years pre Thaksin did it take to try and build the new Airport ?? Loads

    How many years did Thaksin did it take to try and build the new Airport ? Three

    Did drug abuse levels improve in Thailand due to Thaksin ? Yes


    Taxed the rich to help the poor ? Yes

    Built more schools ? Yes

    Help tens of thousands of poor Thais be able to visit the doctor or hospital for 30 baht ? Yes

    Improved relations with other countries ? Yes

    Increased the general economy of Thailand ? Yes

    Lead the country with an iron hand and he was ruthless in doing so ? Yes

    Invested in his own country ? Yes

    Did he dodge paying his own Tax ? Yes

    Well as far as I can see all governments all over the world are always slightly corrupt, but ask your self. Will Thailand continue to forge forward from strength to strength ?

    Now Thailand has ruthlessly and aggressively forced out Thaksin in exactly the same way he is being accused of being, I cant help but wonder what will happen to Thailand's economical growth ??

    Here in the Uk

    Drug dealers, are ruthless and in return for destroying lives, murder and all that comes with drugs the only penalty is usually a pathetic prison term which shortened if they behave in prison, then they are allowed out to continue as they did before they went to prison

    The same story , with Rapists, Peados, Murderers, Car thieves, burglars, Kidnappers, Terrorists and many others.

    Was the way Thaksin ran Thailand really that bad, in consideration to him I think not


    Well please be sure my thoughts above are not to provoke anyone but simply my many rambling thoughts regards this situation, I apologise in advance if you feel I am wrong to presume any of the above.

  11. Thanks for the reply sir very kind of you to take the time to think.

    Obviously not much to do then !!

    Come on guys must be something to do other than sitting around drinking beer all day !!

  12. Hello Forum

    We are in Buriram/Bangruad from 17th for 12 days, If you know of any activities, places to visit we can do or enjoy please let me know with a post below

    In particular Christmas day

    But anything like the Buriram Beach that has opened sounds great

    Cheers and Merry Christmas !!!!!!

  13. Hi

    At present we can call from uk to Thailand to any land line or mobile anywhere in Los from any line including a mobile in the uk and it adds 1 pence per min to the bill, it is very easy and as simple as it sounds.

    Is there any way of calling Uk from Thailand other than skype or internet phone ???

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