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Posts posted by howerde

  1. 1 minute ago, edwinchester said:

    When I called HMPO they had all my daughter's details at hand on the screen in front of them.

    That is likely because you gave them your daughters name when you phoned them, and they told you what you wanted to hear, exaggerating what they can see, did they tell you they were a third party or did you believe you were talking to an HMPO employee, i dont think you can read the article unless you subscribe, but it is all in the article

  2. When you call HMPO you actually speak to someone working for a third party  'teleperformance' (french company  and due data protection they can not see your details or anything on the HMPO system, all they can do is email HMPO, on your behalf  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/04/28/company-behind-passport-call-centre-chaos-reprimanded-home-office/

  3. Yes not clear you gov Thailand says

    UK Emergency Travel Documents

    UK Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) are accepted for entry, airside transit and exit from Thailand. If you’re planning to enter Thailand using a UK ETD, you should contact the nearest Thai Embassy or Consulate before you travel to seek advice about whether a visa is required. If you’re requesting a 2-way ETD from Thailand, you must provide proof that you have a non-immigrant visa.


    Good luck



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  4. Have a look, i am not sure you can use it to get visa



    UK Emergency Travel Documents

    UK Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) are accepted for entry, airside transit and exit from Laos. If you’re planning to enter Laos using a UK ETD you should contact the nearest Lao embassy or consulate to get the appropriate visa before you travel.

    If your passport has been lost or stolen, you must report the loss or theft to the nearest police station and get a police report. You will then need to get a certificate of loss from the Immigration Department in Vientiane, which usually takes 1 to 2 working days. After getting an ETD from the British Embassy, you will need to get an exit visa from the Lao Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which takes up to 3 days.






  5. I have a no O-X  and was thinking about changing mine as it is not much use to me now.

    Has your friend reported every years to immigration to have documents checked, and at immigration have they checked the medical insurance?

    When i went last year, i was told by immigration that there is no need to report yearly( my office is Chang Wattana Bangkok),

    i queried it and showed them the print out from London embassy website, they were very blunt,  ask London why that is on their website, they are not our rules ,

    i did ask different people and they all said the same i  entered Thailand, last week  and no medical insurance was asked for by immigration.

    I called the immigration hot line  1178 and they told me the same no need to go to immigration every year, though they never replied to emails in both English and Thai.

    I am considering not renewing my health insurance and was going to change my permission to stay, i found this on the consular website

    - Foreigners who enter Thailand with Non-O-X visa may change from Non-O-X to other type of Visa by submitting request to the Immigration Bureau. Spouse and child’s visa approval will be changed according to status of the main applicant. However, spouse can apply for Non-O-X by himself/ herself if he/she meets the qualifications.





    This was my plan, though i can see it not working, if this did not work, then i would just leave Thailand and enter on a new passport.


    The airline will not check the insurance or anything else, if he has a visa that is good enough for them, have they ever had to show immigration the insurance?



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  6. have you opened a government gateway account,  https://www.gov.uk/log-in-register-hmrc-online-services

    Everything can be done online, i have just had my 2021-2022 tax bill sorted, i owe 62 pounds, like you i have 2 pensions and it takes time for them to sort out, if you have a work place pension and state pension then there is no need for a self assessment, either send an online form or call them. Don't worry if you owe tax they WILL collect it

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    • Haha 1
  7.  I believe, even though the expiration date is 2026, because I understand that's when I must go to immigration and pay a fee to renew if I don't exit and re-enter the country before then)? 

    if you do not leave Thailand then you must go to immigration every year pay 1900baht, not 2026, you get a year each time you enter. when was the last time you entered Thailand?

  8. The  way to do things in Thailand, go to the hospitals website, the doctors will have a bio, and they will be grouped by their field, ent etc etc, i only would see a doctor that has trained or spent time in the west, i have doctors like this very open to discuss your concerns and you can actually question their diagnosis, they should explain the tests you need and why also show you the results and again explain.  You will find that it is likely that you will get someone who is not EMPLOYED by the hospital, but a well qualified doctor who might have a number of clinics at different hospitals


    The 2 times i did not follow my advice, and took the hospitals advice i ended up with doctors who had already made up their mind, on the treatment, would not discuss and show me the results, i put this down to the KPI'S, where the doctors have a review probably monthly, ie prescriptions tests and the like that are good earners for hospitals, out side doctors don have to put up with it.

    Also it is not only foreigners that have these issues

  9. 1 hour ago, Photoguy21 said:

    I have an account with Lloyds in the UK and it has my Thai address attached to it.

    Was that set up a few years ago? I bank with lloyds and last year i enquired about a Thai address, and they said you need to be resident in the UK to have an account and cards etc would only be sent to a uk address, if i was no longer resident they said i would have to close my account and they suggested lloyds, Jersey or Guernsey

    • Thanks 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, JimGant said:

    So, is the permission of stay stamp I get in my passport good for 10 years -- or for only 5, at which time I need to requalify, and to visit Immigration for another, presumably 5 year, stamp? If so, this is really a 5 year visa extension program. But, so what -- beats going to Imm every year. Or, if it's a 10 year stamp, and I fail to requalify at the 5 year mark -- I then have to visit Imm to have the stamp cancelled -- and be told I'm now in the country illegally...... Hmmmm.


    Forget the 10 year stamp, as I just reread the following:

    An LTR will initially be granted for not more than five years,


    Thus, these are really 5 year permissions, not 10 year.

    Correct, the initial stamp is for 5 years, someone in this topic, posted the rules, the information is then checked at the 5 year point to make sure you are eligable for a further 5 years,  this is not unusual as Elite via holders and O-X visa holders also get stamped for 5 years,  you still have to go to immigration every year, think this is just the 90 day report

  11. 6 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    In my past experience female IO are always best to avoid if possible. I've always had worse experience with them as they get nosy and rude when they think you "come a lot". And heaven forbid you tell one you have a Thai wife or girlfriend - she will kick you out of the country! I guess they're really annoyed with dirty farang coming to Thailand and stealing the women (while she probably lives alone with her cats - the only creatures who can sort of stand her).

    Add to that young new looking IO's male/female they might be a bit keener, i always queued up with a middle aged male IO, i reckon they are more interested  in what beer to have after finishing work, 

    i had the same issue 8 years coming to Thailand visa exempt 4/5 times a year, never an issue, til the fateful day at Ranong , back from a day snorkeling, in Myanmar, there were 2 middle  aged female IO'S  she threw my passport at me said where is your Myanmar exit visa after showing her it, mmmmm you come a lot, then went to talk to someone, stamped me in, after that i just got a retirement visa, even though i never spent more than 90 days a year here. 

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  12. 20 minutes ago, DodgerRodger said:

    I emailed BOI on this very question just over a week ago.  No reply as yet, although another question I asked was responded to in about 4 days.  I'll post any reply I get.

    Poster mudcat posted on the 6 Aug, some info some of it shows

    An LTR will initially be granted for not more than five years, but may be extended for an additional five years. However, to extend the visa, the LTR holder must reapply for a COQ.  

    • Like 1
  13. While a Thai 5 year license is accepted to drive legally, the hire company might require an IDP(given this only costs a few bah)t i would get it, the following is from the Avis rent a car site, which seems to indicate an international license is needed, there is no international license, but i think they mean international driving permit


    You and any additional drivers must have held a driving licence for a year. Please bring your licence(s) to vehicle collection. Bring your INTERNATIONAL DRIVING LICENSEe or a notarised English translation if:

    • You’re renting outside of Europe and your driving licence was issued in Europe.
    • Your licence was issued in a non-roman alphabet like Arabic, Greek, Russian, Hebrew or Japanese.
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