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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. Wow, Thailand is changing as is everywhere, consider pointing out to your wife the dangers as they are in all countries, such as here in the Uk kids are killing kids and kids are killing adults, there is no control over much here these days. Thailand is changing but if you consider most who go to Thailand to live or on holiday experience little in the way of danger unless you look for it. Not sure Pattaya is a good place to settle but that could be your choice, maybe consider an extended holiday with just you wife to have a good look about to see how she feels. My daughter is also mixed race and very pretty due to looking very different to her school friends this concerns me here in the Uk as it would in Thailand the difference being there is an abundance of very attractive ladies and young people in Thailand it is quiet normal to see dozens of very pretty and attractive people around so the chance of your daughter being in danger due to her good look in Thailand could be considered less of a risk in Thailand as in your own country. Good luck

  2. Corruption - There is corruption rife in all countries the difference with Thailand is that is is often a clear and simple example of corruption. Here in the Uk it is dressed up in different ways - example, when a company wishes to build 300 houses on protected land a few meeting go on at a huge cost to the council involved,the corruption starts here, the land is agreed to no longer need protection as housing is needed, the land owner then offers various amounts to planners and local councils to build schools and give money to the council to build roads or doctors ect. Either way it lines the pockets of all the officials involved.

    Same but different

  3. Yes as I thought, there seems like there are bits and bobs available but not delivered professionally or by qualified persons.

    Most kids watch far too much TV and play to much Wii ect. Sign of the times, or parent to lazy or busy to occupy the children ???

    Anyway, either way it is a shame more well run activities are not available in Thailand to maybe we just don't know they are out there.

  4. Hi again all. 200 people read this post with very few answers, I wonder if there is other activities paid for or not that children in Thailand actually do. I see lots of Television watching last time we were staying at a family owned hotel and the kids there seemed very uninterested in the beach the pool or doing much else other than watching TV. This might be down to the fact there is little good quality well taught activiites available ??

    At present in the Uk even though there are costs involved there are lots of good after school clubs and activities that kids get involved with as our consideration is still to move to Thailand sometime it is interesting to hear more about what youngsters get to do out of school or after school.

  5. I am no expert so I only offer my humble opinion,

    Phuket's property market is no different to any other area when it comes to property values

    In a busy tourist spot such as Phuket the property prices will always follow the trend on how popular the resort is but,

    If the market is saturated with new property then this will increase choice and at the same time decrease slightly the value of the other properties simply as there is more choice and more ability to be able to barter a little

    With the added factor people at present simply have less money.

    Developers are able to build fairly good standard houses at a very low cost and name the price to sell at, there seems to be massive markups on some new builds, there are some developers that are a little greedy but they have no real need to sell off any cheaper than they wish as the cost to build was actually very low, if say the build 6 houses or bungalows and and make a minimum of 30% on each once four are sold they can hold out for top money on the rest.

    The next thing that happens when you by an over priced house you then are under the impression you will sell that over priced house for a profit.

    Supply and demand dictates value, more choice lowers the cost.

    I think, properties remain on the market for a long time there is only a few reason for this

    Over priced - to much other choice - poor quality - risk related to world economic and securities issues

    '' I think !!! ''

  6. Hi all

    This is all very real and rather scary,

    My cousin in 19 living in Birmingham to study, he is one of these types that work to support himself to study but the shop he work in has been looted and damaged, they were locked in there whilst the looters were savaging the front of the store. He was to say the least scared. Where does it go from here, now he is locked in his accomidation ot sure if it is safe to go out for food, it is bad ??

    What next there is a very serious lack of control over this situation does not raise confidence in the already weak infrastructure of the country. It takes a group of angry young people to cause this much disruption !!!!

    Bring in the Army and give them a day to say their bit and go home to get on with whatever they normally do Monday to Friday. Then if they do not disperse use sensible force to encourage them.

    :whistling: :whistling:

  7. Thank you again for the points raised,schools do appear based on the thoughts of those that have posted replies although at a cost seem from what you say generally good.

    The school my daughter is in here in the Uk is okay, it is a lovely village school in a small village in Gloucestershire but it has its very good and some very bad points. It is rather inconsistent at times and runs with the majority of teachers teaching half a term at a time on job shares due to other commitments, even though I do not have a problem with this from a person level it does have an impact on the education quality. I good friend of mine refers to some Uk schools and a little green and leafy. Next we face the high school lottery not sure which of those of you know how the choice of high school is decided here but it is rather complicated and not always reflective of the correct choice for the child.

    I have no experience of private schooling other than my cousins grey up in West Africa Sierra Leonne they went to school and part of their high school education in Africa to private school and the they came here for last years in high school. They seem to all intensive purposes to have all the life skill I do and less or more ability to have a successful adult life. The one thing is though non of them have a huge desire to live here in the Uk.

    Anyway going a bit off topic there so back on course - there are so many aspects of the life of our young ones, they are the dearest things we ever posses and they need to be nurtured and brought up in a sound happy and relaxing family unit with a mix of love and discipline . We need to make decisions for them based on the future and what encourages love and security for them, the young years are the best and our children trust us to make those decisions for them. What we teach them as parents will remain with them for the rest of their lives and no doubt be with them as they enter adulthood.

  8. As a loog-kreung who grew up in Thailand I would definitely recommend it to any child with your level of financial security.

    The opportunities to broaden the mind are immense, not to mention the fact that the ability to pick up languages tend to stay with people who grow up speaking more than one.

    Be advised, however : Thailand does not have Political Correctness. :jap:

    Hi Thank you for that, I am always interested to hear your thoughts, is there any other Thai mixed race members out there, your thoughts are very welcome

  9. Mine do....

    Tae Kwon Do.



    Bike riding.

    Starting guitar lessons..

    about enough when combined with school, homework and playing with me.

    Thank you, guitar sounds fun, we have keyboards lessons happening at the moment, practice sessions are fun to listen to !!!!!

  10. Hi,

    Fact finding only

    What activities do your children do in Thailand, I am told most of the usual activities are available in Thailand as they are in Europe

    Let me know please what your kids do out of school and what does it cost for lessons also are the activities graded for example, mu daughter attend Ballet and she is graded each and given a new level to attain by the Royal Ballet Academy, is it the same in Thailand ??

  11. You omit two very important details:

    1) Your daughters’ age

    2) Your financial situation

    Realistically, forget “free state education” and “job opportunities” here; in Thailand Primary and Secondary schooling at the State level is pretty basic - to say the least, however if you are able to pay for your child to enter a reputable International School then you have a much better chance of getting your child into a Western University – again very few Thai Universities will offer a similar level of education.

    Even for someone with a Western University Degree finding employment in Thailand – with no work experience – will be extremely difficult, unless she is willing to work for the same salary as a Thai University graduate Baht 15,000.- to Baht 20,000.- a month tops. Finding work in the West with only a Thai University Degree would be far more difficult.

    All the activities you list are easily available in Thailand – if you have the money to pay for them, that’s a huge proviso.

    Thailand is a great place to live if you have the money to support the lifestyle you want – I am sure it can be a truly miserable place if you live from hand to mouth.



    My daughter in 9 year old now and doing final two tears in junior school before selection for high school

    Financial situation is okay, should be able to create an income of say 200 thb per month from Uk business, we will rent for a while then look at a purchase of a house to suit our needs.Not looking for anything grand just a house that will make a home.

    Not sure what financial situation that will put me in but that is about it, we will also that way be able to leave money here in the UK and property as a fall back and for my daughter if she wishes to return to the Uk to live or study.

  12. People, agreed he UK is a disaster and as a family we are lucky here to have thee chance to do lots of things but, I fully agreed on all the points you have mentioned. When I see my daughter in Thailand when we visit she very quickly becomes immersed in all things Thai and it is a great thing to see.

    China is a world leader and the close ties to Thailand can only be a good thing.

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