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Posts posted by howerde

  1. No wise is not a bank and they do not provide the form that is needed show money from abroad is for house/condo purchase,  you need this should you sell and want to transfer the money abroad(well easily anyway) .

    It is on the Wise website, though hard to find it is there, the sending money to Thailand so that it shows as ftt, is another matter

    • Haha 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    Page 14 is also interesting.


    "There are exceptions when we will issue a passport using a customer’s name on their passport application, even though it’s different to the name on their foreign document. We will take into account:
    • the legal, cultural, social and technical restrictions of other countries that stop customers from changing the name on their foreign document"


    The Thai government office refused to allow him to use his English name as his first name on his Thai registration, they insisted on him having a Thai first name. 

    27 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    From page 34


    "You must take no more action and deal with the application, in line with current guidance, if the:

    • customer tells you they do not have another passport and they live in the country they were born in

    customer tells you they have a British passport and it’s the one they sent with their application (or reported lost) regardless of where they live


    Looks to me like the statement I've highlighted covers him, but as I previously wrote, no-one has actually  asked him if he has a second passport.


    Thanks for the information.

    Does you son hold a Thai passport or did he ever hold one? if he did/does what name is in it, even if it is expired

  3. It is now a criminal offence not to declare another  passport, there is a box to tick on the application form then you have to copy the pages to accompany the new application, and yes names must match in both passports, these changes came about in 2016



    page 34 and 35 are worth reading

  4. Just now, mtls2005 said:

    I think sites are always updating their blacklists, access rules are probably detailed in your terms and conditions with them.



    Which banks/sites do you envision challenges? Do they currently geo-restrict access? I'd think that would be challenging as millions of people travel and expect to be able to access their accounts.




    I just sense a change, i have used a VPN in excess of 5 years. never an issue, i can understand blocking streaming of live sports which has happened to me twice in the last month, but today 2 sites of general interest block me saying the VPN is an issue, turn it off and i get access. with reference to banking the issue i see at least for UK residents if using a VPN to access your account and this was blocked forcing you to use your true location, the bank might start asking questions and close accounts when they see you are not UK resident(short term on holiday etc not an issue)  for what it is worth my bank closed my account last year they said i was not resident been with them for 30 years. though i have a UK address no idea how they found out, and last week on the forum someone using using the BBC IPLAYER was denied access after years the reason given using a VPN

  5. i have noticed over the last month or so i am no longer able to use a VPN to access some uk sites, these are not banned sites  but immigration and such, the reason i get is using a VPN.   and 2 sites i used for live sports also changed last week to deny access(if the VPN is turned off i get access though not to streaming sports, is something changing, and how long before the same happens to banking sites

  6. You might try contacting the British embassy in Bangkok, it seems they might provide the service, see below

    Transferring your Thai visa after renewing your British passport

    This service is available in person at VFS Bangkok or online and is free of charge.

    The Immigration Bureau in Thailand may require a letter from the British Embassy in order for you to transfer your visa from your old to your new British passport.

    1. VFS Bangkok will give you a template letter when you collect your new passport from their office. Alternatively the British Embassy Bangkok can post a template letter to you at an address in Thailand. To request this service send a message via our online contact form, giving the reason for your request along with your name and address.

    2. Add your personal details by hand and submit the completed letter to the Immigration Bureau along with your passport(s).



    • Like 2
  7. I would use an international insurance if you actually want cover, or if it is just to meet healthcare for your visa then use a thai insurer.  if things go wrong with the Thai insurer it is not like the west where complaints are acted on and if not you are free to post your experience, and if not satisfied you can go to the ombudsman,  throw in the strict libel/defamation laws in Thailand. you have very little come back




  8. 3 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Yeah I have access to a married extension and of course once I turn 50 I can do retirement options.. I have a few ways I can go. 

    I just like the get the visa, come and go frequently for 5 years, one visit, keep doing it out to 10 years.. That sounds pretty low effort if you travel a bit. 

    Did they tell you to come back and show you still had the 1.8 (or 1.5 or whatever) in the account a year later.. And how did you time that if you were in out of the country ?? 2 OX folks I asked didnt do this, and didnt even know they were supposed to do this. I have no idea if that will make problems at the 5 year mark. They thought the obligation was just 3m at issue and visit again at 5 years. 

    Immigration at CW just said come back when your passport expires to have stamp transferred, no mention was made of the money or insurance. i made a point of going to different officers, and they all said the same thing,  one thing an immigration officer said when i mentioned what an embassy website said about report yearly to immigration for health/money check, they said ask them why they put that there it is not our rules, with reference to the money, as you can reduce the 3m to 1.5m after a year i am not sure what they would look for i can not see them going through 1.5m of receipts (a suitcase of them) to see if the money was spent in Thailand.  i did phone immigration on 1178 and ask them they gave the same answer go when passport expires or 5 years is up, i also sent emails in Thai and english but they were never answered.

  9. 4 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Sorry had a brain fade I thought that was OX in the OP.. Possibly as I assume the OA MUST use a local company for extension.. 


    Its the OX visa and its insurance I am interested in and for a frequent traveller like myself (pre covid but to restart again this year) the appeal of a 5 year visa (2x) and nearly no local interaction is v high. 

    I have on 0-X visa, like you i was a frequent traveler only in my mid 50s, spend about 8 years doing visa exempt entries, until about 3 years ago, when they started questioning my visits would come 5 or 6 times a year,  the only downside was reporting yearly to immigration, however at CW they told me no need to report just come back when passport expires or 5 years is up.  the insurance required from tgia does not have as many companies as the O-A visa, but as i was only mid 50s the insurance was fairly cheap. and if you are never here for 90 days in a row then no 90 day reports,  it is a great option for some.

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