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Posts posted by howerde

  1. We have a maid Bangkok though, honesty is a problem most maids here are from Myanmar, the maids on my moobaan do not seem to cook there might be some child minding, but not for long, ours is trustworthy never had anything go missing, (few months ago someone on a nearby estate were robbed by an insider)but given the nature of the job, it is not a job many want, we pay ours 1000 a day 1 day a week only, but she is superb, every corner of the house cleaned inside and out, she is 68 now and cycles 2 miles to our house, when she can no longer work i suspect i may well be the maid, do not even think that one of those massage girls would do any hard work, mostly lazy hence massage job. we got ours as she was working for the mooban when is was being built, she dropped the others i guess as Thais they pay her less. do not listen to those who quote 300 baht minimum wage for that sort of money you will get someone who will do little to no work, more likely spend time on phone, there is no such thing a good cheap staff.

    ps I should have added she speaks no english,

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  2. 14 minutes ago, teelac777 said:

    Whatever money was spent or squandered while marriage and business were intact is water under the bridge.  I would scrap the Thai lawyer idea in your place.

    You were married in Bang Rak, but if your marriage was not registered in the UK it does not exist in UK law.

    What is wife's immigration status in the UK?  If your marriage was registered and she entered the UK as your wife, you need to move assets and legally separate quickly or she may try to grab half.  Maybe that's why she's in the UK.

    If you can prove that assets in hand in UK were acquired before marriage then maybe she has no legal claim on them, depends on any "no fault" laws in play.

    If she is in the UK what is her immigration status?

    Not the case if he registered a marriage in Thailand then it is automatically recognized in the UK, if divorce proceedings take place in the UK then all assets anywhere in the world can be taken into consideration(Scotland an N Ireland might have some differences.

    See if you can talk to her and see what she wants

    And get a consultation with a UK solicitor as mentioned 

  3. 4 hours ago, wtboatr said:

    Since I will quality, I'm very interested in obtaining the LTR visa based on my pension income.  The benefits for me are:


    * No 90 day reporting

    * The ability to obtain a work permit

    * The ability to start a business without the need to hire Thai's.

    * The ability to pay taxes and quality for PR or Citizenship.


    If I obtain this LTR visa based on my pension income, will I still be able to start a business in Thailand and pay taxes on the profits?  I want to pay 3 years of taxes in order to to qualify for PR or Citizenship.


    The Thailand Elite Visa and "retirement visa" don't allow the visa holder to work in Thailand.  Therefore there's no path to PR or Citizenship.


    Thank you,

    You do not get a work permit or any of the other points you mention if you are using the  Foreign retirees option 'Wealthy Pensioner', if you want to work or set up a business then you need to use 1 of the other 3 options


  4. 8 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

    Good thinking! It is possible she may have signed as guarantor, I don't know. The moto remains at our house covered with a large sheet. In any event, it all boils down to paying for something that you neither need nor want. That's what happens when you try to help somebody out.

    I speak as someone who has been coming to Thailand for 30 years, met countless guys with Thai wives, all i can say lending money relending money and it goes on, seems almost to be a way of life, i came to conclusion to stay out a long time ago, you will have better chance of nailing jelly to the wall, than getting a straight answer in Thailand, all the best and hope it works out

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Certainly Thai air can dictate some silly prices to LHR direct, but if BA return and EVA  return to normal then those prices will have to go down. Personally I think its about lack of airline choice and profiteering rather than fuel cost

    Eva have returned, but only 3 times a week an their fares are not that cheap out july 26 back 16 Aug nearly 2000 pounds economy return , though out Sep back october cheapest 800 return, i don't dare look what xmas is going to show, lets hope prices do fall, time will tell

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Trudy said:

    Well this was my thought! I think it’s possible to book something pretty cheap at the airport if they’re stopped and asked by immigration 

    Yes what i would do, they have a return ticket, i doubt check in will notice. immigration will not care, but good to have a back up 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Trudy said:

    Oh amazing so their Apr 23 flight out of the country will be sufficient ????????

    Not strictly, if they enter on a 60 day tourist visa, then the return flight/onward travel needs to be within that 60 days, of course we don't know if check in will notice the return is over 60days, depends on your risk appetite,

  8. 1 hour ago, Trudy said:

    They’re applying for a 60 day visa in England which states they need to show proof of leaving the country. Their return flight out of Thailand isn’t until April 23. They plan on crossing a land border and reentering after the 60 days to get another 30 then fly to Vietnam in Jan. they will re-enter Thailand again in March (over land) 

    If entering on a 60 day tourist visa this can be extended in Thailand at an immigration office  1900 baht for 30 days, no need to leave the country unless you want to, a return ticket or onward travel may be required by the airline in this case within the 60 days(finair state this on their website), when i entered on a single ticket i was always asked for a return flight(eva air and thai). 

    up to you if they want to chance it, it can be any ticket to anywhere within the 60 day visa there are cheap one way tickets out of thailand just look on internet,

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 6/19/2022 at 10:13 AM, Tofer said:

    Fair point, no mention of that as yet. But, I assume it can't be any worse than the current marriage visa extension requirements in terms of bureaucracy , and if all your documents are in order, it's just a copy and repeat exercise, hopefully.


    I would agree, there would possibly be some mechanism to ensure that you are still invested in Thailand in the sums required.


    Our investment is property, and we have no intention of selling unless we're made a ridiculous offer. But even then, we still own the remainder of our land in our chosen location, and would build ourselves another home, and will continue to qualify.

    If you investments/savings are in joint names/company etc, how do you know you will qualify. everything might need to be in your name only, as per other visas, not having a go just curios, i don't qualify for this, but i have an 0-X visa that gives me 10 years and dont need anything like the proposed visa requirements, and as a bonus i was told i do not have to attend immigration every year to show my documents.(of course you need to be from 1 of the 10 countries that can apply) 

  10. 17 hours ago, mudcat said:

    I await the details.

    Does this free up the "car in the carport" 400,000/800,000 baht bank deposit?

    Moving visa to a new passport same as moving an extension?

    Does the USD 80,000 need to move to Thailand  and if so how much of it?

    My limited understanding is that these LTR visas can only be applied for outside the country, via embassy and consulates, details seem rather sketchy and not much info on the health insurance requirement( i wonder if the wording required will mean you end up having to purchase the insurance via a Thai insurance company) i very much doubt the money can sit in your home country, but lets see. and you have to visit immigration every year "lets see what immigration want to see"

  11. 8 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Has anyone been told they can't travel during renewal of passport and by what office?

    have a look at you gov it says this https://www.passport.service.gov.uk/overseas/information/thailand/renew/adult


    You must also bring your current passport with you when you apply, and a full colour photocopy of the entire passport (every page including blank pages).


    You can’t travel with it after you’ve applied for a new one - but you will be able to keep your existing passport for ID purposes.



    You’ll need to book an appointment by email. Include your first name and last name and 3 alternative dates and times. You will receive an email confirming your appointment.

    UK Visa Application Centre
    The Trendy Office Building,
    8th Floor,
    Sukhumvit Soi13,
    Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana

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  12. 5 minutes ago, MajorTom said:

    That's strange. One of the main reasons for being issued a second passport is to be able to travel if one is locked up in a visa or renewal procedure. At least that's what it states in the letter from my employer I have to show when i renew mine. (I have done what the OP intends to do several times, although not with a British passport)


    I can't speak for UK procedures. But if you have to send them both in at renewal, it would undermine the main point of being issued dual passports in the first place.

    Also, section 3 does not mention this exact situation. It lists expired passports, passports included as a child, and passports from other countries.


    It does cover this see section 3b, all uncancelled passports to be sent

    A Has the person named in section 2 had any sort of passport (British or otherwise) or been included in any passport before? B You must send us all uncancelled passports with the application (say how many in the box). If the passports are lost or stolen, go to 3C.



  13. Be careful i have posted links for applying from overseas, section 3 is important, you have to declare all current passports and according to section 3 THEY have to be sent with application, there was a poster on here about 2 months ago who sent his passport to the UK  and had a family member send the passport, (his passport only had a few weeks to run and not enough time in Thailand to do it) they would not process it until he sent his other UK passport, i would check with ukvi in Thailand if you have to send the second passport or if they would just copy, please let us know the outcome, do not lie and say you do not have another passport as they know you have.






    • Thanks 1
  14. If your insurance company will not sign the form, then you will have to get a Thai policy look at the tgia you mention.

    The 40 000/ 400000 sums has now changed to  . for new 0-A visa 100 000 USD  to cover both inpatient/outpatient cover

    • You would be better just using  a non o retirement  no insurance need  other than 10 000 USD cover required for the Thai Pass
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