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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. As this is more of a financial agreement then the age gap does not really make a difference. The girl has a right to charge accordingly for services given each time they meet together and the man has his right to a good service not matter the cost. If he does not like the rate then look for a cheaper one. If the supplier is supplying poor service move on to a new supplier your happy with. The key here is it is financial, work a business transaction. For me I do not care if a girl is older or younger male or female business is business all involved are adult. Forget about it !!!! Not sure what I will fancy when I am 75 y/o.

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  2. One other way to look at this is this, wild animals follow natures diet and what is available including our closest the ape, they eat their favourite food most of the time, they eat as much as they wish, they do not cook, in the wild they do not get much disease or illness unless man is involved, dogs for example if you feed it what it should have it will remain fit and healthy all to often and we have also managed to poison our pets as we do to ourselves with the wrong food and what we do to it with over cooking and destroying all the things In it that our body needs. As we as humans are supposed to be more intelligent why do we choose to be overweight ( not those who are suffer illnesses that make then overweight ) we have a choice albeit to many of what to eat, we do choose each time we open our mouths to fill it with good or bad foods. So in short it is only with human interaction that animals get overweight and sick and it is only when we eat to much of what we should not have. You are what you eat.

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  3. I can already do that. I meant Thai language books for Thai people to read, obviously.

    I am sure that was meant to be humorous but sometimes it would be nice if people could just offer real answers and withhold the useless smartaleck comments, cheers.

    Hi, want to get a kindle type thing for wife for reading thai books, how did you get on with finding the thai script stories

  4. Without going off topic - we have a very poor understanding of food nutrition as we have been brainwashed by society to believe the wrong things are god for us.

    Smoking now is un sociable and a well known fact that it kills.

    Alcohol abuse will be next to be seen a unsociable

    But soon we need to start understand more about what we put In our bodies, think of toasted granary seeded bread for toast this has been processed many times before it is eaten.

    Grain dried, crushed and milled into a podew, mixed with sugar yeast and salt and water to rehydrate the dried grain then baked in a very hot oven. Then sliced, then toasted, then we put fat on it and yet more processed food, jam. - boiled fruit with masses if sugar or meat such as salami, most people know what heat does to nutrients so it is an example of the damage we do to food before we eat it rendering it useless other that for carb intake most of which we do not need.

    Before I understood more about food - granary toast was what I thought to be a good healthy start to the day - now it is a melon or a fresh salad.

    So yes it does point towards choice but lots of it comes down to education and discipline this can sway our choices as due to my own admission we have not followed natures simple instructions.

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  5. Nice topic

    So as not to miss anyone out or upset anyone here in advance I want to say. Sorry for spelling mistakes and grammer issues. My opinion is only mine, not wishing to have a forum battle with anyone.

    Being fat and overweight is a sign of poor lifestyle not just over eating, slim people also that eat and drink too much can run the same risks except their body does not display the problems in the same way. This is a real problem as all appears well.

    It is very clear if you read a book on Natraul Hygiene what we should and should not put in our bodies, lots of what we eat our body does not need.

    Another thing here to remember is that natures way is that we are happy and healthy and do not need any excess muscle or fat other that that needed to survive in our environment. So if you work in an office every day eat healthy every day and retain a good weight but run 20 miles a day or build muscles to mass in the gym you are also putting your body under very servere stress as that is not what the body is meant to do it is also dangerous to the body and it system.

    Being fat for many is a choice and or a habit to to different to addictions or obsessions with food and drink

    I have always been big until about six months ago. 5"8 16 stone 9 lb before I lost wieght

    I needed to loose wieght as it was slowly killing me as I was getting bigger each year and accepting each year that it was okay to get bigger.

    Lost two stone in 3 months and the rest is comming off slowly still. I read two amazing books by an author called Allan Carr it explains how habits to do with food and drink are only ways we have been programmed from birth.

    So for me since reading these books my choice has been to eat in a very different way my favourite foods have changed as have my drinking habits and when, where and what I eat.

    Still eat all my favourite foods and I am never hungry.

    Choice choice - if your have no underlying medical reason to find wieght control a problem and you continued to eat to much and drink to much and on you death bed a doctor said all this can change its your last chance but you will be given the gift of life but you must follow a few simple steps and you shall live a healthier maybe longer life as long as you follow them what would you do - of course you would grab it with both hands

    Well fat people have the same chance every day to make the change now dont wait untill you get fat it is very easy to do and if you want the chance to possibly extend your life make the change sooner than later it is very easy.

    Anyone want the names of the books message me

    Final thought on this, if you consider your body a machine and you feed it with what it needs it will maintaine itself and unless underlying issues are there and will continue to do so for many years. If you had a fine sports car and the manual said only 1L of grade one oil a year, okay the car cost $300000.00 would you do anything other than that, my guess is no. So why do it to your body it is clear the good and bad things we should and should not put on to our bodies so why do it ???

    There is a choice for all

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  6. Hola - my wife cook well on a BBQ she coots great Issan food. - but most of it I taught her to cook. She makes curry and the likes with bought paste but when it comes to making it, again the lesson comes from me. Making moo deng is and ark in itself but very rewarding once on the boil.

  7. there is very little to loose by going with what you feel is right for you

    Surely there is much to loose. His feelings come free, what about his house if it all goes tits up which, as you appear to live in Thailand, you know full well that most prostitute:John relationships dont work out. Let us not forget here that the relatinship is based on a financial transaction.

    Prostitution is only a word,

    Unless, of course, you are the prostitute.

    Sid have no fear I am not a prostitute !!!

    He will loose half of what he has to anyone her hitches up with no matter colour or creed.

  8. cant help but think its the UKBA that are going to piss on your party, just by reading your posts, your asking things that are easily found on the UKBA site. I was succesful all the way through to ILR unmarried,by using the UKBA equivalent site. If you dont like the answers dont ask the questions.

    It's not that I don't like the answers, many posters have given some good advice (both with and against me), but for some reason you seem to think I'm too stupid to look there first. I did look but it didn't give me answers. Show me where it tells me how long I need to have been seeing her, or how I can prove our relationship exists. It tells me I need to, but nothing about how hence why I'm here.

    If you don't wanna give constructive helpful advice then don't contribute. Tell me what I need to have the best chance of her getting a visa, don't tell me that falling for an ex-prostitute is a stupid thing to do.


    You know what I would simply get on with it mate, there is very little to loose by going with what you feel is right for you. Advise is good and there is some good advice here.

    Prostitution is only a word, take the word away and there is still two people there that are trying to be happy. There are worse things she could have done.


    Agree a sin sod and keep to your word, take the best advice you can from others regards the visa and not just the advice that suits what you think, some of the points people make a worth thinking about and considering even though they are not what you want to hear ( not the blatantly unnecessary posts )

    Like most thing in life on a personal emotional level and a financial level, do not put in what you can't cope with loosing.

    Ask the right questions, I have some things you should cover with your lady before you apply for or attend a visa appointment message me if you want to.

    Good luck.

  9. I can tell you this is the way of thee world, only some places are slower than others. People are getting bigger in short our diets world wide are changing, more choice and new things. The effect this worldwide devastation will have on the young will soon be apparent as these young people grow up.

    Obesity is an epidemic, not the parents fault but society role models, Mc Donald's sponsoring football and films for Disney makes it all acceptable, in the next ten years this type of sponsorship will stop, as did sponsorship of cigarettes in the Uk. This is a growing issue worldwide, only just rearing it head in Thaialnd. All about education. Kids want to follow trends parents want happy kids. For us understanding nutrition helps. I notice generally there do seam to be more overweight Thai kids than ever before.

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  10. Interesting history lesson there Blackandwhite, I'm really glad things worked out for you.

    But the world has moved on in the decade or so when your wife was granted her visa, applicants are no longer interviewed and the decision is made on the evidence submitted with the application, that's why it vitally important to get it right.

    I personally haven't seen any rants on this thread, and whilst there have been a couple of differences of opinion, I thought that posters have been very supportive to the OP and have offered very good advice.

    Not directed at anyone in particular but as often posts gone completely off topic

  11. Hi, lot of good advice here to be listened to. Also the usual ranting from the hurt and burnt and a few " you said, he said" arguments starting which do not help.

    For me and the visa for mt wife,

    Holiday thailand with the boys, me 27 years old at the time, wife 21 years old.

    June 2000 - met wife she was dancing on a table in a bar on beach road 2

    Stayed extra 10 days loved it, her the food and all the usually.

    Returned September 2000, asked her to return home and I would support her to enable to see if she was happy away from her friends she had made at work. She did return home to Buriram.

    Returned November 2000 discussed and got married

    Returned January 2001 applied for visa, spouse visa, got it first time -

    The officer taking the interview called me in half way through to tell,me thatntherebwas no reasons she could see the visa would not be granted, but and a big BUT which might be important, she expected my wife to explain how and where we had met, she told me and a translator explained to my wife that she understood Thailand and why many people have to do what they do but she wanted to hear the truth and not that we met on a beach via a friend !!!

    That said and cutting lots out, 12 years on we are still married and live in the UK, one child who is 11 years old. Not always easy but out of all my friends most married English girls and probably 50% are divorced or not happy.

    The visa application will be simple and I suggest you go ahead, also with one more big BUT

    Discuss what the family will expect as a sin sod or fee to take their lovely daughter away, do not pay any attention to the few on here that tell you not to pay or she is bad to expect it. Please expect it and respect it all part of it but have an open mind to what it could cost. Saying that she might be rich and pay herself or her family might just not need the money.

    Good luck

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  12. If I was prepared to spend 5 million - I would buy a small piece of land in a fair area just out of a tourist spot, but big enough to take two house or three,, build a nice house to sell at a fair not inflated price build well to sell, so therefore do not over spend on un needed items such as fancy pillars and five bathrooms, spend money on good insulation a and double skin walls ect, sell your house, make a fair profit. Do it twice me each time returning investment plus profit. Worse scenario you keep the house, not going to happen as long as you sell the house for the correct price. Best outcome would be you sell all three make good profit and do it again. Yes correct visa's needed and Thai company needed but all doable

  13. Hi, sorry but this is a bit of a lazy one,

    We are wanting to work out this

    We arrive to holiday in Thailand soon, we have a 2.4l diesel pickup in Buriram. Trying to work out if it is worth getting someone to pick use up bearing in mind the fuel cost and the payment to a competent driver to drive the pick up to BK to get us and return us to Buriram or just get a taxi and grab the car from there ??

    Ideas please, thanks

  14. Bangkok March 2013

    I am turning 40 years old and wish to treat myself to a few nights of delight with my family, wife and daughter.

    We stay normally at the Hilton Millennium but are looking for a change a a special few days to celebrate my birthday.

    Anyone got a suggestion in Bangkok that would be nice, nice pool and surrounding ect not over bother what park of BK - Millennium is a little far out.

    Looked at Labua looks nice - not much to see one poolside for daytime's

    Any advise will be great

    We are heading Northeast after Bangkok so a bit of pampering will be good.

  15. Also,

    I want my own parking space on Soi 8 in Pattaya so I can park my new BMW so people do not find me In any way a bit of a facetious, materialistic idiot.

    Also I can bring a suitcase of money with me to show all the girls at the bar to gain their respect. I will also be able to by all the side street noodles and again impress all those around me

    Then people will give me the respect I am due a rich Falang

  16. Money causes extreme damage to society

    Wealth is not a physical problem other people around you find hard to cope with rather a condition of the effects a wealthy person that might like to have a raised position in society creates themselves.

    If as a wealthy person you find it easier to cope with people that treat you as a hero, give you special places to park, look up to you as a person, look at your possessions with a feeling of admiration of what a great person you are, find you interesting to talk to, enjoy your company, come you honour your opinion - Then bam there is a big problem in your life

    I would like ( if rich or poor ) to be treated by others as equal, personal experiences and friendships of genuine people is not something you can purchase at any cost and I think that is where certain people struggle to find a place in society. Strip away all the cash that person will remain the some person except the outer coatings are gone and low and behold they are no different to anyone else.

    I feel a better way to live is to show less outward signs of any particular trait be it wealth, strength, orientation or any other behaviour or fellow brothers and sisters my find opinionated, threatening or cause them discomfort.

    People that are understand this might find they are the happiest people on the planet.

    A good book - A better way to live - Ogg Mandino

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